Misc » Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
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Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 09/10/2007 @ 12:57:31, By G-MANN
some students have Chevy Duramax trucks, W140 Mercedes, Jeeps etc. There are some kids that have cars that they don't really need at that age.
I totally agree, a high school student having a W140 Mercedes S-Class is ridiculous, it used to be one of the world's top luxury cars, far too good for a teenager's first car. Am I right that it goes without saying their parents bought them these cars, no normal teenager could earn the money to buy and run a big Merc.
It seems like insurance in America is too unrestrictive (I think even now at 23 I'd struggle to get insured on a Merc S-Class unless it was an S280 or something), most teenagers shouldn't be allowed to have big cars (when they crash they'll cause more damage). In Britain, just about every teenage driver has to start off small (and usually cheap) with little hatchbacks with engines of 1.6 litres and under.
Latest Edition: 09/10/2007 @ 12:59:03
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 01:25:39, By 02Silverado4x4
Yes, all the time, on the internet. I get compliments in real life though (on cleanliness and comfort), just on the internet (here, and other forums/sites) everyone seems to hate my car. For no apparent reason either. Its not like its a bad car, or an ugly car, and the hippies shouldn't complain because its not a big, gas guzzling SUV. Yet they still do..
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 01:38:38, By Neptune
Truthfully, I have nothing against your Tempo, or other Tempos in general. They aren’t ugly and if they are kept in factory mint condition, they do look decent. I just liked to see your reaction to when others picked on Tempos or any other Ford vehicle ...

Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 02:14:38, By G-MANN
Because you always went on about how your Ford was the best thing since sliced bread, people got a bit sick of it.
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 03:08:02, By MBSL65fan
Yes, all the time, on the internet. I get compliments in real life though (on cleanliness and comfort), just on the internet (here, and other forums/sites) everyone seems to hate my car. For no apparent reason either. Its not like its a bad car, or an ugly car, and the hippies shouldn't complain because its not a big, gas guzzling SUV. Yet they still do..
Well you drive what you want. They're not bad cars, but they do make good cars for a first.

Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 03:23:14, By MBSL65fan
Oh and also, this is the MOST rediculous first car I've ever seen. At a local private high school near my old school a student got a brand new Mercedes C55 AMG after getting a license!
Latest Edition: 10/10/2007 @ 03:23:48
Latest Edition: 10/10/2007 @ 03:23:48
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 03:29:21, By G-MANN
That's disgusting. His parents must be complete idiots. Unless he paid for it with money he earned all by himself (is he anyone famous?). As I said it seems like car insurance isn't restrictive enough in America. In Britain he'd have to pay many thousands of pounds to get insured on a car like that, and first he'd have to find a company that would insure him.
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 03:31:58, By MBSL65fan
Well I knew his younger sister, who was a snob, but his parents were really wealthy. Still quite expensive. At the most a Honda Civic Si would be a good car
Latest Edition: 10/10/2007 @ 03:32:31

Latest Edition: 10/10/2007 @ 03:32:31
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 03:37:15, By G-MANN
Doesn't it piss off you a little bit?
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 03:40:04, By MBSL65fan
That a rude girl I knew who had a brother with a 60K Benz for his first car? Yes. The kids with the wealthiest parents are so spoiled.
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 03:48:48, By Neptune
A new teen driver gitting a new M-B C55 (!) That’s ridiculous … My first car was a old Chevy pickup. But I wouldn’t have traded that Chevy for a M-B if my life depended on it. I wish I still had it. There is nothing quite like your first car (or truck in my case)

Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 03:51:57, By MBSL65fan
I'm probably getting the F150 for my first. If I got a nice car for my fisrt the closest I can probably get to is an Acura or Infiniti, but not a Mercedes.
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 03:55:32, By MBSL65fan
An older model Acura or Infiniti I meant
, Like the Rl or the J30.

Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 04:01:15, By Neptune
An older model Acura or Infiniti I meant
, Like the Rl or the J30.

The RL is nice, though I haven’t warmed to the new one yet.
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 04:10:41, By MBSL65fan
Because of the age it's not bad, but if it was 1997 still then probably not

Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 04:55:08, By 02Silverado4x4
I know a kid who's parents got him a brand new 2006 Toyota Highlander Hybrid Limited 4x4 with all the options (cost the parents $41,000+). He had it six months, then totaled it in a two-car wreck he caused. What did his parents do? Buy him a brand new 2007 Highlander Hybrid Limited.. He didn't pay a cent.
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 13:09:07, By G-MANN
To be honest I just don't want to hear this kind of thing, it makes me sick. It always seems to happen in America (of course there's spoilt rich kids in England).
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 13:28:51, By antp
That reminds me that video
(was already posted somewhere here)
Which was already a kind of "hidden ad": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacKenzieHeartsu
Latest Edition: 10/10/2007 @ 13:31:29

Which was already a kind of "hidden ad": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacKenzieHeartsu
Latest Edition: 10/10/2007 @ 13:31:29
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 13:54:03, By G-MANN
I never believed that video was real. Real life rich parents who spoil their kids aren't doing them any favours, everyone hates spoiled rich kids, look at how many people hate Paris Hilton.
Latest Edition: 10/10/2007 @ 14:04:54
Latest Edition: 10/10/2007 @ 14:04:54
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 10/10/2007 @ 19:49:17, By 02Silverado4x4
Indeed. I don't know about outside the U.S., but I do notice it an awful lot here. Not so much in Alaska, but back in Connecticut. At my school basically everyone had their own car (and most were new), and everyone seemed to have the latest cell phone, video game console or camera. Big change up in my area of Alaska. You are lucky to have a car of your own, and most cars tend to be cars like mine (older 1980's/1990's used economy cars).
Have people ever critisized you because of your car?
Published 11/10/2007 @ 02:59:41, By MBSL65fan
My F150 (future F150 anyway) isn't a special type of vehicle. It's just an ordinary Truck with a V8, 4 speed automatic, and some minor damage. It needs some work on it, but at lease it still runs. I know you G-MANN, may think that I could get something smaller, but since our Cadillac is a company car and that we still have the truck, what else can we do with it? I'm getting a license in a few weeks, and since my parents are extremely busy right now it would be convenient for me to drive to school while they can go to work. The good thing is, I'm getting a car and I am going to use it to go to school and back, and to help my parents with their errands. I do not need to have my very own car, but for now, my mom is providing me her spare car.