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I bought a new car !
Published 30/05/2009 @ 22:52:09, By ingo
I mean you. :wink:

Even if Raul would live closer to the sea, it's not that bad, because the Baltic Sea has less salt -especially up in the Finland-area- than the Atlantic Ocean or the North Sea.

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I bought a new car !
Published 31/05/2009 @ 01:06:14, By CarChasesFanatic
Ah well even if so we've never had any problems with salt nor having to take special care of the cars because of this, in fact you rarely see rusty cars in here :think:
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I bought a new car !
Published 05/06/2009 @ 13:06:11, By garco
Nice transportation. It's huge :smile:
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I bought a new car !
Published 15/08/2010 @ 22:32:09, By Raul1983
I sold my Dodge :cry:

Now I only have one car.
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I bought a new car !
Published 18/08/2010 @ 07:12:54, By owlman
Very cool Lincoln :grin:

Here in Texas if the car is 25+ years old you can register it as a classic car, which costs $15 more per year than normal registration. But in my opinion the only benefit to the classic registration is so you can use license plates from the original year of manufacture. I don't know why anyone would pay the extra $15/yr just to get those boring "Classic Auto" plates.

Latest Edition: 18/08/2010 @ 07:14:04
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I bought a new car !
Published 25/08/2010 @ 23:38:52, By BeanBandit
That is a lovely car, I used to love these Continentals watching the exploits of Frank Cannon as a kid, especially the concealable headlights and the vinyl roof with tiny oval opera windows were, and still are cool details in my mind.
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I bought a new car !
Published 18/11/2011 @ 13:03:14, By Raul1983
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I bought a new car !
Published 18/11/2011 @ 14:24:27, By antp
nice :smile:
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I bought a new car !
Published 18/11/2011 @ 18:50:36, By Neptune
Nice indeed. A handsome E39. Does it have BMW’s ASC+T (Automatic Stability Control + Traction Control) system?

Our BMW 325i (E36) had that as an optional extra. It might have been standard on the 5-Series. If so you’ll like it. It really helped in poor winter weather driving.
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I bought a new car !
Published 04/12/2011 @ 18:42:51, By ingo
Not me, but my wife has a new car since yesterday.

She dropped her dreaming about a new Nissan Quashqai, a Mitsubishi ASX or a one-year-old VW Tiguan. Then would be no money left for vacations or so, and it seems, that in the next time she wont get a homeoffice like me, so she decided to purchase the car with the best fuel efficiency. It was a randomly found lucky pull in the Internet, so she had bought it for putting into the garage. She hopes, that her 2000' Astra G DTi will face the upcoming salty glaze-months. As long the engine is only rattling and can be started again after the increasing shutdowns, she will keep it.
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I bought a new car !
Published 05/12/2011 @ 14:51:04, By antp
nice VW plate :grin:
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I bought a new car !
Published 06/12/2011 @ 19:14:26, By G-MANN
She dropped her dreaming about a new Nissan Quashqai, a Mitsubishi ASX or a one-year-old VW Tiguan.

You wouldn't have liked that, would you? :grin: Or to you are they really no worse than most other new cars? (you once said you haven't really liked any car made since the early 80s)
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I bought a new car !
Published 06/12/2011 @ 21:55:53, By ingo
Naah, it wouldn't be bad for me. In fact I don't really care about them at all. It's her car, her decision. Although we are married, cars are separated. Everyone buys his own car and pays the costs for it on his own.
The main interest for her is, to have a car with a low fuel consumption for her daily way to work and back of 130 km. And she's not a real classic car fan. Sure, she likes some (not the K 70, but I don't care about that), but the daily usage is the main thing.

Sure, I don't love my Vauxhall, as the Omega, the Passat and other all-day-cars, I had before, too. I like it, I have fun with it, but I'm not a fan of it. I need them for all-day-driving, but not for hobby or pleasure.
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