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Graphic novel movie
Published 08/05/2009 @ 02:50:44, By Snookie
Okay guys! Sorry about the mishap yesterday! Made a movie of my graphic novel yesterday on moviemaker, and posted it on youtube...check it out, feel free to comment.

Cars featured include:

1982 Ford LTD-S Chicago Police **
1989 Ford LTD Crown Victoria U.S. Treasury***
1975 GMC T8H 5307 'A' Chicago Transit Authority**
1990 Olds Custom Cruiser***
1990 Pontiac Grand Prix STE****
1981 Chevrolet Impala 9C1 Chicago Police**
1988 Chevrolet Caprice 9C1 Chicago Police**
1986 Chevrolet Caprice 9C1 Chicago Police****
1976 Pontiac Grand Prix*

I rated them as I would on this site.


Latest Edition: 08/05/2009 @ 03:40:56
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Graphic novel movie
Published 08/05/2009 @ 08:11:16, By marioman3138
Wow! very good!-can't wait for the next one!

P.S. If that was relaesed as a comic/novel-I would buy it most definatly
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Graphic novel movie
Published 08/05/2009 @ 09:34:59, By antp
nice :smile:
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Graphic novel movie
Published 08/05/2009 @ 23:13:19, By Snookie
Thanks guys! And that's only part one! I wonder if Ford Guy has seen it yet?
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Graphic novel movie
Published 09/05/2009 @ 14:16:16, By Toenz
Impressive work - I like your style and look forward to part II!
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Graphic novel movie
Published 10/05/2009 @ 00:57:00, By Snookie
Thank you all. I'd like to think all of you on this site also had part of this project too.
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Graphic novel movie
Published 12/05/2009 @ 02:58:17, By Snookie
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Graphic novel movie
Published 24/05/2009 @ 01:51:10, By Snookie
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Graphic novel movie
Published 24/05/2009 @ 01:58:45, By CarChasesFanatic
Terminator? :tongue:
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Graphic novel movie
Published 24/05/2009 @ 19:08:09, By Snookie
In a Bugs Bunny voice:

"That's right! You win the $64 question!"

Latest Edition: 24/05/2009 @ 19:08:37
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