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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 11/11/2007 @ 02:06:40, By stronghold
So many to list and remember! (My dad was a mechanic during the 60's and was forever changing/swapping/trading cars.)
Here's some I can think of:-

Fiat Topolino
Jaguar 3 1/2 litre
Armstrong-Siddeley Sapphire
Wolseley 16/60
Wolseley 1500
Riley (same type body as the wolseley)
Austin A35
Austin A40 Somerset
Austin A40 'Farina'
Austin 1300
Singer Le Mans
Standard Twelve (I think?)
Standard Vanguard
Standard Vanguard Vignale
Citroen DS21
Citroen Ami 8
Morris minor (older style split windscreen)
BMC EA van
VW camper (typ 2) (old 6-volt split screen)
Fiat 126
Reliant Regal 700 Supervan
Reliant Rialto (two versions)
Reliant Kitten Estate
Reliant Rebel Estate
Humber Hawk
Vauxhall viva (mk.I)
Vauxhall viva (later model Hb?)
Ford Popular (older sit up & beg type.!)
Ford popular (early 60's)
Hillman Imp
Skoda Estelle 120
(He also had quite a few motorcycles)

Latest Edition: 11/11/2007 @ 02:08:49

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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 18/11/2007 @ 17:11:24, By twingoman

1976 Vauxhall Cavalier Sportshatch (????-1983)
1979 Ford Granada 2.3L (1983-1987)
1982 Ford Granada 2.8GL (1987-1990)
1985 Vauxhall Senator (A) 3.0iCD (1990-1992)
1982 Ford Granada 2.8 Ghia (1992-1993)
1987 Mitsubisi Shogun LWB (1993-1994)
1994 Rover Montego Estate (1994-1996)
1996 Ford Maverick SWB (1996-1998)
1998 Nissan Terrano LWB (1998-2001)
No car between 2001 & 2003 - tended to use my stepmothers mothers Ford Fiesta or their motorhome.
2000 Peugeot 106 D (2003-current)

Prior to the Cavalier, I know he had a Volvo 145 Estate, a couple of Morris Marina Coupe's and a MGB Roadster.

Latest Edition: 18/11/2007 @ 17:12:31
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 20/11/2007 @ 04:22:34, By badlymad
Father's cars, as far as I know:

1986 Honda Civic (1986-1991)
1991 Toyota Tercel (1991-1993)
1993 Dodge Caravan (1993-2004)
2004 Toyota Camry LE (2004-current)

1976 Chevrolet Monte Carlo
1989 Toyota Camry (1996-2003)

Technically, the 2004 Camry is my mother's car, but my father uses it as the daily driver.
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 21/11/2007 @ 13:07:49, By DIEHARD
My father's cars:

1963 Citroen AMI 6
1963 Citroen ID 19
1969 Opel Kaddet A
1970 Autobianchi unknown :wink:
1972 Citroën GS Service Vitree
1978 Ford Fiesta
1981 Citroën GSA Club Break
1985 Citroen BX 19D
1990 Citroen BX 14TGE
1993 Citroen Xantia 19D X
1995 Citroen Xantia 19D X tentation
2000 Citroen Xantia 20HDI Exclusive Break
2007 Citroën C5 HDI Break

Company cars:
1976 Ford Escort Van
1978 Ford Taunus
1978 VW Transporter (briefly)
1981 Opel Kaddet D Caravan
1982 Opel Rekord D Caravan (briefly)
1982 Mercedes benz L (briefly)
1988 Citroen BX19D
1990 Citroen BX19TGD Break
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 21/11/2007 @ 14:09:46, By antp
He seems to like the same make as you :grin:
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 22/11/2007 @ 14:28:30, By garco
About 20 varieties of Citroen 2CV (AZ,AZAM,AZU,AZUL) from 1965-1981.
- 1980 Citroen Visa
- 1983 Citroen Visa
- 1985 Citroen BX
- 1990 Citroen BX
- 1993 Citroen BX
- 1995 Citroen Xantia
- 1998 Citroen Xantia
- 2001 Citroen Xsara Picasso
- 2003 Citroen Xsara Picasso (current)

Latest Edition: 22/11/2007 @ 14:29:33
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 02/12/2007 @ 17:15:40, By ingo

- 1968 VW 1300 (1973-1978)

- 1973 VW Passat LS (1978-1980)

- 1976 VW Passat L (1980-1983)

- 1977 Audi 80 GLS (1983-1986)

- 1981 VW Passat LS (1986-1996)

- 1990 VW Passat GT (1996-2007)

- 2003 Mercedes A 220 (2007+
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 03/12/2007 @ 19:58:39, By crazyforcars12
antp, is this your dads 405? That seems a nasty accident :ohwell:
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 03/12/2007 @ 20:53:31, By CarChasesFanatic
Yes! :bave: I mean sadly yes :roll:

Latest Edition: 03/12/2007 @ 20:54:26
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 03/12/2007 @ 21:23:25, By G-MANN
Nasty for the car, but it looks like the front section took all the impact, so I'd guess that the occupants were unharmed?

Latest Edition: 03/12/2007 @ 21:25:35
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 03/12/2007 @ 23:01:58, By antp
My father was alone in the car, and fortunately he only had minor injuries (though that he still has some sequels in his back due to broken/damaged vertebra).
The driver of the green Mercedes van did not stop despite the fact that he had a "yield" sign on its road:
My father tried to stop but could not slow down enough to avoid the accident.
Fortunately, he always puts his seatbelt. Else he would have been dead.
The front of the car did absorb the shock well, it shows that the 405 was actually quite good for its generation. The car was of course for the junkyard, shortened by about 20 cm. It was a nearly new car (less than 6 months old I think), but it was not his car: it was a company car.

He had many accidents, but really few of his fault.

Or major ones were:

Citroën DSuper vs Tram:
DS dead, the shock dismantled it. He was stopped at a red light, the tram coming on the same way did not stop...

Citroën XM vs VW Golf:
Golf dead, XM only a little damaged but could not run by itself to the garage as the fender was touching the wheel. He was coming from the right, the driver of the Golf did not see him as she was talking to her kids on the back.

Peugeot 205 vs Opel Astra:
205 dead, I guess the Astra too. My father was turning left, the Astra passed at the red light... but no witnesses to prove it :sad: Fortunately the car was insured for "all risks", i.e. he got money for the loss.

Latest Edition: 03/12/2007 @ 23:09:13
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 04/12/2007 @ 00:11:07, By G-MANN
My Fiat Punto looked like your dad's 405 after the crash I had in it, but I was totally unharmed, so was my dog in the back, and fortunately so was the guy in the other car (a Rover 200).

Latest Edition: 04/12/2007 @ 00:11:43
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 04/12/2007 @ 00:20:15, By antp
Also note that the 405 was driving at 70 or 90 km/h :grin: (though that he slowed down much before hitting the van)
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 04/12/2007 @ 00:39:18, By G-MANN
Um, that's roughly the speed I was doing on impact, I was on a motorway, I'd been doing about 75mph (which is more or less legal), I'd slammed on the brakes (of course my car had no ABS so it skidded like mad), and the speedo needle was between 40 and 50 mph the moment before I hit the other car (it's possible by that point I wasn't travelling that fast and the needle hadn't caught up with the deceleration). It all happened very fast, but thank God no one was hurt at all. The Punto held up very well for a small car, only the front bonnet section was smashed in.

Latest Edition: 04/12/2007 @ 00:46:01
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 04/12/2007 @ 12:45:02, By CarChasesFanatic
Hey G-MANN could you please explain us what happened to you?
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 04/12/2007 @ 23:04:19, By G-MANN
I had a crash on a motorway 3 years ago. At the risk of not being able to hold my head up amongst all the other members who boast they've never been responsible for a crash, I'll admit it was completely my fault, but I wasn't driving recklessly, or talking on a phone or anything like that. What happened was I was watching the car in the lane beside me as I passing it (sometimes when I used to overtake someone, I got paranoid that they might not see me coming alongside them and pull out and hit me, I used to be a bit of a nervous driver, I still am at times on some roads), I didn't notice that all the other traffic in front of me were slowing down to a near stop, so I screeched into the back of another car. And that was the end of my Punto.

A lot of crashes happen out of the blue, admittedly I wasn't aware enough of what was going on, so it wasn't good driving, but people make mistakes, you don't have to be a total idiot to get into a crash. The police decided it was one to chalk it up to experience, hopefully I won't make that kind of error again, you live and learn and all that. Hopefully the other driver got some compensation, I did feel guilty about crashing into him, but he was very good about it, he just got out of his car unharmed and asked if I was alright, he never tried to sue me or anything.

Latest Edition: 04/12/2007 @ 23:14:08
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 04/12/2007 @ 23:30:05, By antp
I didn't notice that all the other traffic in front of me were slowing down to a near stop

I nearly had an accident like that, luckily it was with the 206 which had ABS and not with the 106. I was trying to change lane as there was an ambulance following me, I was on left lane of the highway, and wanted to clear the way.

Latest Edition: 04/12/2007 @ 23:30:48
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 04/12/2007 @ 23:38:33, By CarChasesFanatic
Thanks for the story G-MANN, how does it feel to rear end another vehicle, isnt it "shaky" and disgusting?
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 04/12/2007 @ 23:50:38, By G-MANN
Do you mean the actual impact?
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 05/12/2007 @ 00:05:15, By CarChasesFanatic
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What cars did your parents have ?
Published 05/12/2007 @ 19:23:08, By G-MANN
Can't remember the actual feeling much, although it's not a good feeling when you wreck your car. The steering column was kind of bent, but the crash didn't really hurt. It felt like the car just died on impact, like a bird hitting a window very hard.

Latest Edition: 05/12/2007 @ 19:25:31
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