Misc » Your thoughts on Horns
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 19/12/2008 @ 06:38:24, By 93_Montero
Today I was stopped at a red light with a sign that said NO TURN ON RED. I was waiting for the light to turn green so I could turn right and a car behind me honked. The guy honked right when both lights were red meaning that the traffic on my left was already slowing down or stopped. So I COULD have turned right a second earlier but I waited until the light turned green. I really don't like being honked at, it really sticks with you for awhile. I don't ever use mine anymore, just because of that reason. I guess sometimes it is necessary if a driver is really holding up traffic in a ridiculous fashion. I think that some people though are too quick to use it. People can get really egotistical when it comes to driving, and they think they're the only ones around that matter.
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 19/12/2008 @ 13:58:41, By taxiguy
I love my horn, it's so useful to honk at the other idiots around you so they'll wake up pay attention. (Becuase let's be honest here, there are a LOT of stupid people driving around these days) I don't use it quite as easily as the person you described in your story but I definitely use it sometimes. Just the other day, I pulled up to a red light behind a police car. The light turned green, and he didn't move. I gave it a few seconds becuase I thought maybe he hadn't noticed that it had turn green. But after a while it was getting quite annoying so I gave my horn a tap. Finally then he started moving, but I looked at him again and you know what I noticed? He was talking on his cell phone!

Your thoughts on Horns
Published 21/12/2008 @ 04:59:46, By 93_Montero
I guess I shouldn't take it so personally. It doesn't help that most horns are really jarring, but they do have to be heard. It was strange, I actually did what you described the other day at an intersection. I was looking for a CD and the the light had turned green and there was traffic behind me. I didn't notice it for about a second or two and the van behind me never honked. I'm sure the driver felt the same way about horns, that they just end up pissing people off. He/she gave me at least a second or two to realize what was happening...and I did maybe unlike the policeman.
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 21/12/2008 @ 14:34:39, By antp
Usually at a green light I wait at least 10 seconds before using the horn, which is a lot when you wait
Else I sometimes have to use it in roundabouts, when people think they have priority when entering in these.
This often happens here, near where I live:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=place+simonis,bruxelles,belgium- &sll=50.863459,4.329882&sspn=0.001322,0.002969&ie=UTF8&ll=50.86345,4.3296&spn=0.- 001322,0.002969&t=h&z=19
Cars coming from the right think that the green light at the previous crossroads gives them a permanent priority or something like that, so they do not always pay attention to cars coming from their left in the (oval) roundabout.
Latest Edition: 21/12/2008 @ 14:37:10

Else I sometimes have to use it in roundabouts, when people think they have priority when entering in these.
This often happens here, near where I live:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=place+simonis,bruxelles,belgium- &sll=50.863459,4.329882&sspn=0.001322,0.002969&ie=UTF8&ll=50.86345,4.3296&spn=0.- 001322,0.002969&t=h&z=19
Cars coming from the right think that the green light at the previous crossroads gives them a permanent priority or something like that, so they do not always pay attention to cars coming from their left in the (oval) roundabout.
Latest Edition: 21/12/2008 @ 14:37:10
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 21/12/2008 @ 16:45:54, By taxiguy
Ugh, I hate roundabouts, they're so annoying. I don't think there should be any in the US. No one (including me) knows how to use them. I almost got hit by an Audi the other day when I was pulling into one. I thought that he would stop for me, but appearantly I was the one who was supposed to stop for him. They're just the dumbest things, I don't see why there can't just be a traffic light or a 4-way stop. Maybe for Europe they're useful (as there seem to be a lot over there, especially in the UK) but in the US they are just pointless and confusing.
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 21/12/2008 @ 17:48:49, By IRT_BMT_IND
Ugh, I hate roundabouts, they're so annoying. I don't think there should be any in the US. No one (including me) knows how to use them. I almost got hit by an Audi the other day when I was pulling into one. I thought that he would stop for me, but appearantly I was the one who was supposed to stop for him. They're just the dumbest things, I don't see why there can't just be a traffic light or a 4-way stop. Maybe for Europe they're useful (as there seem to be a lot over there, especially in the UK) but in the US they are just pointless and confusing.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/36/Swindon_Magic_Roundabout_eng.- svg
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 21/12/2008 @ 18:11:39, By Neptune
I use the horn a lot when towing for communication and when I’m upset because someone performed a stupid maneuver around me. I don’t resort to obscene finger gestures.
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 21/12/2008 @ 18:52:56, By antp
a 4-way stop
That does not exist over here

And I am not sure that it would work quite well, seeing how people drive.
Roundabout are more common in France, but they start to put these in lots of places here in Belgium too, I find these very useful in many cases.
It allows to not slow down the light traffic, unlike what lights do.
And for heavier traffic it often solves the left-turn problems.
I wish that they put one on this crossroad near my work:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=boulevard+de+l'humanite,drogenb- os,belgium&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=53.741627,97.294922&ie=UTF8&ll=50.792751,4.300997&spn=0.001324,0- .002969&t=h&z=19&iwloc=addr
Left-turn for cars coming from north is problematic, there is often a long line of cars waiting, mostly because of all the cars coming from south which left-turn too, but have priority (and also due to cars coming from east which have priority on both other roads)
Latest Edition: 21/12/2008 @ 18:53:18
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 21/12/2008 @ 20:00:02, By ingo
We don't have 4-way-stops in Germany, too, but there is the possibility, that 4 cars are meeting at the crossing of two smaller street, where there aren't no signs and the "righ first"-rule goes. Then you have to act like at a 4-way-stop.
I use my horn rarely. It sucks, if people are using them to greet some friends, they are seeing on the street.
The last time I've used the horn last week in our village. In front of the supermarket, where the boardwalk was fully parked, an older lady was suddenly going on the road, pushing an overloaded bicycle. She act in such a stupid way, that the cyclist in front of me nearly was falling on the street. She don't took a lok around, just entering the narrow street. I used the horn just 2 meters behind her. She was so alarmed, that the nearly had her bicyle let falling on the street.
I use my horn rarely. It sucks, if people are using them to greet some friends, they are seeing on the street.
The last time I've used the horn last week in our village. In front of the supermarket, where the boardwalk was fully parked, an older lady was suddenly going on the road, pushing an overloaded bicycle. She act in such a stupid way, that the cyclist in front of me nearly was falling on the street. She don't took a lok around, just entering the narrow street. I used the horn just 2 meters behind her. She was so alarmed, that the nearly had her bicyle let falling on the street.
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 21/12/2008 @ 20:12:50, By antp
where there aren't no signs and the "righ first"-rule goes.
Really? I thought it was like for Belgium/France, where it is the one coming from the right which has priority.
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 22/12/2008 @ 01:24:20, By taxiguy
It sucks, if people are using them to greet some friends, they are seeing on the street.

Your thoughts on Horns
Published 22/12/2008 @ 07:41:01, By marioman3138
This is a confusing round-a-bout, even the GPS was dumbfounded:
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 22/12/2008 @ 15:01:03, By CarChasesFanatic
Ugh, I hate roundabouts, they're so annoying. I don't think there should be any in the US. No one (including me) knows how to use them. I almost got hit by an Audi the other day when I was pulling into one. I thought that he would stop for me, but appearantly I was the one who was supposed to stop for him. They're just the dumbest things, I don't see why there can't just be a traffic light or a 4-way stop. Maybe for Europe they're useful (as there seem to be a lot over there, especially in the UK) but in the US they are just pointless and confusing.
They are not confusing at all, by what you say your problem is rather that you don't know the rules when entering them

What's a 4-way stop by the way?
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 22/12/2008 @ 15:12:52, By antp
It is a crossroad where all the roads have a "stop" sign.
In Belgium/France (and Spain I guess) you usually have a main street which has priority on the other streets, or the cars coming from the right have priority.
But with the 4-way stops none of the streets have priority: it is the car coming first which passes first. I still wonder how that actually works (I think it would be impossible in our countries), but I guess it works if they use that
Latest Edition: 22/12/2008 @ 15:13:30
In Belgium/France (and Spain I guess) you usually have a main street which has priority on the other streets, or the cars coming from the right have priority.
But with the 4-way stops none of the streets have priority: it is the car coming first which passes first. I still wonder how that actually works (I think it would be impossible in our countries), but I guess it works if they use that

Latest Edition: 22/12/2008 @ 15:13:30
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 22/12/2008 @ 15:37:34, By taxiguy
How would it be immpossible? The car that comes first goes first, seems simple enough to me. And mind you that 4-way stops are only at low-volume intersections, any place with a lot of traffic would instead have a light.
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 22/12/2008 @ 15:57:36, By 58_Roadmaster
In theory and in practice, the roundabout or "traffic circle" is more efficient allowing more vehicles through an intersection in a given amount of time than would be possible with a traffic signal.
However, in the U.S., the traffic circle is only now becoming more common. It has been my observation that these are usually installed at the request of developers in an attempt to gentrify the neighborhood and therefore raise property values.
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=cottage+grove,+mn&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=41.360684,67.851563&ie=UTF8&ll=44.814379,-92.934463&spn=0.001134,0.002071&t=h&z=19&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=44.814323,-92.934556&panoid=5y9zmeRqYAyvjxjYQzb50g&cbp=12,284.9173038236558,,0,6.011245224- 529233
However, in the U.S., the traffic circle is only now becoming more common. It has been my observation that these are usually installed at the request of developers in an attempt to gentrify the neighborhood and therefore raise property values.
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=cottage+grove,+mn&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=41.360684,67.851563&ie=UTF8&ll=44.814379,-92.934463&spn=0.001134,0.002071&t=h&z=19&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=44.814323,-92.934556&panoid=5y9zmeRqYAyvjxjYQzb50g&cbp=12,284.9173038236558,,0,6.011245224- 529233
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 22/12/2008 @ 16:42:16, By antp
How would it be immpossible?
Due to the way people drive

In Brussels it is already common that cars pass when the light is "well orange", or even when it just passed red...
Latest Edition: 22/12/2008 @ 16:42:39
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 22/12/2008 @ 17:25:56, By CarChasesFanatic
It is a crossroad where all the roads have a "stop" sign.
In Belgium/France (and Spain I guess) you usually have a main street which has priority on the other streets, or the cars coming from the right have priority.
But with the 4-way stops none of the streets have priority: it is the car coming first which passes first. I still wonder how that actually works (I think it would be impossible in our countries), but I guess it works if they use that
In Belgium/France (and Spain I guess) you usually have a main street which has priority on the other streets, or the cars coming from the right have priority.
But with the 4-way stops none of the streets have priority: it is the car coming first which passes first. I still wonder how that actually works (I think it would be impossible in our countries), but I guess it works if they use that


Due to the way people drive

In Brussels it is already common that cars pass when the light is "well orange", or even when it just passed red...
Totally agreed

Your thoughts on Horns
Published 22/12/2008 @ 18:10:55, By taxiguy
My god, from the way you talk about how people drive in Europe it sounds like they're on crack or something
The image of someone speeding to a stop sign in order to get to go first is just simply ridiculous to me, I can't beleive for a second anyone would ever do that. In fact it is often quite the opposite. It is a common practice for a person who is a at a stop sign to be curteous and wave the other person by first, even if that person has the priority to go first. It's just considered a nice thing to do, I do it quite often at 4-way stops.
Latest Edition: 22/12/2008 @ 18:11:54

Latest Edition: 22/12/2008 @ 18:11:54
Your thoughts on Horns
Published 22/12/2008 @ 18:17:12, By antp
Well that's european-latin way of driving