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Old contributions (archive) » [done] green day macy's day parade video
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[done] green day macy's day parade video
Published 15/12/2006 @ 16:10:21, By landrover1
another music video from green day :grin:
the car is a ford bronco and deserve 3 stars because is used in the video by the singer in the beggining and the end of the video
soon more cars :grin:

Latest Edition: 26/12/2006 @ 12:03:43
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green day macy's day parade video
Published 16/12/2006 @ 22:57:38, By garco
I think this pics don't deserve to get on the site. It's a misic video, bad pictures and a car that is not rare...
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green day macy's day parade video
Published 16/12/2006 @ 23:01:06, By antp
The car is used, then it could be listed.
I do not see why not list it :confused:
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green day macy's day parade video
Published 17/12/2006 @ 13:41:27, By garco
Mmm, maybe because I don't like music clips... :smile:
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