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Misc » GAZ Gazelle vans - Are they based on Ford Transit?
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GAZ Gazelle vans - Are they based on Ford Transit?
Published 11/07/2008 @ 17:17:17, By ecclefechan
They look extremely similar to the 1986-2000 Ford Transit. Are they actually based on them or are they just "copies"?

Picture of one:

Latest Edition: 11/07/2008 @ 17:18:02
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GAZ Gazelle vans - Are they based on Ford Transit?
Published 12/07/2008 @ 11:47:05, By chris40
I've wondered about this myself. I had heard a rumour that GAZ acquired some of the Transit tooling, but the Gazelle was introduced in 1996 and Ford were still using those pressings up to 2000.
BTW, ecclefechan, you're famous - your query comes up on Google.
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GAZ Gazelle vans - Are they based on Ford Transit?
Published 12/07/2008 @ 20:06:01, By ingo
Yes, it is a kind of Russian license-assembling of the Ford Transit. I've heard this from an Estionian and from a Russian friend.
GAZ got some tools and machines from Ford, but they used more simplified technic and have developed robuster axles for the bad roads.
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GAZ Gazelle vans - Are they based on Ford Transit?
Published 12/07/2008 @ 20:10:34, By ingo
So you compare this way of production with the Russian Magirus-derivates.

It was differenz with the two ZAZ Sapohorhets-models. These were just optical copies. The first gen of the Fiat 600 and the second of the NSU Prinz 4. It was not an officially licensed production.

Technic and interior were different. In the early 90ies, after the Wall was open and Eastern cars to get for very low money, often to find abandoned on East German streets, friends of my NSU-club picked up a "Sapo" for wrecking. It was just for joke, only to see, how much is common with the NSU.

Latest Edition: 12/07/2008 @ 20:11:42
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