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Cars & Movies » "Real" Mach 5 in the upcoming Speed Racer movie
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"Real" Mach 5 in the upcoming Speed Racer movie
Published 03/06/2007 @ 17:56:16, By carfan
Here's a computer-generated picture of the real mach 5 in the upcoming live-action Speed Racer movie. Found on Autoblog. I plan to go and see the movie when it comes out!

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"Real" Mach 5 in the upcoming Speed Racer movie
Published 03/06/2007 @ 18:44:35, By antp
What is the make/model of that car? As it would allow to identify a very similar one from Carmageddon II...
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"Real" Mach 5 in the upcoming Speed Racer movie
Published 03/06/2007 @ 19:28:06, By carfan
If you mean like what it's chassis or whatever is based on, i don't know. But it's not supposed to be a real car. Wikipedia says that the only car that closly resembles the Mach 5 is an early Chaparral. This one person made a real Mach 5 based on a Corvette.

Latest Edition: 03/06/2007 @ 19:32:07
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"Real" Mach 5 in the upcoming Speed Racer movie
Published 13/06/2007 @ 03:03:34, By knghtmat
Just a car made up for Speed Racer that's all but people have made their pwn kit cars of it like in that link.
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"Real" Mach 5 in the upcoming Speed Racer movie
Published 18/06/2007 @ 06:17:13, By IRT_BMT_IND
It has Yokohama tires (Yay for product placement :smile: )
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"Real" Mach 5 in the upcoming Speed Racer movie
Published 01/01/2008 @ 20:07:16, By landrover1
It has Yokohama tires (Yay for product placement :smile: )

:lol: :lol: :lol:

i was a fan of speed racer, so i'll try to know who build the car...i really wonder wich kind of engine haves, wich gearbox...hehe
how fast can go... :love:
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"Real" Mach 5 in the upcoming Speed Racer movie
Published 04/01/2008 @ 20:46:07, By landrover1
thanks for the pics stronghold
i wonder how many time we will wait till the release
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"Real" Mach 5 in the upcoming Speed Racer movie
Published 04/01/2008 @ 21:04:48, By CarChasesFanatic
this year
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