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Published 08/12/2007 @ 17:13:07, By wickey
I googled mine and by coincidence it is funny and same model/colour as my car :smile:

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Published 08/12/2007 @ 17:26:37, By antp
Yours is green, but on your avatar it seems blue, no?
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Published 08/12/2007 @ 18:55:36, By wickey
well my car is tropic green metalic - it looks somewhere between dark green and dark blue :smile: and it is the exact colour from avatar

Latest Edition: 08/12/2007 @ 18:55:57
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Published 08/12/2007 @ 19:43:17, By G-MANN
G-MANN, how come? i thogut you had a Clio?

No, I got rid of it. It failed it's MOT and wasn't worth fixing.
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Published 08/12/2007 @ 19:50:54, By CarChasesFanatic
whats the MOT of a car??
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Published 08/12/2007 @ 20:03:36, By antp
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Published 08/12/2007 @ 21:11:55, By garco
Test. :smile:
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Published 08/12/2007 @ 22:13:57, By CarChasesFanatic

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Published 09/12/2007 @ 06:25:05, By Neptune
Since I don't have a car at the moment, I'm not sure what to have for mine. Where did everyone get their cars on white backgrounds pictures? That's the kind of picture I want.

I knew about my avatar/image since some time now, it and others like it were in a Ford Factory OE Brochure for the 2005-2006 model year Expedition Limited. I wanted to use it as an avatar, but I knew after I scanned it to my computer from the brochure and altered it, it would lose some of its sharpness/clarity. So I searched for it on the web and I got lucky and found it, on ( They have a Ford Expedition gallery, but not just Expeditions, they have tons of other cars too.

Here’s a link:

I also got my desktop background from there ... :grin:

Latest Edition: 09/12/2007 @ 07:29:07
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Published 09/12/2007 @ 13:23:36, By CarChasesFanatic
Neptune thanks for that website its amazing they have thousand photos per make and then another amount per each car, great site ill passs the ours watching them all.

Specially Cadillac :bave:
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Published 09/12/2007 @ 17:13:02, By antp
About cars on desktop, I'm curious: what's the car on mine? I guess it should be identifiable:
(not a screenshot of my desktop, but directly the original image, in case others want to have it)
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Published 09/12/2007 @ 17:14:08, By antp
And for good quality car images, I usually go there:
(it is in Polish, but not too difficult to navigate)
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Published 09/12/2007 @ 18:31:11, By Neptune
About cars on desktop, I'm curious: what's the car on mine? I guess it should be identifiable:

It’s a pickup truck of some kind. But a nice background though … its very I Am Legend/Omega Man. There seems to be a lot of NYC in ruins type of pictures like that one and this one:

There are lots of new one-offs on the I Am Legend site that show NYC in ruins as of the year 2012 (in the movie)

Latest Edition: 09/12/2007 @ 18:37:13
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Published 09/12/2007 @ 18:50:21, By antp
Yes, I thought to that movie when I found the image.
Nice pics, thanks :smile:
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Published 10/12/2007 @ 05:50:52, By 58_Roadmaster
The top picture is from Scientific American Magazine's article for a new book that's hot right now about how the Earth would continue if humans suddenly disappeared all at once.
The book is here:

Antp, your picture is from the same SCIAM article depicting an earlier timeframe than in that posted by Neptune.

I am a huge fan of depictions of civilization's decay, such as Logan's Run (my 2nd reference to it now on this forum), Planet of the Apes, The Time Machine (both versions), and now I Am Legend. I can't wait for that and the Narnia volume of Prince Caspian wherein the brothers and sisters find themselves among the ruins of Castle Cair Paravel.

Latest Edition: 10/12/2007 @ 18:46:23
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Published 10/12/2007 @ 10:45:40, By antp

I am a huge fan of depictions of civilization's decay [...]

I also like that theme, i.e. movies where abandonned cities are seen like in those that you cited.
Thanks for the book link. The French edition uses "my" picture as cover:
I think I'll buy it.

Latest Edition: 10/12/2007 @ 13:06:15
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Published 10/12/2007 @ 10:59:43, By 58_Roadmaster
I didn't know that the artwork in the magazine was taken directly from the book. I like the Francais title much better :smile:
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Published 10/12/2007 @ 13:56:59, By CarChasesFanatic
Abandoned places and cities are of my interest too, i do like abandoned places and imagining what could have happened there ebfore or why they became to their actual state.

In movies right now i can think of Jurassic Park in the second and the third where they show the "park" and its restaruants warehouses etc being abadoned, although i wish they would have shown more of it.
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Published 11/12/2007 @ 11:58:33, By DIEHARD
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Published 11/12/2007 @ 14:48:19, By Wampa-One
@Stronghold, what kind of car is your avatar? It looks cool, but I can't figure out what it is.
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Published 11/12/2007 @ 15:23:33, By antp
Iso Grifo, maybe?
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