Misc » Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 04/07/2008 @ 20:34:23, By MBSL65fan
I know that carchasasfanatic, lastinpurple, and germaneon have one. Does anyone else? If so do you have any videos?
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 04/07/2008 @ 23:03:23, By IRT_BMT_IND
I used to have one, it had lots of car chase videos, but it was deleted by youtube for copyright violations.
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 04/07/2008 @ 23:06:25, By CarChasesFanatic
what was your account name?

Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 06/07/2008 @ 20:08:06, By Leoz
I have one. No point in telling the name because ther's nothing much there, only two videos I added in '06; a clip from a film and a music video. I have many favourites though.
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 08/07/2008 @ 13:16:30, By Animatronixx
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 08/07/2008 @ 14:10:45, By antp
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 08/07/2008 @ 20:38:39, By ingo
@Animatronixx: about hearses and music: I remember, that I've heard in radio in the 80ies, only one time, a -totally idiotical and stupid- song "Ich fahr Leichenwagen". Do you know it?
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 08/07/2008 @ 20:56:08, By Animatronixx
@Animatronixx: about hearses and music: I remember, that I've heard in radio in the 80ies, only one time, a -totally idiotical and stupid- song "Ich fahr Leichenwagen". Do you know it?
You mean this one? Oh, yes... *cough* I never knew they played it on the radio (and I doubt they did it twice).
Well, to be honest: I don´t especially like the song, but it could have been worse. Several of my friends really love it. In the video they kind of abuse a twin of my hearse (with long sideglass, though). The owner of that hearse got some bucks for renting out his car for production - along with a new set of tires after the filming was done.

By the way: Our "funeral car safety training" seen in my video took place almost "bei Dir umme Ecke" at Fahrsicherheitszentrum Rheinberg.

Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 08/07/2008 @ 23:10:45, By ingo
Danke für den Link, aber es war ein anderes Lied. Es war eine Band, kein einzelner Sänger, die Melodie war schneller und ich erinnere mich an die Zeile "die Alte hinten wird schon langsam blau". Auf jeden Fall war das Lied, das ich meine, viel älter, defintiv 80er Jahre. Es hatte mehr einen NDW-Touch.
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 08/07/2008 @ 23:12:09, By ingo
Oh, in Rheinberg? Zugegebenermaßen bin ich dort noch nie gewesen, obwohl im selben Kreis.

Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 09/07/2008 @ 02:02:57, By Animatronixx
Es war eine Band, kein einzelner Sänger, die Melodie war schneller (...)
Oh... Nein, also das kenne ich nicht. Und ich glaube, das ist auch überhaupt nicht schlimm!

(Is it allowed to talk in German here in some cases? I normally don´t do that, as you know.)
Latest Edition: 09/07/2008 @ 02:04:41
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 09/07/2008 @ 09:23:34, By ingo
I've written German, because it's difficult for me to describe in English, what I meant.
Translation: Animatronixx and me have talked about songs, which go about driving hearses.
Latest Edition: 09/07/2008 @ 09:24:25
Translation: Animatronixx and me have talked about songs, which go about driving hearses.
Latest Edition: 09/07/2008 @ 09:24:25
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 11/07/2008 @ 23:43:38, By taxiguy
I have a youtube account, no videos though, as any homemade videos I would make would be simply not worth watching, just like 90% of the videos on that site
The only reason I got an account was so I could write comments and keep track of my favorite videos. They are mostly comedy skits from TV, and also some car commercials and videos.

The only reason I got an account was so I could write comments and keep track of my favorite videos. They are mostly comedy skits from TV, and also some car commercials and videos.
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 13/07/2008 @ 00:17:49, By MBSL65fan
You should put your camry videos on Youtube, with other videos of your family cars. That's what I did. I'd watch and subscribe.

Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 13/07/2008 @ 03:17:17, By taxiguy
Ok, it's done. I created a new seperate account just for car stuff.
Check it out an subscribe if you'd like
I'll upload some more videos when I have time
Latest Edition: 13/07/2008 @ 03:17:51
Check it out an subscribe if you'd like

I'll upload some more videos when I have time
Latest Edition: 13/07/2008 @ 03:17:51
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 13/07/2008 @ 14:38:59, By Neon
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 13/07/2008 @ 20:50:49, By taxiguy
Neon, is that avatar new? Nice Mk VIII

Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 13/07/2008 @ 23:36:27, By MBSL65fan
New subscription to taxiguy!

Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 14/07/2008 @ 00:17:44, By Neon
Neon, is that avatar new? Nice Mk VIII

Not, it's not new, I has always had it

Can I do a question? Why, when you open the door in your Camry, it sound?
Who here at IMCDB has a Youtube account?
Published 14/07/2008 @ 00:32:25, By Star Wars Fanatic
Plenty of car chase videos and a few other videos I compiled myself, such as car crash mix 1 - 3 and car chase cliches.
Latest Edition: 14/07/2008 @ 00:32:53

Plenty of car chase videos and a few other videos I compiled myself, such as car crash mix 1 - 3 and car chase cliches.
Latest Edition: 14/07/2008 @ 00:32:53