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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 25/05/2008 @ 23:32:14, By CarChasesFanatic
Indeed, that would be another good reason not to bring one over. I am surprise that anyone in Europe would want one anyway.

If something that big like Escalades are sold why not an Expy? i woudlnt find it that rare honestly.

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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 26/05/2008 @ 13:54:19, By antp
Escalade has a kind of image that the Expedition does not have. They do not use Expedition in videoclips etc. :grin:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 26/05/2008 @ 19:19:00, By ingo
I've heard, that in one country you can make money with importing big and strong 4x4-cars (real ones, not lifestyle-garbage like SUV's or toys like a Suzuki Vitara): Iceland!

Everything over there is very expensive, cars too. So you shall get a high price for an private imported, strong 4x4-Jeep, like Land Rover, Landcruiser, Pajero, Mercedes G-Klasse and so on.
If you can discuss the price well, perhaps you have some money more afterwards, to lower the high ferry-boat-fares.
But before you should make a nice vacation-trip around that fascinating island.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 31/05/2008 @ 20:50:01, By CarChasesFanatic
Cool! :wow: i'd surely love to own one if i lived there! by the way i dont understand the following:

Please note, eBay would not take the Vin as it was never a car registered in America. Thus the 1980 designation. But it is a 2000 year model.

What is it about?
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 31/05/2008 @ 21:11:20, By antp
I'd love to have one even here :grin: That 406 coupé is really good-looking :smile:

The thing about the VIN is that on Ebay Motors USA you have to put the VIN of the vehicle in a field, so it automatically gets some info (like the year I guess). But VIN of cars which were never registered in USA are not accepted, so the car is shown with "1980" as model-year in front of "Peugeot".
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 31/05/2008 @ 21:17:28, By CarChasesFanatic
And why does it show it as a 1980 number instead of leaving it in blank?
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 31/05/2008 @ 21:24:29, By antp
I guess it is a bug of Ebay, how can I know :tongue:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 02/06/2008 @ 16:54:34, By antp
nice :grin:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 02/06/2008 @ 21:16:51, By Gag Halfrunt
The 406, the Twingo and the XM are all registered in Florida. Perhaps the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles has a more relaxed attitude towards non-US model cars.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 17/05/2010 @ 16:18:10, By antp
I re-up this topic:

The only US-specs Peugeot 205 GTI sold new back in time Peugeot was selling cars in USA: (pic from last year)

source: post=0&print=0&numreponse=0"e_only=0&new=0&nojs=0#t16344899

Latest Edition: 17/05/2010 @ 16:18:31
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 17/05/2010 @ 20:51:11, By Gag Halfrunt
There are comments on Forum Auto saying that this 205 might have been imported privately from Switzerland, which, like the US, required catalytic converters before France did. (It has a Swiss dealer sticker on the back window.) Apparently the Citroen CXs imported by CXA were sourced from Switzerland.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 07/06/2010 @ 09:17:42, By t0nkatracker
1950 Citroen Traction Avant for sale in washington DC
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 07/06/2010 @ 09:29:57, By t0nkatracker
Renault R5 Turbo 2 for sale in Arizona:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 27/09/2010 @ 18:42:42, By ingo
Nice link. The postcards reminding me to a friend. He has the world's biggest collection (resp.the only one) of postcards with K 70 on. :smile:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 27/09/2010 @ 18:43:56, By chicomarx
That black BX is at a college in Québec, Canada. It surely has a francophile owner.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 27/09/2010 @ 19:29:28, By ingo
Hadn't he to change the plates?
I don't know the Canadian rules about that.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 27/09/2010 @ 20:22:07, By Gag Halfrunt
The BX has a Quebec plate at the back. Quebec doesn't issue front plates, so the owner kept the French front plate for fun.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 27/09/2010 @ 21:24:58, By badlymad
Hadn't he to change the plates?
I don't know the Canadian rules about that.

Quebec, Alberta, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland & Labrador and all the territories do not require front license plates, so you can put a custom plate up front if you wanted.
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