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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 23/05/2008 @ 13:24:25, By antp
If I had to live in USA for some time, I'd probably buy a '91 or '92 Caprice, which is just an old car there, and then bring it back here :smile:
And in the opposite way, it would be funny to drive my 206sw there, which is here quite anonymous :grin: (even if much less common in Belgium than in France)

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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 23/05/2008 @ 17:23:33, By Gag Halfrunt
In reference to what we were talking about the other day, i have found several non-US spec cars registered in the US and therefore roadlegal.:D

The Fiat 500 and 600 are exempt from US regulations because they were over twenty-five years old when imported. The Mercedes-Benz and the Chevrolet Astra must have slipped through the net, which seems to happen sometimes. I once read about a Peugeot 206 cabriolet which was used to smuggle drugs from Mexico to the US. It was seized by the DEA and put up for auction, and in the process managed to acquire Texas (I think) license plates. I suppose that it got through because it never went through the official importation process and so was never examined to determine whether it complied with US regulations.

Latest Edition: 23/05/2008 @ 17:26:39
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 23/05/2008 @ 17:49:24, By CarChasesFanatic
If I had to live in USA for some time, I'd probably buy a '91 or '92 Caprice, which is just an old car there, and then bring it back here :smile:
And in the opposite way, it would be funny to drive my 206sw there, which is here quite anonymous :grin: (even if much less common in Belgium than in France)

Exactly :grin: i'd love to buy an american car and bring it to Spain too, its easy since you can import any car you want.

It would be fun to see people reactions when seing a european car driving around :grin:

The Mercedes-Benz and the Chevrolet Astra must have slipped through the net, which seems to happen sometimes. I once read about a Peugeot 206 cabriolet which was used to smuggle drugs from Mexico to the US. It was seized by the DEA and put up for auction, and in the process managed to acquire Texas (I think) license plates. I suppose that it got through because it never went through the official importation process and so was never examined to determine whether it complied with US regulations.

I dont understand it, what's to "slip through the net" ? both cases seem to be normal, in the case of the Astra the owner said he had bought it and sued it for his company or something like that, no? and in the case of the Mercedes it is said to had been imported, where's the strange thing? :think:

Latest Edition: 23/05/2008 @ 20:43:33
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 23/05/2008 @ 19:37:04, By antp
nowadays that's easier since you can import any car you want.

What do you mean?
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 23/05/2008 @ 20:44:09, By CarChasesFanatic
Ive changed it, it makes more sense now i guess.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 23/05/2008 @ 21:03:43, By antp
Well I still do not get it: you can't register so easily a US car, no? In France I know that it is quite difficult.

In Belgium I think that you can bring your car and register easily if you lived in USA for some time (3 or 6 months) and that it was your car, but that's the only exception as far as I remember. Maybe it was that thing that you were meaning?

Latest Edition: 23/05/2008 @ 21:04:36
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 23/05/2008 @ 21:37:52, By CarChasesFanatic
No i mean that i dotn think yuo would have any problems to register an american car in Spain, but now you say that and you make me doubt, perhaps there's some kind of regulation, i dont think so though, but youve made me think.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 23/05/2008 @ 22:23:26, By chris40
Although an individual import wouldn't be subject to type approval as such, I imagine you'ld have to alter lights etc. to conform with European regulations?
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 24/05/2008 @ 03:44:40, By Neptune

Latest Edition: 05/07/2011 @ 19:28:42
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 24/05/2008 @ 09:23:53, By antp

#2 Once settled, I would make a beeline to the nearest Peugeot dealership and purchase a 307. Or maybe a 1007 (I know its sort of like a minivan, but it looks neat with the two sliding main access doors) It doesn’t look like a traditional American minivan, which I like.

The 307 is not sold anymore new, it would be second-hand :grin:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 24/05/2008 @ 12:33:56, By CarChasesFanatic
The 307 is not sold anymore new, it would be second-hand :grin:

It is still sold, the 307 hatchback, the one that Neptune likes is still available in Spain and Italy, not in Belgium, France, Germany or the United Kingdom apparently, only the cabrio and the Station Wagon versions are available in a few countries.

#2 Once settled, I would make a beeline to the nearest Peugeot dealership and purchase a 307. Or maybe a 1007 (I know its sort of like a minivan, but it looks neat with the two sliding main access doors) It doesn’t look like a traditional American minivan, which I like.

Neptune the 1007 is too far from being a minivan! its just a small two seater hatchback with sliding doors, not much you can do with it, and depending in where city you would stay you could perhaps keep your Expedition and leave pedestrians like :wam: if you'd go to a city like Madrid or Barcelona with its big avenues you wouldnt have a problem :grin:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 25/05/2008 @ 03:40:45, By Neptune
Well, in reality, if I were to ever move to Europe (for whatever reason) I don't think I would bring any vehicles over with me. Not sure.

Latest Edition: 05/07/2011 @ 19:24:33
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 25/05/2008 @ 14:22:07, By ingo
My dream is to travel around the USA -especially along the Route 66- with my VW K 70. The shipping should be possible, also possible to pay, but I think, I would be the whole time over there quite nervous about a crash or a breakdown. So I should pack a set of important spare-parts into the car. I always do it, when I make trips with my car, here in Germany, or in other European countries.
Over here in Europe I know all other K 0-freaks and I have their phone-numbers in my mobile-phone, for the case of a breakdown or other problems (or just for a short visit) - but in the USA I wouldn't have that possibility. Actually there are only 3 single car known over there.
About the spare-part-problem: recently 2 of the 3 K 70 in the USA had broken windshield. Can you imagine, what a drama we had, to transport a set of 5 new windscreens to the USA?
This is the point, which makes me afraid of my dream-trip, with my K 70 along the Route 66.

It's an ugly problem, that cars, you want to ship across the ocean, have to be totally empty (except exports to Black Africa, they are full with od washing-machines, furniture and other garbage), which means, that you have to send all the parts extra by airmail.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 25/05/2008 @ 14:24:15, By ingo
And last, but not least: here in Europe you will not have a good use for big SUV's like an Expedition.
The fuel-prices are extreme high (ca.100% more than in the US), the streets and the parking-lots are smaller and so on.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 25/05/2008 @ 19:07:56, By Neptune
And last, but not least: here in Europe you will not have a good use for big SUV's like an Expedition.

Indeed, that would be another good reason not to bring one over. I am surprise that anyone in Europe would want one anyway.

>> CCF: So when will the hatchback 307 get replaced in Spain?
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 25/05/2008 @ 19:17:07, By antp
The 308 is already sold there, but sometimes they keep the old model as cheaper one.

For example the 206 is still available with basic engines & trim here in Belgium despite the launch of the 207.

To come back to the 307, on they do not list it anymore: only the CC and SW versions are listed.

Latest Edition: 25/05/2008 @ 19:18:32
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 25/05/2008 @ 20:49:29, By Neptune
Oh I see. So it’s existence is temporarily prolonged as a base (cheap) model, no?
When will that stop being offered (if that is info is known) ?
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 25/05/2008 @ 20:55:49, By antp
Well, as I said it seems that it is not even on Peugeot Spain website anymore, so I do not know where Ccf got the info that it was still sold.
And in Italy they only have the CC.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 25/05/2008 @ 23:28:21, By CarChasesFanatic
Hmm i was wrong im afraid, i entered the following link and saw the picture of it so i thought it was still being sold, but now ive just realize that on the info they list the several models with "CC" or "SW" depending on the type of model, but nothing about the hatchback model, Antoine is right, i dont know why they keep the picture for the hatchback model if its no longer in production :ohwell:

And the same for Italy, if you click on 307 you get the picture of the hatchback but then if you ask for more information they jsut show you the convertible.

Sorry then, i was wrong.

Latest Edition: 25/05/2008 @ 23:29:59
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 25/05/2008 @ 23:32:14, By CarChasesFanatic
Indeed, that would be another good reason not to bring one over. I am surprise that anyone in Europe would want one anyway.

If something that big like Escalades are sold why not an Expy? i woudlnt find it that rare honestly.
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