General » Deletion of image/comments
Deletion of image/comments
Published 29/07/2008 @ 19:11:47, By tali
3rd time now that my comment and other users responses and the image have been removed - what is this all about?
This was in relation to the car being a Soarer , whereas others incorrectly listed it as Lexus SC
Majority of time there is no problem in correcting a user - i don't understand any removal/deletion- what is the purpose?
This was in relation to the car being a Soarer , whereas others incorrectly listed it as Lexus SC
Majority of time there is no problem in correcting a user - i don't understand any removal/deletion- what is the purpose?

Deletion of image/comments
Published 29/07/2008 @ 20:35:05, By antp
Wasn't the picture simply regrouped with another one? When it happens only most useful comments are copied (and maybe not all admins do that)
Deletion of image/comments
Published 29/07/2008 @ 20:40:29, By garco
I deleted it, I thought it was a rare car. When I noticed it was just a Lexus SC with people in front of it, I deleted it.
Deletion of image/comments
Published 29/07/2008 @ 20:59:44, By antp
So finally it was rare? Or not? If it is really a Soarer it may be worth listing...
Latest Edition: 29/07/2008 @ 21:00:07
Latest Edition: 29/07/2008 @ 21:00:07
Deletion of image/comments
Published 29/07/2008 @ 21:22:13, By taxiguy
No, what he's saying is that he thought it was a rare car, but then he discovered it was just a Lexus SC (which appearently isn't rare) so he deleted it
Deletion of image/comments
Published 29/07/2008 @ 21:32:56, By antp
I understood that, but Tali said that it was incorrectly listed as Lexus... so maybe it was actually rare (if it is not a Lexus)
Deletion of image/comments
Published 29/07/2008 @ 22:28:35, By garco
Soarer is the name in Australia (source: google) Or am I wrong?
Deletion of image/comments
Published 30/07/2008 @ 01:58:03, By tali
If you google Lexus SC and also in images -99% of it will be the SC430 convertible.Trouble is SC can also mean Soarer Coupe , and my understanding is the Soarer is the generally accepted term for the coupe

Deletion of image/comments
Published 30/07/2008 @ 02:38:49, By BlackIce_GTS
Soarer is the Japanese name, 3rd and 4th generation Soarers are rebadged as Lexus SCs in various other countries.
Any Soarer in a country where Lexus is sold would be a rare car (since it's obviously been imported), but a Lexus SC in the same country would not be.
Any Soarer in a country where Lexus is sold would be a rare car (since it's obviously been imported), but a Lexus SC in the same country would not be.
Deletion of image/comments
Published 30/07/2008 @ 09:59:22, By garco
I will upload it again, so you can check it. Maybe next time I will not delete it immediately...
Latest Edition: 30/07/2008 @ 09:59:57

Latest Edition: 30/07/2008 @ 09:59:57
Deletion of image/comments
Published 04/08/2008 @ 21:03:39, By garco
Good luck:
Deletion of image/comments
Published 11/10/2008 @ 07:43:55, By hall
mostly so many comments are removed from forums. why this happens? is the comments are of abused language or any different cause.
Deletion of image/comments
Published 11/10/2008 @ 16:40:17, By antp
What do you mean? There are not many comments removed. Usually this happens only when a whole page is deleted (e.g. regrouping two identical cars or when a car is not worth listing).