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[Done] Xia ri fu xing (1985)
Published 03/06/2009 @ 18:14:06, By Lateef
This is the last of the 'My Lucky Stars' films. I think this one is the best because here they mainly focused on the fight scenes rather than the dry but enjoyable humour.

Number one in the series:
Number two in the series:


In order of appearance:

Mercedes-Benz O 303, two stars

Toyota Hiace, one star

1980 Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse [W126] (Haven't I seen this before?:, three stars

NYK (New make, origin AUS), two stars

Meyers Manx?, one star

Some Jaguars, one star

1984 Mitsubishi Colt Turbo, three stars

1977 Holden Premier [HZ], three stars

Unknown, one star

Yamaha unknown, three stars

Unknown, two stars

Unknown, one star

Unknown, one star

Unknown, one star

Unknown, two stars

Latest Edition: 11/06/2009 @ 11:52:41
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Xia ri fu xing (1985)
Published 03/06/2009 @ 21:18:52, By Gag Halfrunt
The correct aspect ratio is 1.85:1, according to the IMDB:
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Xia ri fu xing (1985)
Published 04/06/2009 @ 09:08:04, By Lateef
Is because I cut the black borders. Also notice I own the Digital Remastered version :wink:
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Xia ri fu xing (1985)
Published 04/06/2009 @ 09:11:02, By antp
Is because I cut the black borders.

That does not explain why the pictures are too flat :grin:
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Xia ri fu xing (1985)
Published 04/06/2009 @ 10:18:00, By Lateef
That's the problem? What shall I do about it then?

I'm sorry I give you all these sorts of troubles, but I'm new to this and therefore I'm unsure what to do if the images are to fat/flat/long/short/big/small/unreliable/copyrighted and so forth.
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Xia ri fu xing (1985)
Published 04/06/2009 @ 11:00:55, By antp
They will have be resized to be added to the site anyway (since >720 pixels wide) so not a big problem for this time, but how can I give hint except that proportions of cars should look good? :grin:
When you remove borders, you should also resize it to 720 pixels wide if it is bigger than that. And for the height, it depends on what ratio the movie should have. It can either be taken from IMDB (not always reliable) or guessed, to find what gives the best proportions. There are few details on

Latest Edition: 04/06/2009 @ 11:01:11
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Xia ri fu xing (1985)
Published 04/06/2009 @ 11:40:47, By Lateef
Antoine, did you notice that the first two captures (the bus and the Hiace) differ from the others? That's because I took a screenshot rather than taking a snapshot from the VLC media player (as I did to the others). They look pretty 'normal' to me, what do you think?
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Xia ri fu xing (1985)
Published 04/06/2009 @ 12:01:16, By antp
By doing a screenshot you are sure that the image is the same as the one shown on your screen, as long as the ratio was good there :grin: But it is probably easier for you to use the capture function of the program, and then resize all pictures later with XnView or other similar program.
Are the picture from a DVD or is it a video file (divx or so)?

Latest Edition: 04/06/2009 @ 12:02:07
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Xia ri fu xing (1985)
Published 04/06/2009 @ 12:21:06, By Lateef
Right. The images are taken from a DVD.

Anyway, I will not upload any films until my other pictures are posted on the page.

Latest Edition: 04/06/2009 @ 16:43:28
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Xia ri fu xing (1985)
Published 11/06/2009 @ 11:15:46, By vilero
I hadn't seen this post before. I have just download a torrent of it in spanish (El Regreso de los Supercamorristas)

:cry: :cry: :cry:
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Xia ri fu xing (1985)
Published 11/06/2009 @ 11:51:17, By vilero

Hiace far and obstructed; cars seen in pictures (as your 'Meyers Manx?, one star') only can be added in comments of the movie. Cannot get its own page. The pic after the bus too dark to be added. The Jaguars too far and littles.
I have not found any australian NYK brand for the ground conveyor so, initially, is 'unknown'.

The pics are with DVD quality (not HD), so must be reduced to 720.

And using (i use it, but only for thumbnails in comments) the system doesn't recognize the link to the image and i must save before the image in my PC. So, as you are doing lately, please use imageshack.

PS as usual you can add extra pics in comments

Latest Edition: 11/06/2009 @ 12:00:33
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