Cars & Movies » An Interesting Site
An Interesting Site
Published 23/09/2008 @ 11:47:35, By 93_Montero
I found this site that I already showed to Antoine. It's about the guys that provide all kinds of vehicles from police cars and taxis, to horse drawn carriages, motorcycles, muscle cars, etc for photo shoots, advertisements, film and TV. I think it's very important to have a wide knowledge of makes and models but it's also key to know which vehicles bring out a certain personality (the aesthetics of the situation). If you take a look at the photo shoots on the second site I posted it's really interesting. All these famous photographers and celebrities want to be beside a classic car but they nothing about them at all, that's why they call these guys.
This sounds just about like my dream job. Does anyone know how to pursue something like this? I'm currently majoring in film studies at college but I have no idea how you would go about tying vehicles into the mix. It makes sense that people do this for a living, just think about trying to figure how to make a street look like it takes place in the 1950s. I'm sure these guys are expert mechanics also. Does anyone have any ideas about how to move in this direction, or how these guys might have done it?
Latest Edition: 23/09/2008 @ 11:56:00
This sounds just about like my dream job. Does anyone know how to pursue something like this? I'm currently majoring in film studies at college but I have no idea how you would go about tying vehicles into the mix. It makes sense that people do this for a living, just think about trying to figure how to make a street look like it takes place in the 1950s. I'm sure these guys are expert mechanics also. Does anyone have any ideas about how to move in this direction, or how these guys might have done it?
Latest Edition: 23/09/2008 @ 11:56:00
An Interesting Site
Published 23/09/2008 @ 13:21:53, By Ddey65
My brother had a 1971 Ford Torino(not a GT), that some mechanic in Farmingville, New York wanted to fix up and have it registered for movies and TV. Unfortunatley, he couldn't afford it. Too bad the only kind of Torinos they offer are GT's.
Anyway, the search function on that website is screwed-up. Too many makes and models blend into each other, and you can wind up losing something you want. I saw "Fishbow" buses when I was looking up every manufacturer besides GMC.
Latest Edition: 23/09/2008 @ 13:34:14
Anyway, the search function on that website is screwed-up. Too many makes and models blend into each other, and you can wind up losing something you want. I saw "Fishbow" buses when I was looking up every manufacturer besides GMC.
Latest Edition: 23/09/2008 @ 13:34:14
An Interesting Site
Published 24/09/2008 @ 03:40:22, By taxiguy
Many of the New York City taxis on there are very fake. They didn't even use the right shade of yellow for a few of them.
There were a few authentic ones though, of which, my ultimate dream car &selection4=&selection9=&selection5=Taxi&selection7=&selection10=&selection6=&Submit=- Let%27s+Go%21&intVehicleIndex=2751
There were a few authentic ones though, of which, my ultimate dream car &selection4=&selection9=&selection5=Taxi&selection7=&selection10=&selection6=&Submit=- Let%27s+Go%21&intVehicleIndex=2751
An Interesting Site
Published 25/09/2008 @ 16:59:39, By Leoz
A 1997 Ford NYC Taxicab? You don't even live in New York! LOL Or do you?

An Interesting Site
Published 25/09/2008 @ 22:13:29, By Neptune
I contacted EUE Screen Gem Studios here in Wilmington about offering to let letting them use my vehicle in any of their productions, but so far they have yet to email me back. I’d love to see my car in a film or my house for that matter.
An Interesting Site
Published 26/09/2008 @ 00:20:10, By 93_Montero
I assume my Montero is capable since a similar one stared in Behind Enemy Lines (the bad guys SUV) and got shot up in Blood Diamond. Especially in Blood Diamond Dicaprio and Jennifer Connelly are driving it and there are shots of the interior. Execpt it was named Pajero and right-hand drive. It was so cool they used a Mitsubishi SUV for that fast paced chase scene. I would definitely like to see my Montero in a film, I'll have to wait until I'm older to have my own house.
Latest Edition: 26/09/2008 @ 00:20:52
Latest Edition: 26/09/2008 @ 00:20:52
An Interesting Site
Published 26/09/2008 @ 00:59:27, By Ddey65