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Guess what!
Published 25/05/2008 @ 20:12:25, By MBSL65fan
I have returned after a really long time. Sad thing is that I don't have any pictures of my car, but I have a youtube video of it. I made it yesterday and I want to share it. enjoy! :crazy:
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Guess what!
Published 25/05/2008 @ 20:55:52, By Neptune
Nice! Looks good in white (that type of Acura looks good in any color) Also a very nice intro to explaining the car and how it's features work (ever thought about being a car salesman?) It might be right up your alley. :smile:
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Guess what!
Published 25/05/2008 @ 23:36:23, By CarChasesFanatic
How lucky MBLS65fan you are :roll: , what a cool car, it seems quite luxurious, i envy you.

Latest Edition: 25/05/2008 @ 23:37:22
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Guess what!
Published 26/05/2008 @ 00:17:46, By MBSL65fan
Thanks guys. :smile:

I have thought about being a car's salesman a few years back, but since a lot of automotive sales are not doing too great I had to rethink. I actually want to become a psychologist :tongue: .
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Guess what!
Published 26/05/2008 @ 00:37:08, By CarChasesFanatic
You didnt know how to drive a manual but you'd like to learn wasnt it?
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Guess what!
Published 26/05/2008 @ 00:41:17, By MBSL65fan
I still don't know and I still want to learn.
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Guess what!
Published 26/05/2008 @ 00:49:46, By CarChasesFanatic
Do you have any car to practise? its a bit stupid but have you seen those videos on youtube that teach you how to drive manuals?
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Guess what!
Published 26/05/2008 @ 03:11:12, By MBSL65fan
I do not have a car to practice on, and I have seen a few on youtube, but I think that being at the wheel and having an instructor tell you is a better way to learn, in my opinion. My neighbor a few months ago offered to teach me (he has a lot of cars), but he hasn't driven a manual home for a while.
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Guess what!
Published 26/05/2008 @ 03:12:20, By MBSL65fan
By the way, for everybody on imcdb. If you haven't read my profile yet, my real name is Joseph. :smile:
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Guess what!
Published 26/05/2008 @ 20:27:36, By ingo
Perhaps we Europeans over here should offer Joseph a "Original-European-style-driving-lesson", authentic only in stick-shift-cars? :smile:

Atr first CCF learns him, how to pass Madrid, then go East to wickey -the absolute direct way across the Alps Mountains. For that trip, DynaMike or garco can lease an oversized camping-trailer in original Holland-style. :wink:
Then up North to Weasel1984 and fck (to show the road-situations along the Ukrainian and Belarus-border) than westwards with German speed on the German Autobahn (incl.teaching how to drink a cup of coffee at 200 km/h).

Then a ride on the narrow top of a real Dutch dike, try to pass three cute girls on bicycles (using the Dutch style: riding side by side, not behind the other). Followed by the Belgian style of using a car (quite different than the Belgian neighbours does), shown by Antoine.
After a few relaxing circles across Paris, which Joseph get learned by sixcyl, we let Joseph's trip with help of stronghold and GagHalfrunt roll out in the UK - on the left side.

Latest Edition: 26/05/2008 @ 20:30:28
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Guess what!
Published 26/05/2008 @ 20:31:45, By antp
Followed by the Belgian style of using a car (quite different than the Belgian neighbours does)

:figti: what do you mean?
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Guess what!
Published 26/05/2008 @ 20:44:17, By ingo
Perhaps Joseph has the chance to make his own experience with the prejudices, which are going around about Belgian drivers.
The way, how the people in Brussels are parking, is a bit different than in Rotterdam or Düsseldorf.
And in Belgium red traffic lights are obviosly seen more as a friendly recommondation than as a fixed rule. :wink:

I made these experiences (and other) by myself, confirmed by my uncle, who works since 15 years as an EU-bureaucrat in Brussels.

When was the law released to have a driver's license in Belgium? After the WW2, am I right?

Latest Edition: 26/05/2008 @ 20:45:38
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Guess what!
Published 26/05/2008 @ 21:30:16, By antp
Well you are a little exagerating about red lights :oh:
I do not see so often people really passing at red lights (well, except if you count the "very orange" as red :ddr555: then indeed...)

Latest Edition: 26/05/2008 @ 21:30:27
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Guess what!
Published 26/05/2008 @ 22:17:05, By chris40
Don't forget, in the UK, the elderly guy in a trilby hat and smoking a pipe, driving a Vauxhall Corsa, Nissan Micra or Ford Fiesta in the middle of the road at 25 mph in built-up areas and 37 mph elsewhere (except on motorways, where he will frighten himself to death at 52 mph).
Since we're airing our prejudices, maybe we should also introduce Joseph to the former Jugoslavia, where overtaking eight vehicles at once is thought to be a sign of machismo. :drive:
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Guess what!
Published 26/05/2008 @ 22:52:51, By CarChasesFanatic
except if you count the "very orange" as red...

:lol: it's amber :clindoeil:
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Guess what!
Published 27/05/2008 @ 00:33:50, By MBSL65fan
than westwards with German speed on the German Autobahn (incl.teaching how to drink a cup of coffee at 200 km/h).

:lol: One thing though, I don't drink coffee. :whistle:
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Guess what!
Published 27/05/2008 @ 08:45:45, By ingo
(well, except if you count the "very orange" as red :ddr555: then indeed...)

It's "cherry-green" :wink:

Sometimes I ignore red lights, too. It depends on my mood and opinion. The (one and only) light in our village, I ignore mostly. It's a pure harrassment-light. At that (wide) place no pedestrians are on the street. It changes the colours every few seconds, and it's always red, when a car is coming. I pass it by red light, to, when noone is using it - and hopefully noone is in the police-station besides.

Latest Edition: 27/05/2008 @ 08:46:07
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Guess what!
Published 27/05/2008 @ 08:50:21, By ingo

:lol: One thing though, I don't drink coffee. :whistle:

It doesn't matter. We can lift up the demand of the excercise: eat Chinese noodles or a German Bratwurst while driving - without making blots. :grin:
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Guess what!
Published 27/05/2008 @ 11:15:19, By antp

Sometimes I ignore red lights, too.

I don't, it is just that sometimes you think that you have time to pass at orange :whistle: But if the light is red when I arrive, I never pass it (and I do not think that so many people pass in such case).
It happened that I passed red lights, but it was special cases: when lights had problem and never turned green (after waited two series of green lights in the other way of trafic)
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Guess what!
Published 27/05/2008 @ 22:06:44, By taxiguy
Don't forget, in the UK, the elderly guy in a trilby hat and smoking a pipe, driving a Vauxhall Corsa, Nissan Micra or Ford Fiesta in the middle of the road at 25 mph in built-up areas and 37 mph elsewhere (except on motorways, where he will frighten himself to death at 52 mph).

:lol: That's exactly how my grandma drives when I'm riding with her! She goes down a 35 mph road no faster than 23 in her enormous red Crown Victoria with it's left turn signal still on from when she left the driveway, and everyone is passing us and some even give her the finger. I know it's an old person sterotype but it's true for her! :lol: I don't think old people should be allowed to have a lisence if they drive like that :rolleyes:

Latest Edition: 27/05/2008 @ 22:11:13
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