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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 15/07/2008 @ 11:48:53, By antp
yes, mk3

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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 15/07/2008 @ 21:14:20, By ingo
With Urkrainian plates.

@ecclefan: is it worth to travel there?
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 24/10/2008 @ 12:45:15, By ville84
Nissan Micra 1990
VW Polo 1998
Chrysler New Yorker 1994
Dodge Intrepid 1999
Cadillac DTS 2008
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 28/10/2008 @ 13:33:34, By ecclefechan
Second rental car I've driven:
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 28/10/2008 @ 23:26:26, By taxiguy
That car has more front overhang than rear overhang. That's a huge no-no when designing a car. How could they be so stupid?
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 29/10/2008 @ 07:15:12, By BlackIce_GTS
At least externally, it looks like there's room to move the front axle forward a good half foot. I guess engine/transaxle packaging was a more pressing concern then the possibility it might understeer like a rocket sled.

2000 Pontiac Montana: If I had to pick a car to drive on the Bonneville Salt Flats, this wouldn't be in the top thousand, but that's how it ended up. The one thing that sticks with me about it is that the gas pedal was incredibly light, it was difficult to hold my foot still enough to keep a constant speed.
2003 Ford Taurus: Very very boring. I was hoping for a Grand Prix or something, but this was all they had.
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 29/10/2008 @ 09:49:09, By antp
That car has more front overhang than rear overhang. That's a huge no-no when designing a car. How could they be so stupid?

Lots of European cars are like that.
If you take the Peugeot 206 for example it has nearly no rear overhang at all (but the wagon does, since they just added a rear overhang without changing the rest of the car)
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 29/10/2008 @ 11:33:02, By CarChasesFanatic
I don't think the 407 looks bad at all, it may get that "deformed" impression with that picture but when you see it in the street you don't say "oh gosh what a bad designed car!" at all.
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 29/10/2008 @ 11:44:03, By antp
Well I still agree with the fact that the front of recent Peugeot is too big.
On the 407 Coupé it is worse :grin:
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 29/10/2008 @ 12:17:16, By CarChasesFanatic
You don't like these Peugeots then? i find the 407 coupé as quite nice, i also like the Laguna Coupé which for me is lovely.
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 29/10/2008 @ 14:32:50, By antp
I do not like the big mouth of recent Peugeot.
I find the 407 nice, but I do not really like the coupé, though that I do not find it ugly either.
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 29/10/2008 @ 18:42:52, By ingo
@ecclefan: where you took that picture?
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 30/10/2008 @ 00:12:05, By ecclefechan
@ecclefan: where you took that picture?

Around Biskra, Algeria. Incredible landscape.
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 09/11/2008 @ 15:07:27, By mm
VW Lupo (go-kart feeling)
Opel Astra Caravan Diesel
Toyota Yaris 3-door (nice city car up to 100km/h, but just annoying on Autobahn)
Seat Cordoba 'Van' (ugly feeling, you could think accelerator & steering were not direct, but indirect - and a gearbox that seemed to originate from a bakery, for mixing dough)
Iveco Daily 35 (for relocation)
Mercedes-Benz MB100 (relocation)
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter (relocation)
Toyota Tercel Limousine (in the Emirates, took 8 l / 100 km without AC and 12 with AC. We broke 2 door handles in 3 months...)
Mazda 323
Ford Focus C-Max
Mini One Cooper Diesel (quite luxurious and fast)
Ford Galaxy (huge car, nice for travelling, diesel engine discovers it has power when you step on the accelerator a little more)
BMW 118d (nice, but starts to get usable/easy entry when you discover how to get the wheel moved up and the seat down)
And some more, I think.

Latest Edition: 09/11/2008 @ 15:11:34
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 09/11/2008 @ 18:13:06, By chris40
1960 Vauxhall Cresta [PA]
1960 Bedford CAL Workobus
1961 Vauxhall Victor [F] Estate
(All the above while I was job-hunting and my A40 Farina was off the road)
196? Morris 1100 Mk.I (on Malta, 1968 … clapped out, but then most hire-cars on Malta were)
1968 Ford Anglia 1200 (IRL, 1968)
1969 Morris Mini (?Authi) (P, 1969)
1967 VW 1500 (P, 1970)
1971 Pirin-Fiat 124 (BG, 1971)
19?? Fiat 500 (GR, 1972 - Corfu, to be exact)
1972 Polski-Fiat 125p (PL, 1973)
Two different 1973 VW 1200Js (YU, 1974)
1976/7 Opel Kadett 1200A [C] (YU, 1977) (on Austrian plates – apparently Avis bought them in Austria for the skiers and transferred them to Jugoslavia in the summer without needing to re-register them)
1988 Ford Fiesta Mk.II (New Year 1989/90, to go to a party in Wales)
… and an assortment of Escorts for odd days when I was carless. Oh, and an old Transit Luton on one occasion when I had to deliver some furniture and buy some flatpacks …

Latest Edition: 09/11/2008 @ 18:14:50
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 10/11/2008 @ 00:13:17, By BlackIce_GTS
Toyota Tercel Limousine

Isn't this an oxymoron?
Really, I'm confused.
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 10/11/2008 @ 01:30:23, By CarChasesFanatic
In German they call sedans limousines if i'm right, hence why he said that, Toyota Tercel Sedan :smile:
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 10/11/2008 @ 09:18:01, By ingo
Ah, at mm's comments I recognize, that I've also driven some rental transporters and vans for transportations and relocations. I'm glad, that I still have the old (pre 1999) drivers license, so I'm allowed to drive trucks up to 7.5 tons max.weight. Nowadays it's -for all European- only 3.5 tons.

So once I drove such a 7.5 tons Iveco-truck, the other rental transporters were smaller.

In 1996, when my sister had moved to her new university-town, I was really shocked about the new TDI-technology. We got as a rental van a brand new Fiat Ducato Diesel (with the rounded nose). I drove it full throttle on the Autobahn -as I've done it 5-6 years before with my Bundeswehr-VW T3 Transporters, full throttle to avoid blocading the street. After a while, I was going down a hill, I watched the tachometer: 190 km/h !!
I was totally shocked, because except the very lame Army-VW's I had no Diesel-car-experience before.

Some years later, when we have moved by ourselves and we had to clear off the houses of my recently died gantmother, I drove two Mercedes Sprinter.

For other opportunities, mainly picking up bigger stocks of K 70-parts somewhere else, I got older VW Transporters from friends, T3's and first gen LT's.

If you have (like me) your main transporter-experiences with VW T2, T3 and early LT's, you can have a typical manner by getting out of these cars - and you shall remember it, when you sit in annother transporter to avoid falling on your nose! :smile:

When you are getting off a VW Bus, you put your hand on the wheel-arch directly beside the seat, push up your body and turn to the side. It's an automatism after using these vehicles for a while. Once I made this moving, when I sat in a Sprinter - and felt slapstick-like out of the van, because at that model there is no wheel-arch beside the seat. :smile:

Latest Edition: 10/11/2008 @ 09:19:03
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 17/10/2010 @ 14:59:10, By ingo
One pic I've found, the others are still non-digital. From February 2008. Quite new, just 7000 mls on the clock, but we'd been very irritated, that by passing the Appalachians (the lower ones, in Pennsylvania), the engine lost power and the valves started to jingeling. :ohwell:,14927,1212jpg56LR2.jpg

Also visible: my father-in-law and me.
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 17/11/2010 @ 21:22:53, By ingo
Denver/CO, July 1993 - it was a Chrysler Saratoga!,15859,img3509jpgRXUIY.jpg

Corfu/Greece, September 1994:,15860,img3528jpgB7658.jpg

Corfu, too. Specially posted for TonkaTRACKER :wink:,15861,img3527jpgKMJ5P.jpg
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What rental cars you have driven in the past
Published 17/11/2010 @ 21:48:35, By ingo
From my autodriveway-trip across the USA, also in July 1993:

Denver/CO - Cape Girardeau/MO:,15862,img3510jpgQDPPL.jpg

St.Louis - Houston:,15863,img3512jpg2M9KU.jpg
In the Houstin-office I'd been too late. The Mercedes 500 SE, destination Beverly Hills, went away shortly before :sad:

Houston - Sacramento:,15864,img3519jpg8Y3E1.jpg
The location in the background is the legendary VW-scrapyard in Alamogordo/NM

San Francisco - St Paul/MN:,15865,img3520jpg65HA4.jpg

Minneapolis - Philadelphia:,15866,img3521jpgRWCS1.jpg
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