Misc » Your favourite color for cars
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 20:41:48, By antp
What is your favourite color for cars in general ?
Only 10 possible items in the poll, so it is not very accurate, you can precise your answer in a message.
Personally, I like dark green or black.
Maybe it could be interesting to make a second poll with the most selected colors, but including variations (e.g. dark/light) of these.
Only 10 possible items in the poll, so it is not very accurate, you can precise your answer in a message.
Personally, I like dark green or black.
Maybe it could be interesting to make a second poll with the most selected colors, but including variations (e.g. dark/light) of these.
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 20:49:25, By chris40
I've voted for brown - dark metallic, like my old Peugeot 504; although I admit some browns are pretty horrible, like dogs**t!
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 20:50:28, By wrenchhead
It depends on the car: for a sedan I prefer dark blue. For a sports car I prefer red (candy apple).
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 20:57:54, By CarChasesFanatic
For EVERY car i like black, or another dark color if it is nice, but the ebst one for me and the one id buy my car in is black, even a small hatch not necessarily being a great car changes for better in black, as it makes it more serious, so black.
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 21:28:34, By Raul1983
"Sky" blue is a good colour. Ah, I remember in my childhood my relative had a light blue 1973 Simca 1100 LS

Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 21:43:03, By Neptune
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 21:59:23, By antp
It depends on the car: for a sedan I prefer dark blue. For a sports car I prefer red (candy apple).
You could vote for both blue and red then

Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 22:24:15, By CarChasesFanatic
I dont really like white for cars, it is as if they were not painted at some point, theres no "fun" in it.
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 22:51:46, By antp
Silver looks more like non-painted then (e.g. DeLorean)
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 22:55:45, By MBSL65fan
I prefer black, green, or dark red. My Acura is white, but I wish it was black, exactly like this:
however this was a Special Edition for the 1998 model year. I have a 1997. I would like on a Mercedes Dark green or black, for a sports car red or black, and for a Cadillac Crimson (dark red). I've thoght about maybe getting a new color for my car, but what if it wears out faster than the original white color? I'll probably wait a year or so to paint it black if I ever do.
however this was a Special Edition for the 1998 model year. I have a 1997. I would like on a Mercedes Dark green or black, for a sports car red or black, and for a Cadillac Crimson (dark red). I've thoght about maybe getting a new color for my car, but what if it wears out faster than the original white color? I'll probably wait a year or so to paint it black if I ever do.
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 23:35:28, By CarChasesFanatic
Oh what??!!! i wasnt expecting that at all that's your car???!! a huge four door sedan??!!
Latest Edition: 12/11/2007 @ 23:36:03
Latest Edition: 12/11/2007 @ 23:36:03
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 23:36:43, By CarChasesFanatic
Silver looks more like non-painted then (e.g. DeLorean)
Silver doesnt look like non painted at all.
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 23:43:22, By MBSL65fan
I told you guys it was an RL.
I don't have the Special Edition and mine is a 1997. I just said I wish it was like that. Although this is animated, and it's Japan's version this is identical to mine:

Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 23:49:41, By CarChasesFanatic
Yes yes i know you told us it was a RL but i was not sure but seing your age i assumed it was a two door coupe or a sport car, but why does a 16 year old need such a big car, can i ask?
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 23:52:39, By MBSL65fan
I'm buying this car from my grandmother since she has a spare van, and it drives a lot better than my mom's spare truck. Since I didn't want the truck "which is bigger", I decided to buy the Acura.

Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/11/2007 @ 23:55:24, By CarChasesFanatic
Buy, well hehe, if my grandmum had a car it wouldnt ask me for any money at all, but i guess that thing of each family, and although it is your grandmam's, dont you prefere buying anothe usedr smaller car?
Your favourite color for cars
Published 13/11/2007 @ 00:00:33, By MBSL65fan
No not really. Its size I think is pretty good. My uncle offered me his Grand Marquis for one of my gold coins. I declined the offer because it was too big anyways, and I started my payments on the Acura.
Your favourite color for cars
Published 13/11/2007 @ 00:02:45, By CarChasesFanatic
hehe, well, enjoy it, and now lets stop this conversation here because a person called Antoine Potten is going to kill us

Your favourite color for cars
Published 13/11/2007 @ 00:04:36, By MBSL65fan
In case if you want to continue go here:

In case if you want to continue go here:
Your favourite color for cars
Published 13/11/2007 @ 00:25:50, By antp
and now lets stop this conversation here
Off-topic on the forum is not much a problem, as it was created for discussions