Useful info and links for identification » useful site for classic cars.
useful site for classic cars.
Published 11/03/2006 @ 01:44:50, By wrenchhead
useful site for classic cars.
Published 11/03/2006 @ 09:58:22, By stronghold
Very good site should come in handy for any oldies we can't identify.!

useful site for classic cars.
Published 18/03/2006 @ 19:11:35, By MrCadillac
Interesting, but - as regards Cadillac models, that are my speciality - the "year and make" criteria are vastly inadequate. There are also a few mistakes in years and models as well as many rare and unique cars idebtified simply as "Cadillac". I would be wary trying to compare the lines of these cars with actual production mopdels of the the year(s) in question.
useful site for classic cars.
Published 18/03/2006 @ 22:30:08, By wrenchhead
Agree one must be wary but its often a good starting place as to the general features of some cars.
useful site for classic cars.
Published 11/05/2006 @ 09:49:45, By antp
I guess they changed the pages of the site.
It was probably that:
It was probably that:
useful site for classic cars.
Published 11/05/2006 @ 16:27:12, By jplemoine
Old american motorbikes only, Harley, Indian and Henderson only... The best american, but european or japanese?