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Statistical curiousity: Most web hits on a car page?
Published 18/06/2008 @ 04:47:11, By 58_Roadmaster
I can see in the Statistics page numbers of vehicles, film entry with most vehicles, but seeing activity on the Christine or the Gone in Sixty Seconds (1974) pages, I wonder which car page has the most hits (page views). Is there a way to know?
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Statistical curiousity: Most web hits on a car page?
Published 18/06/2008 @ 10:07:55, By antp
Most viewed pages are search, comments, unknowns :grin:
But in movies for the last 30 days we have:

Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift [with 1400 pageviews]
The Fast and The Furious
Alarm fur Cobra 11 (*)
Top Gear
2 Fast 2 Furious
The Simpsons
Mission Impossible (*) [the series]
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Mad Max
Miami Vice [the movie]
Transformers [with 500 pageviews]

* = because recently updated, I guess

I took unique pageviews (i.e. if one visitor goes multiple times on the page, it is not counted)

For previous 30 days the results are more or less similar.

Latest Edition: 18/06/2008 @ 10:08:53
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Statistical curiousity: Most web hits on a car page?
Published 18/06/2008 @ 10:12:05, By 58_Roadmaster
Thank you. That makes sense in a 60-day time span. Is this counting only members or also those not logged in?
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Statistical curiousity: Most web hits on a car page?
Published 18/06/2008 @ 10:15:08, By antp
All visits are counted, visitors (i.e. not logged-in), members and admins. I believe that if we exclude visitors we would get more hits on the recently added movies. But I cannot easily have these stats.

Latest Edition: 18/06/2008 @ 10:16:02
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