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Some vehicles I saw in London
Published 24/09/2007 @ 14:46:17, By G-MANN
Yesterday morning I was walking around Central London, where you can usually see plenty of expensive cars, but here's a few that caught my eye:

This Hummer H2 (a rare sight in England) was parked outside a large house (on the A4 Piccadilly, a few doors away down the Japanese Embassy) that was once the residence of Lord Palmerston (19th century British Prime Minister), so it seemed a little strange to see a brash American SUV outside a house like this, it's the only reason I took a photo of it, I thought "what the hell is this doing outside a building that look it's used for diplomatic and government purposes?"
Looks out of place, doesn't it?

I walked through Mayfair, passing Berkeley Square where I saw a lot of film set trailers (from Translux), then I came to Grosvenor Square, where there were lots of people dressed in 60s clothing, as hippies and policemen, they were extras for a new film called Hippie Hippie Shake starring Sienna Miller, they were about to film a anti-Vietnam war protest reconstruction. Down the street where a couple of old police vans, obviously for use as period vehicles for the film.

I think this is a Ford Transit

An Austin Morris van

A Mercedes A-Class with diplomatic plates (anyone remember the recent discussion on the A Fish Named Wanda page?), 103 means Argentina.

As soon as saw this huge Peterbilt truck parked outside a posh hotel I knew it was that truck Chris Eubank drives. You wouldn't normally see a vehicle like this (European lorries look different to American ones and are somewhat smaller) in a rich part of London, unless it was Chris Eubank's. Notice the numberplate 1KO (KO as in the boxing term).

A Ferrari 612 Scaglietti. At first I thought it was the new 599.

Latest Edition: 24/09/2007 @ 15:00:46
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Some vehicles I saw in London
Published 24/09/2007 @ 14:58:57, By G-MANN
I also took lots of pictures of rare classics and racing cars from Goodwood Revival a few weeks ago, I've also still got images on my hard drive from Goodwood last year, but there were so many I just couldn't face uploading them onto imageshack, it would have probably taken hours.

Latest Edition: 24/09/2007 @ 14:59:32
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Some vehicles I saw in London
Published 25/09/2007 @ 02:36:03, By MBSL65fan
I don't see how a semi like a peterbilt would be used in Europe. it seems a lot bigger than other trucks in Europe.
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Some vehicles I saw in London
Published 25/09/2007 @ 12:33:46, By stronghold
Good pic's G-Mann :wink:
I used to take alot of photo's while wandering about London (many moons ago. with my old 110 camera.!) When you look hard, you do find some interesting things.
Note-goodwood pics:- you could always add a few here (doesn't have to be All of them!)
I missed the TV showing of the Festival this year (probably saw 'Goodwood' listed in the Radiotimes and though it was the horse-racing.! :smile: )
Eubank's truck looks 'flashy' (lot's of chrome & nice paintwork), but from MBSL65fan's comments, I wouldn't
say american trucks are bigger than european?
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Some vehicles I saw in London
Published 26/09/2007 @ 01:04:30, By MBSL65fan
Maybe bigger front ends?
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Some vehicles I saw in London
Published 03/10/2007 @ 17:15:42, By crazyforcars12
Yes, american trucks have a bonnet coming out, European trucks are normally flat, and have a tilting cab.
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Some vehicles I saw in London
Published 03/10/2007 @ 17:16:19, By crazyforcars12
Bonnet = Hood :smile:
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Some vehicles I saw in London
Published 03/10/2007 @ 17:35:47, By G-MANN
Also don't American trucks often pull bigger loads than European trucks? I think the trailers they pull are longer. Also American trucks seem to have larger sleeping quarters.
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Some vehicles I saw in London
Published 04/10/2007 @ 14:40:54, By antp
European trucks have a lower maximum weight for their trailers (I do not remember how much)
There was a project for raising that limit in Belgium but it was fortunately currently refused (our roads are already enough in bad state...)
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Some vehicles I saw in London
Published 08/10/2007 @ 17:28:34, By crazyforcars12
lol :lol:
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Some vehicles I saw in London
Published 12/11/2007 @ 10:24:22, By chris40
I believe the reason why European trucks are usually cabovers has to do with overall length as much as gross train weight; you can only use bonneted units where the trailer is shorter than the maximum 40 feet, e.g. tippers/dump trucks, tankers. This also accounts for the smaller sleeper compartments.
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