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Anyone know what this might be?
Published 03/02/2009 @ 13:06:05, By dragonboy3000
This is a sneak peek at Bree's next new car from the upcoming episode of desperate housewives. They all oohh and aahh at it, one of thems jealous, theo ther wishes they had one. IIt has to be something really nice for this; i think.
All ive got is part of the bonnet, windshield, and part of the right hand rear interior.
Any one got any ideas at all as to what it might be?

Latest Edition: 03/02/2009 @ 13:15:57
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Anyone know what this might be?
Published 04/02/2009 @ 03:07:39, By taxiguy
The rear end shot shows it's a Nissan Altima
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Anyone know what this might be?
Published 04/02/2009 @ 03:45:45, By 58_Roadmaster
I think the bottom image shows only the hood. It looks like it will rear-end the Altima.
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Anyone know what this might be?
Published 04/02/2009 @ 09:14:17, By dragonboy3000
Not the altima, thats lynette's car, the black car is what im hoping to be identified before sunday night's show.
Roadmaster had the right idea and it was the opposite, lynette in her altima, reverses into Bree's new car.

Latest Edition: 04/02/2009 @ 09:15:03
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Anyone know what this might be?
Published 04/02/2009 @ 09:48:44, By 58_Roadmaster
Kind of a boxy front-end. Bentley or Chrysler 300? I can't imagine Bree in a Dodge Charger for that matter.
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Anyone know what this might be?
Published 04/02/2009 @ 09:55:29, By dragonboy3000
Id ont think chrysler 300, shes already had one, could be a bentley.
But that blue interior on the door, not very betleyish. I really dont think it is identifiable with just those three pics, but just threw it out there anyway just to see what people thought

Latest Edition: 04/02/2009 @ 09:57:32
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Anyone know what this might be?
Published 04/02/2009 @ 13:44:07, By ville84
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Anyone know what this might be?
Published 04/02/2009 @ 13:49:33, By dragonboy3000
It could be, but i didnt think it would make sense, since we've already seen her driving one, and now suddenly two episodes later it decides to make its "debut", although there is no denying that that interior youve shown is DEFINITELY it. So maybe she got it a few episodes ago, and shes only now deciding to show it off to her friends, with that picture youve shown, im guessing that must be it, and they're jealous cos its so luxurious and 'green' since its a hybrid.
Thnx ville

Latest Edition: 04/02/2009 @ 13:53:18
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Anyone know what this might be?
Published 09/10/2009 @ 10:32:21, By mikeross
I see those are nissan altima parts.. particularly the rear end looks really like it. If not, probably a chrysler. But for me it really looks like an altima.

Latest Edition: 13/10/2009 @ 05:34:34
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Anyone know what this might be?
Published 09/10/2009 @ 13:44:50, By dragonboy3000
A bit redundant now, i probably should have confirmed that it was the LS600h,
specifically this one,
THe altima was something different.

Latest Edition: 09/10/2009 @ 13:45:20
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Anyone know what this might be?
Published 10/10/2009 @ 05:33:35, By Step Van Fan
this is a newer Nissan Altima....
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