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Getaway in Stockhom
Published 15/05/2008 @ 08:41:12, By marioman3138
Should these movies be added?
I have the first two on DVD, and I can add. The main car though, is never in a good shot. Some background cars (Many Volvos adn others). This could be added in the near future.


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Getaway in Stockhom
Published 15/05/2008 @ 14:53:24, By atom
I have been planing to do that too (And the Ghost rider movies). But I don't know if they should be added though, they are movies with a production company and have sold DVD's but I don't know if they are considered 'real' movies.
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Getaway in Stockhom
Published 15/05/2008 @ 16:00:43, By antp
Well as long as DVDs are sold like "real movies" it could be considered as worth listing, especially since it is rather well known for "amateur" stuff.
But I am still not sure if we should include it or not.
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Getaway in Stockhom
Published 15/05/2008 @ 20:18:28, By CarChasesFanatic
I think stronghold included one already.
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Getaway in Stockhom
Published 15/05/2008 @ 20:58:32, By CarChasesFanatic
I think stronghold included one already.
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Getaway in Stockhom
Published 15/05/2008 @ 21:36:36, By atom
You mean this one?

I think that is little different since it has a 'story', and well, it has an imdb entry :tongue:

Latest Edition: 15/05/2008 @ 21:37:48
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Getaway in Stockhom
Published 15/05/2008 @ 23:55:56, By CarChasesFanatic
Yes that one, thanks Atom.
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