General » Chase/Crash info for each car
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Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 15/11/2007 @ 13:36:33, By Star Wars Fanatic
The problem I think is the extra work required to fulfill this, since there are already thousands of movies, and even more individual cars. You could also argue that it perhaps strays away from the initial purpose of this site, but the extra details would be pleasing and useful to movie chase fans like carchasesfanatic and myself.
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 15/11/2007 @ 13:55:38, By CarChasesFanatic
There There, but that about fulfilling whats left is not a big problem, if some reminds a movie he uploaded and want to fill it ok, but i think not doing it just because of that would be a bit "stupid", by this rule we will never do it, and besides this is a site that will be never full, so it is not that late.
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 15/11/2007 @ 23:54:48, By G-MANN
Are we expected to add this information to every single film? So many films don't have any chases/crashes.
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 16/11/2007 @ 00:37:08, By CarChasesFanatic
if they dont have any, then what is there to add?

Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 16/11/2007 @ 01:01:46, By antp
This will probably an info in vehicle edit page, so only to be mentioned for some cars.
I suppose that having a "summary" automatically generated on movie page would be helpful (or a link to get it)
Latest Edition: 16/11/2007 @ 01:02:28
I suppose that having a "summary" automatically generated on movie page would be helpful (or a link to get it)
Latest Edition: 16/11/2007 @ 01:02:28
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 16/11/2007 @ 01:07:40, By CarChasesFanatic
This should be only aded on cars that need it, so only for cars involved in chases and crashes.
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 16/11/2007 @ 02:56:09, By wrenchhead
Other than just not liking more categories, my problem would be how big a chase and how big a crash.
For example, in one of the 'Nancy Drew' movies she gets the fender bent on her parked car and then chases the guy for a block or two and makes him pay for it. There are dozens of movies with such minor action scenes that may be very misleading to someone searching for a car chase or crash. Is listing that kind of thing going to help or just confuse the issue or are we just interested in large chases or crashes? It could end up with a 'star' system for chases and crashes.
Latest Edition: 16/11/2007 @ 04:46:11
For example, in one of the 'Nancy Drew' movies she gets the fender bent on her parked car and then chases the guy for a block or two and makes him pay for it. There are dozens of movies with such minor action scenes that may be very misleading to someone searching for a car chase or crash. Is listing that kind of thing going to help or just confuse the issue or are we just interested in large chases or crashes? It could end up with a 'star' system for chases and crashes.
Latest Edition: 16/11/2007 @ 04:46:11
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 16/11/2007 @ 10:01:50, By antp
Hmmm indeed it is maybe difficult to defind what is a chase...
for example is it to be considered as a chase or not?
for example is it to be considered as a chase or not?
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 16/11/2007 @ 10:47:10, By CarChasesFanatic
Indeed that is a a chase, but since nothing happens and it last less than a minute it is not interestign at all.
We could make that if a chase is shorter than a minute not consider it as a chase, in case there are crashes theres no problem as those are visible and we will only have to say INVOLVED IN A CRASH.
About crashes there arent long and short crashes
a crash is a crash so i dont see any problems abut them.
We could make that if a chase is shorter than a minute not consider it as a chase, in case there are crashes theres no problem as those are visible and we will only have to say INVOLVED IN A CRASH.
About crashes there arent long and short crashes

Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 16/11/2007 @ 16:36:01, By wrenchhead
Sorry but I don't agree that a 'crash is a crash'. There are simple 1 mph fender benders resulting in a small dent (nancy drew). There are slow speed impacts where the whole car falls to pieces (various old comedies). There are the modern things where the car hits something then soars 10 feet into the air and explodes (many action movies). Quite a range!
Latest Edition: 16/11/2007 @ 16:36:55
Latest Edition: 16/11/2007 @ 16:36:55
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 16/11/2007 @ 19:11:07, By antp
And what about cars that just explode without crash?
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 16/11/2007 @ 20:05:13, By CarChasesFanatic
Sorry but I don't agree that a 'crash is a crash'. There are simple 1 mph fender benders resulting in a small dent (nancy drew). There are slow speed impacts where the whole car falls to pieces (various old comedies). There are the modern things where the car hits something then soars 10 feet into the air and explodes (many action movies). Quite a range!
A 1mph hit is not a proper crash to be mentioned, a car with all the panels falling off with no reason is not a crash either, a car fliping over 10 feet in the air is a crash, i think you are trying to make this more complicated of what it actually is.
And what about cars that just explode without crash?
An explosion is not a crash.
By the way im leaving now until sunday so on Sunday ill respond to any things you have to say.
See you then

Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 16/11/2007 @ 20:09:22, By antp
I know that it is not a crash, I was asking if it should be mentioned in some way.
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 16/11/2007 @ 20:58:32, By wrenchhead
There are apparently categories of crashes and chases that are of interest and its confusing - I'll say no more.
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 16/11/2007 @ 21:34:26, By antp
That's why I made this topic: to try to see things more clearly
Maybe that rather than having the crash/chase info mixed with other info in vehicle page, it would be better to have a separated database for crash/chase info, with entries linked to imcdb vehicles and movies (I am not sure that it is clear what I say :D)

Maybe that rather than having the crash/chase info mixed with other info in vehicle page, it would be better to have a separated database for crash/chase info, with entries linked to imcdb vehicles and movies (I am not sure that it is clear what I say :D)
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 18/11/2007 @ 19:31:39, By CarChasesFanatic
I dont understand that no

Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 18/11/2007 @ 19:33:00, By antp
I mean that it would maybe be better to have the functions indicating chases/crashes on separate pages than the general movie vehicle listing?
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 18/11/2007 @ 20:55:12, By CarChasesFanatic
you mean per vehicle?
Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 18/11/2007 @ 21:38:14, By antp
I do not know what I mean exactly... I should maybe try to think a little more to it to explain it more clearly

Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 18/11/2007 @ 21:49:51, By CarChasesFanatic

Chase/Crash info for each car
Published 24/11/2007 @ 23:52:05, By garco
I'm a little tired of the 'made in' comments already... So, maybe this is also not a good idea...