Old contributions (archive) » [done] My Best Friend Is a Vampire (1988)
[done] My Best Friend Is a Vampire (1988)
Published 09/05/2009 @ 11:44:34, By Jale
VW Cabriolet (****)
Ford (**)
Ford Econoline 150 (****)
BMW (*)
(left) (*)
(left) (**)
BMW 735i (***)
(right) (*)
Chevrolet Camaro (*)
Pontiac (**)
cabriolet (left) (*)
red sport (*)
and the little ones:
left (*)
left (*)
right (*)
Honda? (*)
SUV (*)
and perhaps second car from picture with Camaro, and Ford Aerostar from picture with red sport
Latest Edition: 11/05/2009 @ 00:08:37
VW Cabriolet (****)

Ford (**)

Ford Econoline 150 (****)


BMW (*)


(left) (*)



(left) (**)

BMW 735i (***)




(right) (*)

Chevrolet Camaro (*)

Pontiac (**)



cabriolet (left) (*)

red sport (*)





and the little ones:
left (*)

left (*)

right (*)

Honda? (*)

SUV (*)

and perhaps second car from picture with Camaro, and Ford Aerostar from picture with red sport
Latest Edition: 11/05/2009 @ 00:08:37
My Best Friend Is a Vampire (1988)
Published 09/05/2009 @ 16:12:52, By Ddey65
My Best Friend Is a Vampire (1988)
Published 11/05/2009 @ 00:08:00, By ahight