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The end of Belgian plates
Published 16/04/2014 @ 01:00:07, By chicomarx
But then you'd have to pay twice, to DIV 1000 euro for a perso register and to the owner no less than that.
Still that's what this site is trying to do arrange buying and selling...
Still that's what this site is trying to do arrange buying and selling...
The end of Belgian plates
Published 16/04/2014 @ 11:27:04, By antp
But then you'd have to pay twice, to DIV 1000 euro for a perso register and to the owner no less than that.
That's the price to pay for a very special plate...
Like domain names on the web, the price can increase quickly.
The few very short domains ( ) are probably very valuable.
Incredible that it took 13 years to register all 2-letter .com (1985-1998), I guess that for the 2-letter Belgian plates it won't take very long...
Latest Edition: 16/04/2014 @ 11:30:24
The end of Belgian plates
Published 13/05/2014 @ 10:10:14, By antp
A nice collection of personalized plates:
The end of Belgian plates
Published 14/05/2014 @ 04:01:03, By ElSaxo

A fake or someone did really allowed such letters combination?

The end of Belgian plates
Published 14/05/2014 @ 10:40:41, By antp
"fuck" was forbidden, but they do not block anagrams
The end of Belgian plates
Published 19/06/2014 @ 14:24:00, By Exiv96
That page is so depressing. It's mostly premium german cars, Jaguars, Range Rovers, matt paint, body kits, big exhausts, and an utter lack of imagination. Just Me, Me, Me...
I know, I know, with a price tag of 1000 euros, those plates attract a certain public with no financial or ego problems. But still, instead of buying a plate to show their personality, their imagination, they buy one to show they have none of those, just money, hence all those 1- or 2-character plates for initials, or a first name.
And then there's the offensive plate of that Cayman. Very informative, that one. It tells us it's probably owned by an offensive person.

The end of Belgian plates
Published 19/06/2014 @ 15:15:57, By antp
There are some on more ordinary cars.
e.g. & (both cars belong to a couple, there was a pic of both on the facebook page)
This one is funny:
(I guess it is owned by the garage)
Or sometimes even on cars cheaper than the plate itself, e.g. :
Latest Edition: 19/06/2014 @ 15:17:18
e.g. & (both cars belong to a couple, there was a pic of both on the facebook page)
This one is funny:
(I guess it is owned by the garage)
Or sometimes even on cars cheaper than the plate itself, e.g. :
Latest Edition: 19/06/2014 @ 15:17:18
The end of Belgian plates
Published 18/08/2014 @ 23:26:18, By antp
They introduced a lot of new plates prefixes, replacing the "1-" of normal series :
I find that good, but I wonder why they didn't think to that when starting the new plates
I find that good, but I wonder why they didn't think to that when starting the new plates

The end of Belgian plates
Published 19/08/2014 @ 01:55:27, By chicomarx
It's a bit messy, but not more than usual.
4 letters and 3 numbers offers more combinations than 3 letters and 4 numbers.
Someone at the ministry must have found that out after two years.
4 letters and 3 numbers offers more combinations than 3 letters and 4 numbers.
Someone at the ministry must have found that out after two years.
The end of Belgian plates
Published 14/09/2014 @ 19:52:26, By ingo
The end of Belgian plates
Published 15/09/2014 @ 00:03:04, By antp
L-sticker on old plate: someone who is learning to drive with the parents' car or grandparents' car.
For example I learned to drive my my mother's car, putting the L-sticker on it when I was driving and removing it when she was using it (or some people just leave it all the time in such case).
1CCC777 plate: well it is a normal plate, like there would be 1BBB555 or any other series of all identical characters.
You have the same luck to have that plate than any other regular plate, it is just that some look more special than others.
I do not understand what you mean with the plates on garage doors
You see that everywhere in Belgium: it is to show that only the cars with these plates can park in front of it.
It is even explicitly mentioned in the Traffic Code:
rough translation:
"It is forbidden to park a vehicle:
- in front of a carriage way of a property, except those whose licence plate is reproduced at that access"
If you do not put that on the door but park your car in front of it, a cop passing there might give you a ticket as he can't know if the car can genuinely park there. But I doubt it happens unless someone complains about the car
Latest Edition: 15/09/2014 @ 00:08:59
For example I learned to drive my my mother's car, putting the L-sticker on it when I was driving and removing it when she was using it (or some people just leave it all the time in such case).
1CCC777 plate: well it is a normal plate, like there would be 1BBB555 or any other series of all identical characters.
You have the same luck to have that plate than any other regular plate, it is just that some look more special than others.
I do not understand what you mean with the plates on garage doors

You see that everywhere in Belgium: it is to show that only the cars with these plates can park in front of it.
It is even explicitly mentioned in the Traffic Code:
Article 25– Interdiction de stationnement
25.1.Il est interdit de mettre un véhicule en stationnement :
3°devant les accès carrossables des propriétés, à l'exception des véhicules dont le signe d'immatriculation est
reproduit lisiblement à ces accès;
25.1.Il est interdit de mettre un véhicule en stationnement :
3°devant les accès carrossables des propriétés, à l'exception des véhicules dont le signe d'immatriculation est
reproduit lisiblement à ces accès;
Artikel 25– Parkeerverbod
25.1.Het is verboden een voertuig te parkeren :
3°voor de inrij van eigendommen, behalve de voertuigen waarvan het inschrijvingsteken leesbaar op die inrij
is aangebracht;
25.1.Het is verboden een voertuig te parkeren :
3°voor de inrij van eigendommen, behalve de voertuigen waarvan het inschrijvingsteken leesbaar op die inrij
is aangebracht;
rough translation:
"It is forbidden to park a vehicle:
- in front of a carriage way of a property, except those whose licence plate is reproduced at that access"
If you do not put that on the door but park your car in front of it, a cop passing there might give you a ticket as he can't know if the car can genuinely park there. But I doubt it happens unless someone complains about the car

Latest Edition: 15/09/2014 @ 00:08:59
The end of Belgian plates
Published 16/09/2014 @ 23:58:36, By ingo
I do not understand what you mean with the plates on garage doors

You see that everywhere in Belgium: it is to show that only the cars with these plates can park in front of it.
It is even explicitly mentioned in the Traffic Code:
rough translation:
"It is forbidden to park a vehicle:
- in front of a carriage way of a property, except those whose licence plate is reproduced at that access"
If you do not put that on the door but park your car in front of it, a cop passing there might give you a ticket as he can't know if the car can genuinely park there. But I doubt it happens unless someone complains about the car

Ah, the Belgian laws are different than the German ones. In Germany it's generally forbidden to park a vehicle in front of any property-gateways, garage-doors and where there are lowered curbstones. In small streets it's even prohibited to park on the other side, that entering that property/garage/entry is not possible.
There's no exception for the property-owner. So when you park your own car on the public street, blocking your own property-entry, you will get a ticket.
If you do not put that on the door but park your car in front of it, a cop passing there might give you a ticket as he can't know if the car can genuinely park there. But I doubt it happens unless someone complains about the car

In Germany the town councils and municipal offices are controlling the stationary traffic, the police only in coherence with criminal delicts.
And the parking-controls are very intensive and widespreaded - because it's a money-thing. Although it's always gainsaid, in fact the town councils and village-communities are always very keen on that, because it brings good money, constantly into their purses.
Also many speeding-cameras, either the stationary in the boxes or the mobile in the cars, were run by them.
I'm living in the periphery of a village, but in a where parking is only allowed in the marked parking-lots - the lady of the municipal office checks our street several times per week...
Latest Edition: 17/09/2014 @ 00:11:57
The end of Belgian plates
Published 17/09/2014 @ 00:43:33, By eLMeR
You see that everywhere in Belgium: it is to show that only the cars with these plates can park in front of it.
You'll see sometime the same think in France, and people really think they're within their rights to do it, but it's illegal (fr). French people and their huge knowledge of the laws...

Latest Edition: 17/09/2014 @ 00:47:26
The end of Belgian plates
Published 17/09/2014 @ 11:21:09, By antp
It seems logical to be able to park in front of its own garage (as long as it is a street where you can normally park, of course), so for that the Belgian law is once well made...
The end of Belgian plates
Published 17/09/2014 @ 22:12:33, By eLMeR
In France, it must be a rest of the "abolition of the privileges" (fr) of the 1789 revolution: no one can appropriate the public road (among other things)...
I never said the French law was well made
Latest Edition: 17/09/2014 @ 22:15:55
I never said the French law was well made

Latest Edition: 17/09/2014 @ 22:15:55
The end of Belgian plates
Published 29/11/2014 @ 00:51:05, By chicomarx
Brit pays 650,000 euros for a license plate:
The end of Belgian plates
Published 10/01/2015 @ 17:57:31, By ingo
The end of Belgian plates
Published 23/10/2019 @ 03:07:24, By eLMeR
Belgian custom plates must have 1 to 8 characters, with at least 1 letter. This plate is therefore street legal, as said in the caption
(Excerpt of the last issue of Autoretro)
Latest Edition: 23/10/2019 @ 03:09:43

(Excerpt of the last issue of Autoretro)
Latest Edition: 23/10/2019 @ 03:09:43