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Can anybody identify this movie
Published 30/11/2006 @ 15:16:57, By leroi
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Can anybody identify this movie
Published 30/11/2006 @ 20:25:52, By modell
Back to the Future???

From looking at this page, it appears to be a 1937-1938 Cadillac-

But I don't see any 1937-1938 Caddies on this site with the red ring on the tires.

Latest Edition: 30/11/2006 @ 20:51:23
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Can anybody identify this movie
Published 03/02/2007 @ 13:03:57, By MrCadillac
Hello Modell. What you see is not a "red ring on the tires"; it is the actual wheel rim that is painted red. The wheel cover does not hide the entire rim, as in later years.
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