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Car Badges!
Published 16/07/2008 @ 21:03:27, By MBSL65fan
Escape and Crown Victoria is possible.

Latest Edition: 16/07/2008 @ 21:03:59

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Car Badges!
Published 16/07/2008 @ 23:14:43, By taxiguy
Hmmmm... what a nice challenge :smile:

Escape grill:

Crown Victoria grill: .com/pics/plp/EV2567992.jpg&description_id=631173

:think: could be either really...
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Car Badges!
Published 29/07/2008 @ 01:21:38, By Toenz
I just found a Volkswagen badge, which I removed from an abandoned car, when I was a kid (about 20 years ago). I can't recall the model, maybe Passat B1? (made of metal, two pins on the back side, size ca. 22 x 2 cm).
Ingo, do you have an idea?
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Car Badges!
Published 29/07/2008 @ 09:52:58, By ingo
@Toenz: these aluminium-badges were used for the Passat, the Scirocco and the Golf, but only in their first year of production. Then plastic ones were taken.
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Car Badges!
Published 29/07/2008 @ 16:29:11, By Toenz
Ok, thanks for the identification. Now I'm sure it was a Passat (in popular light green). I doubted, because the pics I found online all showed the later plastic emblem. Do you think it's profitable to sell on eBay?
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Car Badges!
Published 31/07/2008 @ 22:38:46, By ingo
Try it, but before watch similar auctions. Badges belong the parts, where eBay has caused much lower prices than before.
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Car Badges!
Published 29/08/2008 @ 21:28:14, By ingo
My parents told me, that I've learned to read before I came into the school - by car-badges. When we made walks around, I was only interested in the cars standing in the street and wanted to identify them. So I've hardly tried to read the letters of the badges.

At my last visit of a good friend (he has 4 little children), the oldest, 8-years-old boy has tried to combinate words with letters of VW-bagdes (the newer ones have single letters). His father owns a spare-part-shop.
He was not satisfied, because he needed some "E"'s and "N"'s.
His parents weren't happy, when I got the idea, how to help the child: "Hey, your neighbour can be helpful" (a popular German actor ).
A Phaeton stands in front of his house. :smile:

Latest Edition: 29/08/2008 @ 21:29:58
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Car Badges!
Published 03/09/2008 @ 21:25:19, By ingo
In the area, where I live, several people have bought actual Mercedes-Benz badge-letters and have fixed at their cars (not only Benzes). They have "S 04" - it's the logo of the popular soccer-club FC Schalke 04.
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Car Badges!
Published 25/07/2013 @ 01:39:51, By toyota_fantic
Hi will you sell the 84 Toyota Camry hood ornament you got? Does it have the base and mounting parts? Thank you for your time! :smile:[email] [/email[email]][/email]

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