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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 27/09/2010 @ 21:24:58, By badlymad
Hadn't he to change the plates?
I don't know the Canadian rules about that.

Quebec, Alberta, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland & Labrador and all the territories do not require front license plates, so you can put a custom plate up front if you wanted.

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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 30/09/2010 @ 16:43:55, By antp
Still from the same source as my previous message, a test of the CXA XM :

And a Peugeot 505 coupé :wam:!!srDyqgBm0~$(KGrHqV,!h0E)q2-qTm)BMb!PsqPBQ~~_19.jpg


It must be one of the prototypes made, since it was never mass-produced
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 30/09/2010 @ 20:09:39, By Sandie
Shame they weren't.

Looks great!
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 30/09/2010 @ 20:45:30, By ingo
I don't know, if the photo is stille here, which I've posted some months ago. This two-door-505-prototype was shown on the 2010 "Techno Classica"-show.

Together with:

Sorry, there are gone

Latest Edition: 30/09/2010 @ 20:57:27
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 30/09/2010 @ 22:27:13, By antp
And as I backup only &, I do not have a copy of the pics either...
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 30/09/2010 @ 22:54:07, By ingo
Then we take pictures from other people: :smile:

Hmmm, this guy made a plenty of photos - but I cannot find us. :oh:

But otherwise were are namely mentioned in the official press-release from the organisator and by Volkswagen, too. :sol: roup_techno_classica_2010.html

Otherwise this prominent publishing of our club's name wasn't too helpful for us. The results, were are really intereted in, were weak as the years before, when we had been there just as one VW-club among the others.

Latest Edition: 30/09/2010 @ 23:57:44
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 01/10/2010 @ 00:03:15, By ingo
It seems, that there were enough cars exported to the USA, that a few clubs could be founded:

..for Citroen. I haven't found an American Peugeot-club.

But for Simca!

and Panhard!!

Latest Edition: 01/10/2010 @ 00:04:00
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 17/10/2010 @ 14:49:09, By ingo
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 20/11/2010 @ 00:04:28, By Sandie
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 09/01/2011 @ 12:38:28, By antp
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 12/05/2011 @ 13:23:00, By antp
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 14/06/2011 @ 17:37:32, By antp
A few French cars in USA:
link found on forum-auto

Latest Edition: 14/06/2011 @ 17:37:43
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 01/07/2011 @ 22:28:25, By t0nkatracker
does Peugeot have offices or something in New Jersey?!? most of those non-US cars had NJ plates and the ones I could see had Manufacturers plates (meaning that the car is registered to the manufacturer) on them.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 01/07/2011 @ 23:05:05, By antp
Yes they still have an office, mainly for parts

Automobiles Peugeot has sold vehicles in the USA from 1959 to 1992, mostly 403, 404, 304, 504, 604, 505 and 405. It is represented by Peugeot Motors of America, Inc , which maintains an inventory of replacement parts and documentation necessary for the maintenance or repair of the most recently sold vehicles and provides technical support
to a network of service points in the USA and Canada.

To locate a service point please contact:

Peugeot Motors of America Inc.
Overlook at Great Notch
150 Clove Rd
Little Falls, New Jersey 07424
Tel : 001 973 812 44 44
Fax : 001 973 812 21 48
E-mail :

Automobiles Peugeot does not manufacture vehicles that conform to current United States regulations. For this reason it is unfortunately impossible for anyone to import a Peugeot model into the USA . Should anybody attempt to do so, the vehicle will be blocked at the port of arrival and will not be allowed to be operated in the USA and Canada .

As of this date, Automobiles Peugeot has no plan for resuming the sales of its vehicles in the USA or Canada
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 02/07/2011 @ 01:24:49, By Gag Halfrunt
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 02/07/2011 @ 07:10:24, By t0nkatracker
I wonder why, if Peugeot has no intention of entering the US market again, they would go through the trouble of shipping those cars here? Surely it would be cheaper to just buy US cars for their employees to drive around in.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 05/07/2011 @ 06:12:29, By owlman
A pricey Peugeot 206 that has somehow been imported and titled in Texas:
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 05/07/2011 @ 10:21:02, By Gag Halfrunt
Since it's in Texas, I'm thinking it might be a Mexican drug trafficking car that was seized and auctioned by the DEA. Because such cars are not imported into the US through official channels, they are never inspected for compliance with FMVSS.
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 05/07/2011 @ 20:36:59, By t0nkatracker
I agree that that is very likely gag halfrunt, especially since the ad says that the car got it's paint job in Mexico and it has a bonded title.

Latest Edition: 05/07/2011 @ 23:10:38
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 05/07/2011 @ 20:42:38, By Gag Halfrunt
The text of the ad doesn't say that. Did you contact the seller directly?
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French cars in the USA / Voitures françaises aux États-Unis
Published 05/07/2011 @ 23:10:07, By t0nkatracker
Sorry the car is also advertised here:

Which is where he talks about it being from Mexico..
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