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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/01/2008 @ 11:50:16, By CarChasesFanatic
300€ that's a lot...
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/01/2008 @ 12:33:04, By G-MANN
What about current make/model system? Is that compatible with aircraft? We already have problems with the tanks and other military stuff which do not really follow that naming scheme... (cf the Cadillac tanks and other disputed names)
I think so, you have the manufacturer and the model name, eg. "McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle". And the vehicle origin flags would still apply. The thing is you'd have to change the vehicle classes to be relevant to planes. Or you could get rid of that (or just limit it to helicopters and jet/propeller planes) and describe the aircraft's role in the Extra Details.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/01/2008 @ 12:38:15, By G-MANN
300 Euros is £228 or $447, but like antp said it wouldn't cost that much at first and Google advertising could pay for it (IGCD uses this as well).
Latest Edition: 14/01/2008 @ 12:38:28
Latest Edition: 14/01/2008 @ 12:38:28
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/01/2008 @ 13:51:01, By antp
Note that Google Ads pay hosting for imcdb because the car ads pay more than average ads. So for a non-car site it would not work so well, especially at the beginning when there are not many visitors. But at first it is not very expensive anyway, and the site will probably not get as big as imcdb.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/01/2008 @ 16:25:38, By Star Wars Fanatic
It's an interesting idea, and I suspect my father would enjoy it since he is an aircraft fanatic, but naturally I am obligated to IGCD. The problem is where to draw a line of interest, since you could have the Internet Movie Boats Database, Internet Movie Trains Database...
Latest Edition: 14/01/2008 @ 16:26:27
Latest Edition: 14/01/2008 @ 16:26:27
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/01/2008 @ 17:16:07, By Rinspeed
For IGCD 17 € /year but for the moment the advertising dont pay anithing for that.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/01/2008 @ 18:13:04, By antp
You mean that they do not generate any income, or that it is lower than that?
In first case there is a problem...
In first case there is a problem...
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/01/2008 @ 18:48:27, By Rinspeed
lower for the moment
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/01/2008 @ 18:53:59, By G-MANN
How much work/time did IGCD take to setup (apart from all the customising you did)?
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/01/2008 @ 18:55:15, By Rinspeed
a few days to do all changes and correct it
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/01/2008 @ 18:56:39, By G-MANN
We just need someone to want to set it up, will anyone come foward?
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 15/01/2008 @ 18:14:28, By CrazyCars
So is this idea dead? If we could find anyone on IMCDB or IGCD that would be ok with setting the site up it could be started, it would be a shame if this is just forgotten about
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 15/01/2008 @ 18:22:07, By G-MANN
I don't know, but what often happens with things is someone posts topic and a few days later it is forgotten about and the topic gets buried under new ones.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 15/01/2008 @ 19:20:29, By Alexander
So is this idea dead?
Ideas don't die within one day!
I have been thinking about this for quite a while. It always returns to my mind when I either identify lots of planes (usually supplied by Steve or Jean-Marc) or upload them myself:
My idea about this goes a bit further, as there are other vehicles that need a platform, too:
You see, the idea is pretty old.
I am more inclined to make an 'Internet Movie Vehicles Database' (IMVDb). This of course initially includes all the entries of IMCDb, but shall not substitute IMCDb (would be a silly idea!) but supplement it.
While IMCDb lists all vehicles that are surface bound and need no tracks, IMVDb would list everything else: flying/hovering, swimming/diving, on tracks, without engines (horse drawn, bicycles). For all the cars etc. IMVDb would simply link to IMCDb and vice versa.
As I don't like limitations, these will be limited to a minimum. This means everything goes. There will of course be the 'J-type 327 Nubian' next to the 'NCC-1701'. Other categories show the 'Ben Hur' wagons, the 'Titanic' or the Trevithick locomotive. All these don't really exist in original form. That are models, CGI or matte painting. Still all we see when we watch a film are just pixel with continuously changing hue, saturation and value settings. In a film a model or CGI is as real as any vehicle you could use in 3D-life.
As IMVDb will be a lot smaller than IMCDb but at the same time covers a broader aspect it will be different. Therefore it will not be a carbon copy but rather an independent development. Else it is rather more difficult to include new technologies. Remember that IMCDb was set up in 2004 ... that is historic in media software technology terms.
Before you ask "Where can I log in?" ... be patient. I don't have the time at the moment (I spend too much time on IMCDb already). But I might be able to set it up as a side product when I test technology for a bigger project. If you and I are lucky this might happen in 2008.
Until then use our excellent IMCDb platform for training. Whenever a plane, train or ship turns up try to identify it completely. This means down to the serial-number. It is possible, I show that more than once. You can start with the latest entry here:

Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 15/01/2008 @ 22:06:34, By antp
Else it is rather more difficult to include new technologies. Remember that IMCDb was set up in 2004 ... that is historic in media software technology terms.
The main problem of imcdb is not that it was designed few years ago but rather that it was designed as a too simple "list" thing.
It would have been better to make a more complex structure, really adapted to vehicle listing.
I still plan to do that, it would just require to convert existing data (not especially impossible).
For example I like the way that some Wikipedia page display make's vehicles with a timeline + grouped by type (family sedan, suv, sportscar, etc.)
I'd like to have something similar rather than just an alphabetic listing of all, which is probably not so useful as it do not allow to have an easy view of all models of a make.
Latest Edition: 15/01/2008 @ 22:08:30
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 04:24:57, By stronghold
On the surface, this sounds like a good idea Alex
But this part could be wrong...
"As IMVDb will be a lot smaller than IMCDb"(quote from Alex)
I think if you were to include horse drawn carriages, bicycles etc...
It would soon be a Huge Database.!
(just think, virtually every western, sword & sandal epic and any non-modern era movie, more than likely has a horse drawn vehicle of some kind and at the opposite end of the spectrum, nearly every futuristic/sci-fi movie has a space craft of some sort.!
This database could get out of control very quickly.!
As said, the concept of a IMVDB sounds very good and I would contribute to it as I do with the IMCDB.
But whomever takes on the task of running it, needs to be able to handle all the input
(not something I'd be able to manage. Sometimes I wonder how Antoine get's by on some of the bad days

But this part could be wrong...
"As IMVDb will be a lot smaller than IMCDb"(quote from Alex)
I think if you were to include horse drawn carriages, bicycles etc...
It would soon be a Huge Database.!

(just think, virtually every western, sword & sandal epic and any non-modern era movie, more than likely has a horse drawn vehicle of some kind and at the opposite end of the spectrum, nearly every futuristic/sci-fi movie has a space craft of some sort.!
This database could get out of control very quickly.!
As said, the concept of a IMVDB sounds very good and I would contribute to it as I do with the IMCDB.
But whomever takes on the task of running it, needs to be able to handle all the input

Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 10:25:43, By antp
Luckily other admins process things too: for example I nearly never process incoming picture contributions due to lack of time. I still take the time for reading all comments, as there are sometimes some renaming to do.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 13:12:22, By Alexander
A good point, Steve, but I don't think it will get so big.
All the 'non-cars' have to be placed deliberately by the film crew. We rarely have background horse-carts crossing the picture like we have cars in all the city scenes. Exceptions are large train stations (still only few will be identifiable) and marinas with usually larger numbers of small sailing boats and motor yachts.
I guess that the amount of entries per film will be more like the 3 to 5 star cars we have, which make up 20% of IMCDb.
To get a better feeling for this I will start making captures of all vehicles for future entries (don't worry, Antoine, I won't add them) and check films with no cars, i.e. Western, Eastern, Peplums and SciFi.
I will devise a concept for IMVDb -- but this will take time. Then I hopefully will get your critical comments on the concept, technology, HMI, etc.
All the 'non-cars' have to be placed deliberately by the film crew. We rarely have background horse-carts crossing the picture like we have cars in all the city scenes. Exceptions are large train stations (still only few will be identifiable) and marinas with usually larger numbers of small sailing boats and motor yachts.
I guess that the amount of entries per film will be more like the 3 to 5 star cars we have, which make up 20% of IMCDb.
To get a better feeling for this I will start making captures of all vehicles for future entries (don't worry, Antoine, I won't add them) and check films with no cars, i.e. Western, Eastern, Peplums and SciFi.
I will devise a concept for IMVDb -- but this will take time. Then I hopefully will get your critical comments on the concept, technology, HMI, etc.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 15:27:40, By G-MANN
I'm sorry but I don't see the point of having non-powered land vehicles (horse-drawn carts/carriages, bicycles, skateboards?) particularly with old horse-drawn carts, how would we identify a "make" for these? And no offence, but I honestly don't see the point in listing fictional spacecraft, at least I have no interest in this. The thing about IMCDB is someone can go "I like this car, which films does it appear in?" With fictional spacecraft, everyone knows that the X-Wings and TIE Fighters appear in Star Wars films, the Enterprise appears in Star Trek films, Nostromo appears in Alien, Firefly appears in Firefly and Serenity and so on. And these don't even exist as actual vehicles, they are only models or CGI. At least with made for movie cars, most of them actually work as a powered vehicle. This is why I don't believe in listing models of fictional land vehicles, like in the film Dune. You could use this argument against cartoon cars, but I feel it's OK as long as they closely resemble a real car (stuff that is too generic and vague to identify as a rendering of one exact vehicle isn't worth listing IMHO).
An IMVDb is a nice idea (if we restrict it to cars, trains, sea-going vessels and aircraft), but it sounds difficult to find a way of listing them all together in each film. Would it simpler to create one site for aircraft, one for trains and one for boats/ships, and keep each mode of transport segregated to these sites? I suppose it depends what people are interested in, I'd like to see a site for aircraft, but I'm not really interested in trains (but that's just me).
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 15:40:01
An IMVDb is a nice idea (if we restrict it to cars, trains, sea-going vessels and aircraft), but it sounds difficult to find a way of listing them all together in each film. Would it simpler to create one site for aircraft, one for trains and one for boats/ships, and keep each mode of transport segregated to these sites? I suppose it depends what people are interested in, I'd like to see a site for aircraft, but I'm not really interested in trains (but that's just me).
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 15:40:01
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 18:10:41, By Alexander
For those that like a limited world I will provide individually applicable filters. If someone does not like CGI, the Titanic will stay on the bottom of the ocean for that person.
Looking into the future it will be rather difficult keeping virtual reality and augmented reality separated from normal filming.
And what is normal, anyhow?
I may shatter some illusions here, but it is illusions we show with the listed images. Film is illusion.
Looking into the future it will be rather difficult keeping virtual reality and augmented reality separated from normal filming.

And what is normal, anyhow?

I may shatter some illusions here, but it is illusions we show with the listed images. Film is illusion.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 18:18:52, By G-MANN
I realise with an Aircraft Database you'd have to show some modelwork and CGI (eg. in Kill Bill the Boeing 747 The Bride flies into Japan on is clearly not real), but that's fine as long as it represents a real plane. And even something like Firefox (which features a fictional Soviet fighter plane) may be alright (it would be Made for Movie). But not stuff from Star Wars and Star Trek and other pure sci-fi and fantasy aircraft
Is that what people really want?
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 18:29:14

Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 18:29:14