Misc » Ouch..my poor cars :(
Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 02/03/2007 @ 03:30:19, By ahight
I was just about to leave the house tonight to take some stuff over to my Mom's new house and heard this boom/crash sound. Thought it was just "another" accident at our traffic light - happens all the time.
But..walking to the front door, I see that it's infront of our house. They hit both of our parked cars. I didn't feel sorry for the driver, but I feel sorry for the truck...sweet old Ford (think a '63).
The worst part is that it hit my Passat...now that pissed me off.
Latest Edition: 02/03/2007 @ 03:31:54
But..walking to the front door, I see that it's infront of our house. They hit both of our parked cars. I didn't feel sorry for the driver, but I feel sorry for the truck...sweet old Ford (think a '63).
The worst part is that it hit my Passat...now that pissed me off.

Latest Edition: 02/03/2007 @ 03:31:54
Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 02/03/2007 @ 03:43:04, By wrenchhead
Terrible, just terrible. Hope they can be repaired OK.
Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 02/03/2007 @ 04:13:08, By Neptune
Oh no, ahight; that’s awful...
I’m really sorry that happened. I hope no one was injured and that you’re vehicles can be reassembled back the way they were before the accident.
What happened exactly? Did the driver of the Ford fall asleep?
You seem to be having my type of luck… Last Saturday a older woman in a Lincoln backed into the back of my Land Cruiser in the Mall parking lot and then drove off...
BTW, I think I have seen that truck before... If I remember correctly it didn’t have a regular pickup bed body, but some sort of work body instead... If this truck had a regular Ford pickup bed then I must be thinking of a different truck.
Latest Edition: 02/03/2007 @ 04:26:14

What happened exactly? Did the driver of the Ford fall asleep?
You seem to be having my type of luck… Last Saturday a older woman in a Lincoln backed into the back of my Land Cruiser in the Mall parking lot and then drove off...

BTW, I think I have seen that truck before... If I remember correctly it didn’t have a regular pickup bed body, but some sort of work body instead... If this truck had a regular Ford pickup bed then I must be thinking of a different truck.
Latest Edition: 02/03/2007 @ 04:26:14
Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 02/03/2007 @ 04:58:43, By ahight
yep...it has a flatbed on the back of it with a big white storage container attached to it. the first time i saw it, i thought the container was for gas...but then realized it probably held tools.
their story is the steering went out..which could be true, but at our end of the street, people hit the gas to make the light (which is the reason there's always accidents around here).
I gotta say, living down here now....I think I'd rather have a junker car than something nice. Last weekend, our good friends got T-boned at an intersection over near the mall by a 16 year old that never hit the brakes.
Sorry about your LC...if you love it as much as I love my Passat, I'm sure you're pissed.
When i walked into the street and saw my Passat..first words out of my mouth were "O' No...not the wagon"
their story is the steering went out..which could be true, but at our end of the street, people hit the gas to make the light (which is the reason there's always accidents around here).
I gotta say, living down here now....I think I'd rather have a junker car than something nice. Last weekend, our good friends got T-boned at an intersection over near the mall by a 16 year old that never hit the brakes.
Sorry about your LC...if you love it as much as I love my Passat, I'm sure you're pissed.
When i walked into the street and saw my Passat..first words out of my mouth were "O' No...not the wagon"

Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 02/03/2007 @ 10:49:54, By antp
The damages to your car seem quite light compared to the two pickups, I guess that this will be fixed easily (and it is paid by the insurance of the Ford driver, no?)
But I agree that it is always annoying, not only because you lose time for getting it fixed, but also because it hurts to see your car damaged.
One morning I found my 206SW with a broken window:
and as they damaged the border of the door to break the window,
the whole door had to be replaced (and now it makes a little noise when driving on non-flat roads, as plastics are not well adjusted as the original one :/)
Btw they just stole the security triangle (not sure of how it is called, it looks like this) and an umbrella. Luckily, they leaved the GPS receiver.
Latest Edition: 02/03/2007 @ 10:52:23
But I agree that it is always annoying, not only because you lose time for getting it fixed, but also because it hurts to see your car damaged.
One morning I found my 206SW with a broken window:

and as they damaged the border of the door to break the window,

the whole door had to be replaced (and now it makes a little noise when driving on non-flat roads, as plastics are not well adjusted as the original one :/)
Btw they just stole the security triangle (not sure of how it is called, it looks like this) and an umbrella. Luckily, they leaved the GPS receiver.
Latest Edition: 02/03/2007 @ 10:52:23
Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 02/03/2007 @ 12:48:56, By wickey
ad ahight -
- anyway the good news should be, that the damages on VW and Chevy pick up semms to be not that bad (comparable to the black pick-up..) - but still pity..
ad Neptune - some old people should be banned from driving (I know I sound now very much alike our friend exp.4x4, but it is true..) - in my country people over 70 must go every year? / second year? (I am not sure) through complete health examination due to the driving - when they have some problems - physically or mentally, their licence is discarded. Isnt it so in the US?
Anyway probably she had worse damage on that Lincoln that you on you LC, right?
ad antp - some people are just pure idiots
- OK, if you leave something valuable in the car, you should kinda expect that, but here?
that is the same thing as someone steal the original radio with piece of dash - which is useless for other models, makes damage for 1000 EUR and sell the piece for 20,- ... (and even they are not wise enough to break just the window

ad Neptune - some old people should be banned from driving (I know I sound now very much alike our friend exp.4x4, but it is true..) - in my country people over 70 must go every year? / second year? (I am not sure) through complete health examination due to the driving - when they have some problems - physically or mentally, their licence is discarded. Isnt it so in the US?
Anyway probably she had worse damage on that Lincoln that you on you LC, right?

ad antp - some people are just pure idiots

Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 08/03/2007 @ 05:43:14, By 89tempoAWD
ad ahight -
- anyway the good news should be, that the damages on VW and Chevy pick up semms to be not that bad (comparable to the black pick-up..) - but still pity..
ad Neptune - some old people should be banned from driving (I know I sound now very much alike our friend exp.4x4, but it is true..) - in my country people over 70 must go every year? / second year? (I am not sure) through complete health examination due to the driving - when they have some problems - physically or mentally, their licence is discarded. Isnt it so in the US?
Anyway probably she had worse damage on that Lincoln that you on you LC, right?
ad antp - some people are just pure idiots
- OK, if you leave something valuable in the car, you should kinda expect that, but here?
that is the same thing as someone steal the original radio with piece of dash - which is useless for other models, makes damage for 1000 EUR and sell the piece for 20,- ... (and even they are not wise enough to break just the window

ad Neptune - some old people should be banned from driving (I know I sound now very much alike our friend exp.4x4, but it is true..) - in my country people over 70 must go every year? / second year? (I am not sure) through complete health examination due to the driving - when they have some problems - physically or mentally, their licence is discarded. Isnt it so in the US?
Anyway probably she had worse damage on that Lincoln that you on you LC, right?

ad antp - some people are just pure idiots

Damn right man. Old people need to all be locked away, as they can't drive, they can't think, they can't do anything. Top Gear explained it as well in one of their newer episodes.
"When was the last time you heard of a young person driving into the ocean?" - Jeremy Clarkson.
Never. Its always old people. Always.
Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 08/03/2007 @ 08:04:21, By modell
Damn right man. Old people need to all be locked away, as they can't drive, they can't think, they can't do anything. Top Gear explained it as well in one of their newer episodes.
"When was the last time you heard of a young person driving into the ocean?" - Jeremy Clarkson.
Never. Its always old people. Always.
How can you say that if teenagers die more in auto accidents than in any other age group?

Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 08/03/2007 @ 22:52:48, By Neptune
Damn right man. Old people need to all be locked away, as they can't drive, they can't think, they can't do anything. Top Gear explained it as well in one of their newer episodes.
"When was the last time you heard of a young person driving into the ocean?" - Jeremy Clarkson.
Never. Its always old people. Always.
Explorer4x4 you have got problems my dear friend… I respect those who are older than me, and I pay the utmost attention to them, when they talk (they deserve to be respected). They are older and wiser. I love and respect my grandparents, I only have two left, my other grandfather and grandmother have long since passed away, and I miss them so.

I felt sorry her car, because it pushed her car’s rear bumper up sideways.

I don’t have a problem with older people driving, its what they drive that I have problem with. Here in the USA, when people get older they tend to drive big Lincolns’, Cadillacs’ and Buicks’ which (ironically) is hard for older people to drive because the car is just to big for them.
Latest Edition: 08/03/2007 @ 22:54:20
Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 09/03/2007 @ 13:43:51, By G-MANN
Maybe there is a case to be made against people over a certain age being allowed to drive, but then it depends on the person, Stirling Moss is still a great driver and he's in his late 70s, but there are some old people who really shouldn't still be driving. So is it really true that older American drivers favour the big Cadillacs and Lincolns? Apparentely Cadillac had an image problem as a maker of old mens cars until it launched the Escalade SUV/pimpmobile.
Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 09/03/2007 @ 15:26:59, By ahight
for me...i'd rather be driving on the road with old people than teenagers.
Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 09/03/2007 @ 16:08:54, By antp
You say that because you are not teenager anymore, but you think ahead for when you will be old
(just joking, as I agree with you)

(just joking, as I agree with you)
Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 09/03/2007 @ 16:44:45, By wrenchhead
I don't think being old is what causes some older folks to like cadillac and Lincoln. I think its just that they have wanted a 'status symbol' all their life and can only afford to buy one when they get older. They think it shows the world how successful and powerful they are.
On the other hand, kids (16 to about 25 years) tend to like loud, fast cars. They seem to think that their 'manliness' is judged by the car they drive.
I guess we all sometimes forget that a car is just meant to get our butts from point a to point b and that if you are a jerk then you will remain a jerk even if you drive a ferrari.
On the other hand, kids (16 to about 25 years) tend to like loud, fast cars. They seem to think that their 'manliness' is judged by the car they drive.
I guess we all sometimes forget that a car is just meant to get our butts from point a to point b and that if you are a jerk then you will remain a jerk even if you drive a ferrari.

Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 09/03/2007 @ 18:40:14, By modell
I often wonder what my generation will be driving as we get older. I can't imagine myself driving a cumbersome Buick with a beaded seat cover.

Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 09/03/2007 @ 21:46:35, By G-MANN
I think its just that they have wanted a 'status symbol' all their life and can only afford to buy one when they get older.
Yes, I think some older people like to have a big nice big comfortable car, one of my neighbours in my street used to have a Rolls-Royce Silver Spirit, then a Bentley Turbo R (which looked a bit out of place in the middle of a modern housing estate), his excuse was that he had a bad back. My grandad until recently drove a big old 1985 Audi 100, and my nana (grandmother) said she felt safer in a big car with a long bonnet.
Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 10/03/2007 @ 18:14:56, By wickey
my bad guys
for starting this debate with my note about older citizens in my previous post

Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 10/03/2007 @ 21:50:30, By wrenchhead
Not to worry wickey what you said was true (it was the idiot that drove it into the ground). Some old people are OK but some do need to be banned from driving. I have relatives in Florida and hate to drive there. 85 year old people in big cadillacs driving too slow in the middle of the road and won't stop for anything. There is generally more testing for older drivers but the requirements vary from state to state (my state only requires a vision test for 80+ year old - no driving test). I don't think it generally starts until people are in their 80's. When I do get feeble and addle brained, I hope someone has the good sense to take away my cars because I know that I won't have the sense to quit - no one does.
Latest Edition: 10/03/2007 @ 22:01:24

Latest Edition: 10/03/2007 @ 22:01:24
Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 11/03/2007 @ 01:19:10, By modell
This reminds me of my late grandpa, who lost his license at the age of 77. His memory was deteriorating and he wasn't paying very much attention to the road. Occasionally, he would lose track and run through a stop sign. He mostly drove in the rural town where he lived, so luckily, he never got in an accident. He definitely wasn't a happy camper and didn't like the feeling of having my grandma becoming his driver. One time I was visiting them, grandma let me ride my bike over to the post office (which was only a few blocks away) to get their mail. My grandpa (who had just lost his license) got in the car and drove off without telling anybody. On the way back from the post office, I found myself being followed by him. Despite my attempts in telling him to go home and assuring that I'd be fine, he just kept following along the road. All he wanted to do was make sure that I'd make it back safetly. This was on a road with a 45mph speed limit, and we were both going 15. I was definitely more worried about him than he was of me.
Ouch..my poor cars :(
Published 11/03/2007 @ 02:43:38, By wrenchhead
I am here to tell you that getting old is no fun: what doen't hurt, doesn't work. Enjoy your youth while you can
Latest Edition: 11/03/2007 @ 02:43:59

Latest Edition: 11/03/2007 @ 02:43:59