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McHale's Navy (1997) - H-D Sportster, 4 stars; Dodge van, 1 star
Published 21/11/2008 @ 18:26:49, By crooze
McHale's Navy (1997)

4 stars
Harley-Davidson Sportster
unknown year

1 star
Dodge van
unknown year
File: file_26816_ok.jpg ( 85.5 KB - 1113 )

Latest Edition: 21/11/2008 @ 18:31:56
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McHale's Navy (1997) - H-D Sportster, 4 stars
Published 21/11/2008 @ 18:30:31, By crooze
McHale's Navy (1997)

4 stars
Harley-Davidson Sportster
unknown year
File: file_26817_ok.jpg ( 81.8 KB - 993 )

Latest Edition: 21/11/2008 @ 18:32:37
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McHale's Navy (1997) - H-D Sportster, 4 stars
Published 21/11/2008 @ 18:40:13, By crooze
Same Sportster but ridden by someone else. Posted for clarity of details.

McHale's Navy (1997)

4 stars
Harley-Davidson Sportster
unknown year
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McHale's Navy (1997) - burnt motorcycle, allegedly H-D Sportster, 2 stars
Published 21/11/2008 @ 18:46:47, By crooze
In the film's plot, this is allegedly the same H-D Sportster but since it is burnt up it may be a different make and model used only for this scene.

McHale's Navy (1997)

2 stars
allegedly Harley-Davidson Sportster
unknown year, possibly different make/model
File: file_26819_ok.jpg ( 81.7 KB - 1233 )

Latest Edition: 21/11/2008 @ 18:48:35
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McHale's Navy (1997) - Military Jeep, 2 stars
Published 21/11/2008 @ 18:55:55, By crooze
McHale's Navy (1997)

2 stars
Military Jeep
unknown year
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McHale's Navy (1997) - Military Jeep, 2 stars
Published 21/11/2008 @ 19:02:27, By crooze
This may be the same Jeep as used in the previous scene.

McHale's Navy (1997)

2 stars
Military Jeep
unknown year
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McHale's Navy (1997) - Military Jeeps, 2 stars
Published 21/11/2008 @ 19:05:59, By crooze
Parked Jeeps viewed through binoculars.

McHale's Navy (1997)

2 stars
Military Jeeps
unknown year
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McHale's Navy (1997) - Golf Cart, 3 stars - view 1
Published 21/11/2008 @ 19:16:06, By crooze
McHale's Navy (1997)

Golf Cart, 3 stars - view 1
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McHale's Navy (1997) - Golf Cart, 3 stars - view 2
Published 21/11/2008 @ 19:20:02, By crooze
McHale's Navy (1997)

Golf Cart, 3 stars - view 2
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McHale's Navy (1997) - Golf Cart, 3 stars - view 3
Published 21/11/2008 @ 19:21:50, By crooze
McHale's Navy (1997)

Golf Cart, 3 stars - view 3
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McHale's Navy (1997) - Golf Cart, 3 stars - view 4
Published 21/11/2008 @ 19:23:54, By crooze
McHale's Navy (1997)

Golf Cart, 3 stars - view 4
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McHale's Navy (1997) - Military vehicle, unknown - 3 stars, view 1
Published 21/11/2008 @ 19:34:33, By crooze
McHale's Navy (1997)

Military vehicle, unknown - 3 stars, view 1
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McHale's Navy (1997) - Military vehicle, unknown - 3 stars, view 2
Published 21/11/2008 @ 19:36:53, By crooze
McHale's Navy (1997)

Military vehicle, unknown - 3 stars, view 2
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McHale's Navy (1997) - Military vehicle, unknown - 3 stars, view 3
Published 21/11/2008 @ 19:38:39, By crooze
McHale's Navy (1997)

Military vehicle, unknown - 3 stars, view 3
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McHale's Navy (1997) - H-D Sportster, 4 stars; Dodge van, 1 star
Published 21/11/2008 @ 19:58:31, By chris40
Your military vehicle (unknown) is either a Russian UAZ-469 or its Chinese clone, the Beijing 212; probably the latter as UAZs have four doors.

Latest Edition: 21/11/2008 @ 20:03:38
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my improper posting of McHale's Navy (1997)
Published 21/11/2008 @ 19:58:56, By crooze
Pardon my being a newbie to the forum. I now realize that I forgot to create a new topic under which each of my images should have been posted.

Posting them as I have, all as replies following the first image I posted, is improper. I will create thumbnails for each of the images and resubmit them.
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McHale's Navy (1997) - H-D Sportster, 4 stars; Dodge van, 1 star
Published 21/11/2008 @ 22:01:40, By Ddey65
That Dodge ambulance is a B-Series, anywhere from 1971-77. A closer shot of the grille and I'll narrow it down further for you.
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McHale's Navy (1997) - H-D Sportster, 4 stars; Dodge van, 1 star
Published 21/11/2008 @ 22:51:27, By crooze
That Dodge ambulance is a B-Series, anywhere from 1971-77. A closer shot of the grille and I'll narrow it down further for you.

That is the only time it is seen in the film. I have one additional capture image of that scene but the kid on the bicycle is blocking more of the grille so it provides less detail.

I am having difficulty uploading the images to my server to properly retransmit them into the forum. I need to take care of some personal business so I will be away from the computer for a few hours. I hope to return for straightening out my contributions later this evening.

Latest Edition: 21/11/2008 @ 23:01:55
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McHale's Navy (1997) - H-D Sportster, 4 stars; Dodge van, 1 star
Published 22/11/2008 @ 05:04:11, By Ddey65
I just got a closer look at it, and I can narrow it down between 1974 and 1977. I suspected as much.
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