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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 31/05/2007 @ 10:35:01, By antp

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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 19/08/2007 @ 22:05:23, By antp
A C3 Pluriel in USA:
(I tried to post a comment saying that it was a C3 and not a New Beetle but my message does not seem to appear...)
(edit: and now my message appears three times :halalala: )

Latest Edition: 20/08/2007 @ 10:54:46
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 10/09/2007 @ 05:50:05, By IRT_BMT_IND
Someone abandoned an old Peugeot 505 in my neighborhood last year. It was there for like 6 months before it was towed away.
Also, when I was in Ottawa, i saw a Citroen C6 at the French embassy. Interesting looking car, to say the least.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 09/02/2008 @ 19:51:28, By antp
It seems that there in USA many of the recent Peugeot seen are registered in New Jersey, this probably has a link with the fact that the last official Peugeot garage/office in USA is there.

e.g. 407 Coupé restyled 307: USA_PLAQUE.jpg

( from ost=0&print=0&numreponse=0"e_only=0&new=0&nojs=0 )

Latest Edition: 09/02/2008 @ 19:52:03
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 10/02/2008 @ 00:05:02, By CarChasesFanatic
Neptune will like the 307 pic.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 10/02/2008 @ 01:05:54, By Neptune
:wam: A 307 in New Jersey?

... and yes, I like that little car (don’t really know why, I just do) :grin:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 10/02/2008 @ 01:06:41, By CarChasesFanatic
It's not impossible to buy one you see :grin:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 10/02/2008 @ 01:09:17, By Neptune
Indeed ... :wam:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 10/02/2008 @ 13:48:21, By antp
It's not impossible to buy one you see :grin:

Well, it is: these are not general public plates, they are manufacturer plates (or something like that). It is still not possible for anyone to easily register a Peugeot in USA as far as I know.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 13/02/2008 @ 23:58:29, By antp
And a 407 SW:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 14/02/2008 @ 00:33:08, By CarChasesFanatic
But what the hell are they doing there??!! :grin: Id really love to see the reaction of an american car fan seing one of these on the road :tongue:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 14/02/2008 @ 00:46:37, By antp
Note that it is still the same series of manufacturer plates. Sure that Peugeot is doing something there...
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 14/02/2008 @ 01:03:30, By CarChasesFanatic
Hmm, the question is what... :heink:

Latest Edition: 14/02/2008 @ 01:04:03
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 16/03/2008 @ 15:16:24, By Gag Halfrunt
There have been rumours that Peugeot is thinking of returning to the US market, so perhaps they've shipped cars over for market research and/or testing to see whether it would be possible to "federalize" them. Evidently, as a manufacturer they have some leeway to import non-compliant cars for their own use. Perhaps they're officially regarded as prototypes.

Latest Edition: 16/03/2008 @ 15:27:01
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 17/03/2008 @ 22:24:43, By antp
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 19/03/2008 @ 15:06:38, By IRT_BMT_IND
In Canada, the ministry of transportation publishes a list of cars that can be imported. Only cars that are 15 years or older or on the list can be imported.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 07/04/2008 @ 11:50:40, By antp
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 07/04/2008 @ 18:21:37, By CarChasesFanatic
The Master nice! :grin: ive checked the whole post dedicated to the european cars in the US, how interesting, there are models that are ncie to see there, they have to be pure rarities :grin: just great, i wonder if, in the cases like this Master, or the Avantime that i saw that had never been sold there officially, the headlights have been changed... because if not, they cannot be driven overnight or can they?
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 07/04/2008 @ 18:48:57, By Leoz
In movies 'Gone in 60 Seconds' and the unreleased sequal. 1962 Peugeot 404:
Renault Encore:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 07/04/2008 @ 19:01:40, By CarChasesFanatic
Well the thing is to find them nowadays, and the Encore is not specially that rare compared to others, we already have a few in movies, dont post those links here, not to be rude but, as i said the thing is to find "real pictures" of them in the streets :wink:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 07/04/2008 @ 21:59:06, By Leoz
Sorry, I was not paying attention. :2501:
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