Misc » Taxiguy: I got a job, guess what it is?
Taxiguy: I got a job, guess what it is?
Published 02/07/2008 @ 06:31:10, By 58_Roadmaster
I walked across the street from my apartment and found favor with the local cab company. My city's population is around 18,000 and this company serves it and surrounding areas well. Occasionally fares may come from trips to the international airport an hour's drive from here.
I'm happy to be employed
, and I'm insanely happy
that I will have NO COMMUTE. Take that oil companies!!! Sorry for the rest of you. I won't mention it ever again.
Will include pictures of the cabs when I can.
I'm happy to be employed

Will include pictures of the cabs when I can.
Taxiguy: I got a job, guess what it is?
Published 02/07/2008 @ 10:18:28, By antp

Taxiguy: I got a job, guess what it is?
Published 02/07/2008 @ 19:32:00, By ingo
Best congratulation from me, too!!
and I'm insanely happy
that I will have NO COMMUTE. Take that oil companies!!!
This is actually a problem for me
I have to drive 130 km per day. I have a dispute with my boss, because he don't want to give me a home-office. It would be easily possible for the work I'm doing, our company generally support home-offices, too - but just my boss will not agree.
So soon it can be happen, that I'll leave the company for a new job - after 17 years. A big step for me, but to save more than 300 Euros per month is too important to ignore. I've wrote applications.
Latest Edition: 02/07/2008 @ 19:33:24

and I'm insanely happy

This is actually a problem for me

So soon it can be happen, that I'll leave the company for a new job - after 17 years. A big step for me, but to save more than 300 Euros per month is too important to ignore. I've wrote applications.
Latest Edition: 02/07/2008 @ 19:33:24
Taxiguy: I got a job, guess what it is?
Published 02/07/2008 @ 20:12:51, By taxiguy
Wow! That's so cool!
I'm very envious! If I might ask, what town or at least what state do you live in?
And yes I would love to see pictures of the cabs
What kind are they? Crown Victorias? Impalas?

And yes I would love to see pictures of the cabs

What kind are they? Crown Victorias? Impalas?
Taxiguy: I got a job, guess what it is?
Published 02/07/2008 @ 21:08:11, By Leoz
Nice! ever get that Taxi Driver 'Travis' feeling?