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[done] Olsen-bandens sidste bedrifter
Published 13/01/2009 @ 00:53:30, By Pibwl
New film: Olsen-bandens sidste bedrifter, 1974,

The gang's trademark: 1959 Chevrolet (Bel Air, if I am not wrong) - 4 stars

Latest Edition: 17/01/2009 @ 21:56:48
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Olsen-bandens sidste bedrifter
Published 14/01/2009 @ 16:25:58, By Pibwl
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Olsen-bandens sidste bedrifter
Published 14/01/2009 @ 17:28:18, By Pibwl
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Olsen-bandens sidste bedrifter
Published 14/01/2009 @ 17:52:22, By ingo
the orange van is a ford taunus transit, the other one something japanese, toyota hiace, i guess.

in one olsen-banden-movie is a scene, where a van brokes into a half - the van they have bought for 25 öre- it was a hanomag.
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Olsen-bandens sidste bedrifter
Published 14/01/2009 @ 22:18:24, By Pibwl
Ford Taunus(?), 3 stars - used by main characters

Newer Taunus, 2 stars

I don't know if these were among police cars used in the movie, or just as a background; good photos anyway:

Poor shot of Mercedes van, 2 stars
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Olsen-bandens sidste bedrifter
Published 14/01/2009 @ 23:14:49, By taxiguy
The Marquis is a 1971-72 model
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Olsen-bandens sidste bedrifter
Published 15/01/2009 @ 00:06:05, By Pibwl
Mercedes taxi, 2 stars

Motorbike, 2 stars:

Police BMWs, 2 stars

There remained only some background shots.

Latest Edition: 17/01/2009 @ 09:51:31
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Olsen-bandens sidste bedrifter
Published 17/01/2009 @ 10:04:06, By Pibwl
Background in a very short scene:

Very often shown background:

Background in short scene:

Swiss Police Volvo, in a quick motion only, 2 stars

And I think that's all worth mentioning in a movie.
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Olsen-bandens sidste bedrifter
Published 17/01/2009 @ 17:40:38, By ingo
background 1:
mercedes t1 -406 or so
scania, i guess

background 2:
red austin(?) mini
simca 1100, 1974, i guess
vw t1 "samba"-bus, unoriginal repainted
vw t2 transporter
opel rekord c
volvo pv
volvo amazon

background 3:
1970+ VW 1600 variant
volvo amazon
ca.1963 vw typ1
1971 ford taunus tc1
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Olsen-bandens sidste bedrifter
Published 17/01/2009 @ 21:30:31, By Pibwl
You skipped Cadillac.
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