Misc » Abandoned Places.
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Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 02:39:31, By CarChasesFanatic
Im an absolute fan of the story of the Titanic, and i love the movie specially the part that talks about the ship itself and the part in where we see the ship sinking, people just say it is a stupid movie but because they just pay attention to the love story, but it is the ship story which is interesting, just to iamgine all that luxury in it and it all was ruined, all the people etc... well...
Well you could have known about it but perhaps you didnt have to, it ocurred on 1986 when a nuclear reactor exploded, the nuclear power station was Chernobyl and when it exploded the radiation in the nearby city was too high, so people was forced to abandone the city, since then many people died and well, other not nice stuff... so Prypiat is the city that was abandoned, and many photos of it can be seen in the net, look.
The city can actually be visited with a tourist guide, it is jsut empty, its a shame that, as it always happens with theseplaces they are vandalized once they are empty.
Well you could have known about it but perhaps you didnt have to, it ocurred on 1986 when a nuclear reactor exploded, the nuclear power station was Chernobyl and when it exploded the radiation in the nearby city was too high, so people was forced to abandone the city, since then many people died and well, other not nice stuff... so Prypiat is the city that was abandoned, and many photos of it can be seen in the net, look.
The city can actually be visited with a tourist guide, it is jsut empty, its a shame that, as it always happens with theseplaces they are vandalized once they are empty.
Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 03:37:32, By 58_Roadmaster
Let's see what else I uncovered from the web:
Unfinished section of a Connecticut freeway
Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike (apparently the most famous section like this--photos better than it looks today)
Route 66 Glenrio, Texas
Unfinished section of a Connecticut freeway
Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike (apparently the most famous section like this--photos better than it looks today)
Route 66 Glenrio, Texas
Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 05:19:26, By taxiguy
Oh yes, of course I have heard of Chernobyl. Didn't know about the town though. If they let tourists in, then the radiation must not be harmful? If so, why didn't people return? Very interesting indeed. Just imagine if a large city like New York was abandonded like that for some reason. Well, come to think of it, you don't have to imagine

Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 05:52:26, By 58_Roadmaster
That is so cool! I must visit that road some time! Is it not on maps anymore? How come no one drives on it? It seems like even old roads still get a little bit of traffic. Are you even allowed to drive on it? It's so mysterious, I simply love it

I'm sure it's used for training purposes of some kind, and a few parts may also be bike paths, yeah a 4-lane divided bike path!
Main Site:
This happens fairly often, just never before on such a scale. I was stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas where the base expanded over a wide area engrossing old US 77 which used to head south from Riley, KS, but now goes west and then follows Kansas Highway 82 south.
Anyways, there's an abandonded building in downtown Detroit that is quite interesting I've always thought.
That is very cool and quite sad

Latest Edition: 04/06/2008 @ 05:54:14
Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 11:49:12, By Raul1983
Abandoned places are very interesting subject. I would like to do urban exploration but there's not many places to look here. Usually abandoned houses. There are only a few abandoned towns in Europe and mostly in Italy and Greece. When I visited Cretes island I found a small abandoned village with only one people living in it. It is a tourist attraction but few people know about it. Here's some information:
I have also visited catacombs in Paris, abandoned casino in Italy and abandoned mansion in Estonia.
Some links
Opacity - pictures of old asylums and mental institutions
Here are pictures I took from abandoned racing track called 'Keimola':
Many former F1 drivers have driven on that track. It is just a few kilometers from my house.
Interesting places
Abandoned island of Hashima in Japan. Closed since 1974.
Prora, a holiday resort built during Hitler's regime. One of the longest buildings in the world, over 4 km long. Never finished.
Varosha, Cyprus. A city caught between two warring sides. Access not permitted, also landmines.
I have also visited catacombs in Paris, abandoned casino in Italy and abandoned mansion in Estonia.
Some links
Opacity - pictures of old asylums and mental institutions
Here are pictures I took from abandoned racing track called 'Keimola':
Many former F1 drivers have driven on that track. It is just a few kilometers from my house.
Interesting places
Abandoned island of Hashima in Japan. Closed since 1974.
Prora, a holiday resort built during Hitler's regime. One of the longest buildings in the world, over 4 km long. Never finished.
Varosha, Cyprus. A city caught between two warring sides. Access not permitted, also landmines.
Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 11:54:37, By Raul1983
If you like Pripyat I highly recommend playing the game 'S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadows of Chernobyl'.
Pripyat is a nice city to walk. Just beware of Monolithes and zombies
Latest Edition: 04/06/2008 @ 14:47:43
Pripyat is a nice city to walk. Just beware of Monolithes and zombies

Latest Edition: 04/06/2008 @ 14:47:43
Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 12:57:15, By CarChasesFanatic
Raul thanks a lot for those new abandoned sites, i have found them really interesting, specially the city of Varosha, of the whole article ill stay with this part "Supposedly, according to Lonely Planet, there is a car dealership somewhere in the city that still has 1974 models in the showroom." i think you mentioned this before in the other thread, no? it would be great to just find it, but i didnt take it too well, why is it forbidden to enter it? it doesnt explain in the article.
In Spain, in Sitges, there's also an abandoned race track, very similar to the one near your home, just that this one has higher curves and apparently it is in better conditions than yours, look.
Also quite interesting is the Island of Hashima, thanks for showing, what i always wonder is why the hell does people have the need of vandalizing these places, whats the fun of it...? if the places that are left by people were also left forver as how they were the last time that someone lived there they would be even more interesting...
That of Prora was interesting too, thanks Raul, i wasnt expecting people to have such taste in this site, its nice to know some of you do
Latest Edition: 04/06/2008 @ 12:58:57
In Spain, in Sitges, there's also an abandoned race track, very similar to the one near your home, just that this one has higher curves and apparently it is in better conditions than yours, look.
Also quite interesting is the Island of Hashima, thanks for showing, what i always wonder is why the hell does people have the need of vandalizing these places, whats the fun of it...? if the places that are left by people were also left forver as how they were the last time that someone lived there they would be even more interesting...
That of Prora was interesting too, thanks Raul, i wasnt expecting people to have such taste in this site, its nice to know some of you do

Latest Edition: 04/06/2008 @ 12:58:57
Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 13:07:16, By CarChasesFanatic
Oh yes, of course I have heard of Chernobyl. Didn't know about the town though. If they let tourists in, then the radiation must not be harmful? If so, why didn't people return?
Not harmful to go and visit the city for a day, but harmful enough to live there for months, also its not possible (well you can do it if you want) to grow vegetables on the floor due to the radiation, yet i think old farmers live near the city and keep growing vegetables etc, i saw in a documentary, but they were old, so theyll die because of the age firstly before dying because off the radiation...
In this city there's also a huge junkyard with all the vehicles from the city and other military vehicles, ill try and look for pictures since it is quite interesting.
Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 14:16:27, By Raul1983
there is a car dealership somewhere in the city that still has 1974 models in the showroom." i think you mentioned this before in the other thread, no?
I posted two pictures of the showroom in this thread:
it would be great to just find it, but i didnt take it too well, why is it forbidden to enter it? it doesnt explain in the article.
It is located in demilitarized zone and only soldiers can go there. It's in the border of two armies. Photographing the place is not possible.
In Spain, in Sitges, there's also an abandoned race track, very similar to the one near your home
Thanks for the links! I didn't know about this track. It looks like it's in very good condition, maybe even driveable(!).
Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 14:46:23, By Raul1983
One of the places I would like to visit is Detroit. Nearly one million people have left from the city since the 1960's. Now population is little over 900,000. As a result of migration entire neighbourhoods have been left almost empty. This mean a lot of interesting places to see which all remind about the citys former glory. As we know Detroit was known for a long time as the 'car factory of the world' and almost every industry was somehow related to car manufacture. It would be great to do a pilgrimage to this city. I'm also a fan of soul music so it doesn't get better than this! (Detroit was one of the soul capitals).
Some locations photographed here:
Many interesting museums:
More interesting places
Bussana Vecchia, abandoned village in Italy. Because of several earthquakes it was considered too dangerous place to live.
Bodie, California. A boomtown of 10,000 people in the 1880's was abandoned in the 1930's. Very well preserved place. (chicomarx posted already one picture of this place)
Olympic village built in 1936 near Berlin. Immediately after the olympics it became a German military academy and later it was abandoned by Soviet army.
Some locations photographed here:
Many interesting museums:
More interesting places
Bussana Vecchia, abandoned village in Italy. Because of several earthquakes it was considered too dangerous place to live.
Bodie, California. A boomtown of 10,000 people in the 1880's was abandoned in the 1930's. Very well preserved place. (chicomarx posted already one picture of this place)
Olympic village built in 1936 near Berlin. Immediately after the olympics it became a German military academy and later it was abandoned by Soviet army.
Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 21:06:51, By ingo
An abandoned place, which now a historical site (but a site, where you can stroll around), very recommended, too:
Sooner or later the village of the workers will be destroyed, too:
The huge mining-waste-mountains are coming closer and closer. They have built a new village in a distance. The old one will be filled up with stones.
Sooner or later the village of the workers will be destroyed, too:
The huge mining-waste-mountains are coming closer and closer. They have built a new village in a distance. The old one will be filled up with stones.
Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 21:19:32, By CarChasesFanatic
Yet more nice places, you know many Raul
, Ingo, i find Kolmanskop quite interesting, i read about it yesterday, the sand its slowly getting in the houses and filling them up, the mansions are quite nice.

Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 22:06:53, By CarChasesFanatic
Many more pictures of the dealership in Denmark
http://www.autobild.de/mmg/mm_bildergalerie_668983.html?tab=0&page=0&bid=0&m=&e=- &i=
And another warehouse in Portugal full of vintage cars
http://www.autobild.de/mmg/mm_bildergalerie_668983.html?tab=0&page=0&bid=0&m=&e=- &i=
And another warehouse in Portugal full of vintage cars

Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 22:09:09, By ingo
You're right, these mansions in the desert are a very strange topic. They were built after 1908 by the German colonists. They had no idea about the climate in the desert, so they built the houses in the same style like at home.
And this is a very strange thing for us Germans, to see all this typical old-style typical German houses (an the other stuff, too, down to the glass-bottles) far away in the African desert.
The history of German colonization is much smaller, compared with the English, French and even Spanish, so for us it's absolutely strange to see "our" old stuff (or old regulations or behaviour) far away on annother continent.
At least, nowadays only in Namibia this will happen. In the other former colonies nearly nothing is left. The most popular reminiscence of German colonization is the Tsingtao-brewery in China.
And this is a very strange thing for us Germans, to see all this typical old-style typical German houses (an the other stuff, too, down to the glass-bottles) far away in the African desert.
The history of German colonization is much smaller, compared with the English, French and even Spanish, so for us it's absolutely strange to see "our" old stuff (or old regulations or behaviour) far away on annother continent.
At least, nowadays only in Namibia this will happen. In the other former colonies nearly nothing is left. The most popular reminiscence of German colonization is the Tsingtao-brewery in China.
Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 22:11:59, By ingo
A propos Chile, annother intersting place:
some pics:
some pics:
Abandoned Places.
Published 04/06/2008 @ 22:14:03, By ingo
Oh, a good summary of such places at wikipedia:
Abandoned Places.
Published 05/06/2008 @ 04:34:57, By taxiguy
One of the places I would like to visit is Detroit. Nearly one million people have left from the city since the 1960's. Now population is little over 900,000. As a result of migration entire neighbourhoods have been left almost empty. This mean a lot of interesting places to see which all remind about the citys former glory. As we know Detroit was known for a long time as the 'car factory of the world' and almost every industry was somehow related to car manufacture. It would be great to do a pilgrimage to this city. I'm also a fan of soul music so it doesn't get better than this! (Detroit was one of the soul capitals).
Some locations photographed here:
Many interesting museums:
Some locations photographed here:
Many interesting museums:

Abandoned Places.
Published 05/06/2008 @ 11:49:32, By ecclefechan
I love exploring abandoned places. I've done lots of exploration of abandoned hospitals and houses within the past year. You can view my pictures on Flickr:
This is my far the most interesting ofo the places I've visited, I think:
Check the "dead body" :D:
This is my far the most interesting ofo the places I've visited, I think:
Check the "dead body" :D:
Abandoned Places.
Published 05/06/2008 @ 12:21:10, By Raul1983
Few more interesting places
Kadychan in Siberia, Russia. A town which was heavily dependent from mining operations. But when the mine was closed people didn't see a reason to live there anymore.
Goldfield, Nevada. Once the biggest city in Nevada with a population of 30,000 people. It's nearly a ghost town because only 500 people live there now.
Kings Park Psychiatric Center, New York. Numerous hospital buildings and a power plant. A huge place to explore and it is quite easy to get lost in there.
One other interesting institution was Philadelphia State Hospital. It was just demolished a year ago. What makes these places interesting is that they were very self-reliant. Own power plants, all services under same roof (car garage, movie theatre etc.) Underground tunnel network connected all buildings.
I think these were the most interesting places I know. Can't think of many more places.
Kadychan in Siberia, Russia. A town which was heavily dependent from mining operations. But when the mine was closed people didn't see a reason to live there anymore.
Goldfield, Nevada. Once the biggest city in Nevada with a population of 30,000 people. It's nearly a ghost town because only 500 people live there now.
Kings Park Psychiatric Center, New York. Numerous hospital buildings and a power plant. A huge place to explore and it is quite easy to get lost in there.
One other interesting institution was Philadelphia State Hospital. It was just demolished a year ago. What makes these places interesting is that they were very self-reliant. Own power plants, all services under same roof (car garage, movie theatre etc.) Underground tunnel network connected all buildings.
I think these were the most interesting places I know. Can't think of many more places.
Abandoned Places.
Published 05/06/2008 @ 12:54:12, By CarChasesFanatic
that was cool
! you are a murderer im going to report you, dont think that this is going to stay as it is
Now its time to see Raul's new places

Now its time to see Raul's new places

Abandoned Places.
Published 05/06/2008 @ 21:17:45, By ingo
A propos Namibia (a bit off topic, it belongs more to the database).
I love the Bud Specer-movies from the 70ies, so "Piedone L'Africano", which was set in South Africa and mainly Southwest-Africa, the later Namibia.
For a very short time, at the chase scene in the Namib-desert (the police Lancruiser's are following the ambulance), you could see on the rolling-over police-cars written the German word "Polizei" - strange, 60 years after it wasn't a German colony any more.
Latest Edition: 05/06/2008 @ 21:18:58
I love the Bud Specer-movies from the 70ies, so "Piedone L'Africano", which was set in South Africa and mainly Southwest-Africa, the later Namibia.
For a very short time, at the chase scene in the Namib-desert (the police Lancruiser's are following the ambulance), you could see on the rolling-over police-cars written the German word "Polizei" - strange, 60 years after it wasn't a German colony any more.
Latest Edition: 05/06/2008 @ 21:18:58