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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 26/11/2007 @ 16:39:40, By G-MANN
Sorry but..... :rofl:

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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 26/11/2007 @ 17:01:14, By G-MANN
Alright, antp, tell me what you think are bad movies, or bad cars!

What about Batman and Robin, I've never been able to sit through that one.
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 26/11/2007 @ 17:12:40, By bravada
Plan 9 from Outer Space!

I have worked with people who look like half the cast in character, including makeup and all...

Coming back to awful cars - how about an Anadol?
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 26/11/2007 @ 18:00:02, By antp
I agree that this one looks ugly

For movies, I think that the only one that I stopped before the end is
Example of movie that I found really bad (i.e. one of the worse that I saw):

But there are many movies that I even did not watch because I do not like the genre, so they may be bad or good, I would not like them.

Latest Edition: 26/11/2007 @ 18:00:49
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 26/11/2007 @ 18:17:06, By G-MANN
Do you mean you just fast-fowarded through them to get car pictures?

Almost any genre is fine with me as long as the film itself is well-executed. I actually like Mean Girls, Clueless and Romy and Michele's High School Reunion because I think they are funny and charming even though I don't like most "chick-flicks" (I consider these films to be more part of the high school movie genre). I'd never watch something like "Bratz" or "Sleepover" or "Legally Blonde" though.

Latest Edition: 26/11/2007 @ 19:14:50
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 26/11/2007 @ 19:23:04, By antp
Do you mean you just fast-fowarded through them to get car pictures?

No, I watched the first one on TV and second one was before IMCDB (so I really wasted my time :D)

Sleepover was not bad, and Legally Blonde is even quite good IMHO.
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 26/11/2007 @ 19:35:07, By G-MANN
I was referring to this line:

But there are many movies that I even did not watch because I do not like the genre, so they may be bad or good, I would not like them.

Latest Edition: 26/11/2007 @ 19:35:39
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 26/11/2007 @ 19:39:37, By antp
Well, I usually get my movies by download so I do not get them at all if I do not want to watch them.
I watch all movies that I get.
Exception is some movies that my father watch (e.g. 1€ DVD, or those that he downloads) and for which he makes a list of cars so I can make captures without having to watch the movie.

Latest Edition: 26/11/2007 @ 19:39:54
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 01/12/2007 @ 18:54:57, By Skid
My choice would be the Falcon XE - both forgettably bland and repulsively ugly!

Ehhh....sorry, but that's not a bad looking vehicle at all. Paint it all one color, drop it a bit, and add some BBS wheels and it would be a fantastic looking sedan.

I'm rather partial to 4 cylinder Chrysler products of the 1980s, but not for their styling. Except the Daytona...I don't care what anyone says, they looked great.

On another note, here's something I'll catch flack for: After comparing pictures of '80s BMWs, I actually prefer the large U.S. spec bumpers on the E21, E28, etc. The Euro models look like they have a severe overbite...the hood sticks out further than the bumper.
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 02/12/2007 @ 09:48:10, By bravada
There's obviously not enough arts in our schools :wink:
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 14/12/2007 @ 22:08:34, By ThatLeBaronGuy
The Ford Tempo was futuristic looking when it first came out in 1984.

In fact, they were used as Police cars of the future in the 1984 movie "Runaway" starring Tom Selleck.
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 15/12/2007 @ 02:54:26, By 58_Roadmaster
Early 1980s Cadillac Seville

That is a car I could choose to do without. I am inclined, however, toward late '80s GM coupes like the LeSabre. There was even a T-top model in one of those years.

Latest Edition: 15/12/2007 @ 02:58:22
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 21/12/2007 @ 03:54:47, By Buc84
"No car I can think of sold 500,000+ units in it's first year".....I can think of one....the Mustang!!!
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 21/12/2007 @ 04:00:52, By Buc84
That Anadol (Turkish car,Right??)looks like something someone built with whatever leftover parts they had laying around from whichever bunch of cars they parted out?? That thing's hideous!
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 21/12/2007 @ 21:10:56, By G-MANN
I don't like the overall look of the early 80s Cadillac Seville at all, it wouldn't be so bad if it had a more normal trunk instead of that weird rear end.

Latest Edition: 21/12/2007 @ 23:57:48
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 13/01/2008 @ 18:38:30, By carobserver
First of all, I dinĀ“t find ugly the 80s Tempo, perhaps the interior are labelled as a rental-fleet car, but is not ugly

OK, my selection of ugly cars of the 80s are

* Saab 900 notchback
* Nissan Pulsar NX coupe
* 1983-88 Mercury Cougar
* Chrysler Lebaron convertible with woody trim
* 1980-82 Ford Thunderbid
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 13/01/2008 @ 19:27:01, By CrazyCars
I don't like the overall look of the early 80s Cadillac Seville at all, it wouldn't be so bad if it had a more normal trunk instead of that weird rear end.

I agree, i do not see the point of doing that, ruins a perfectly good car
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 14/01/2008 @ 10:24:12, By antp

* Saab 900 notchback

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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 25/02/2008 @ 19:33:39, By Leoz
I nver really liked the Oldsmobile Cutlass. Sure, it's smaller than most american cars and with better handling (I hear) and I even pefer it to most modern cars, but it is my least favourite Olds, as it's just too plain.Yet, I do not like the '81 American Ford Escort either.Too plain, and that's a British name.
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Ugly cars from the 80s
Published 15/04/2008 @ 18:22:34, By cieraguy
Pretty much all of the econoboxes that were offered. But they werent really desgined to look attractive back then... just basic transportation.
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