General » owner of website?
owner of website?
Published 13/07/2007 @ 15:51:07, By dmoss
IMCDb has become one of my favorite, most visited websites over the past several months and there is something that I was wondering about. I’m not familiar with the inner workings of how a web page is run, but I was just curious as to who pays for the expenses (if there are any) to run this one? Or another question along these lines is who “owns”
Just wondering,
Latest Edition: 13/07/2007 @ 15:53:21
Just wondering,
Latest Edition: 13/07/2007 @ 15:53:21
owner of website?
Published 13/07/2007 @ 18:09:20, By antp
This is an interesting question, as actually it reminds me that I really have to make a "history"/"who are we" page
The "Help" page only contains a brief info:
"The content of the site is the result of the cooperative work of several people that like cars and movies, especially when the two are mixed together. There are few administators, of course, but anybody can contribute to the site by sending new pictures, complete missing info, add comments about cars or movies or help us to recognize unidentified vehicles."
So I'll add details here...
I am currently the main administrator and I manage the technical part (hosting, ...)
I did not create the site, but I was one of the first active members and so I became the first administrator after the one that created the site (and that had no time to continue to manage it).
I also (re)wrote nearly all of the code of the site.
So in a way I "own" the site, though that I do not like to claim that as I only built a very small part of the contents (which is the result of cooperative work, as said above).
The hosting is not so expensive actually, and it is completely paid by the Google advertisings displayed at the top of most of the pages.

The "Help" page only contains a brief info:
"The content of the site is the result of the cooperative work of several people that like cars and movies, especially when the two are mixed together. There are few administators, of course, but anybody can contribute to the site by sending new pictures, complete missing info, add comments about cars or movies or help us to recognize unidentified vehicles."
So I'll add details here...
I am currently the main administrator and I manage the technical part (hosting, ...)
I did not create the site, but I was one of the first active members and so I became the first administrator after the one that created the site (and that had no time to continue to manage it).
I also (re)wrote nearly all of the code of the site.
So in a way I "own" the site, though that I do not like to claim that as I only built a very small part of the contents (which is the result of cooperative work, as said above).
The hosting is not so expensive actually, and it is completely paid by the Google advertisings displayed at the top of most of the pages.
owner of website?
Published 13/07/2007 @ 21:14:15, By antp
A French guy, that only posted under the nickname "imcdb".
He announced his site in few forums, I found it on the forum of, which was used as "imcdb forum" at first since all the original members came from there:
He announced his site in few forums, I found it on the forum of, which was used as "imcdb forum" at first since all the original members came from there:
owner of website?
Published 22/07/2007 @ 00:57:19, By G-MANN
How come he doesn't really do much on this site anymore when he created it? Some of the other original members like Yoda-57, M-Power-BMW and MOZINOR don't really come here anymore either.
owner of website?
Published 22/07/2007 @ 00:59:46, By antp
Not enough time, I guess. Or working on other projects.
Same for me actually: I partially or totally abandoned some other sites/forums/programs for imcdb.
Same for me actually: I partially or totally abandoned some other sites/forums/programs for imcdb.
owner of website?
Published 06/09/2007 @ 01:58:58, By wowabunga
Well I've been asking around for some help with some movie cars and so far this website has been the number one location given to me in recommendation. So congrats on the hard work and effort and the good reputation. -Ramblin Randy