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[done] The Princess Diaires 1 & 2
Published 31/01/2007 @ 20:57:52, By valiant1962
"The Princess Diaries" -
Have emailed zip file of complete movie.
(Cadillac listed without photos is actually a Lincoln) Added many cars not listed on site

"The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement" -
Have emailed zip file of complete movie. Not too many cars but quite unusual the ones that are in it. Some of the pictures are a bit far but I think the cars are uncommon enough to make listing them worthwhile.

Latest Edition: 04/02/2007 @ 00:03:03
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The Princess Diaires 1 & 2
Published 03/02/2007 @ 20:34:06, By ahight
working on #1 this, that's a lot of cars :grin:
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The Princess Diaires 1 & 2
Published 03/02/2007 @ 22:24:52, By antp
though that they are maybe not all worth listing

Latest Edition: 03/02/2007 @ 22:25:00
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The Princess Diaires 1 & 2
Published 04/02/2007 @ 00:02:09, By ahight
thought the same..but added all thinking someone could go thru and remove. i didn't add the Avalon and Rav4.

Latest Edition: 04/02/2007 @ 00:02:34
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