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search by model year?
Published 22/11/2009 @ 21:31:12, By tv boy
Is there a way to do that?
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search by model year?
Published 22/11/2009 @ 22:49:10, By antp
No, I really should add that.
Currently you can change the sort order of the search result to set it by year (drop-down lists on the results page), and try to find the year range that you wish by browsing pages.
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search by model year?
Published 23/11/2009 @ 17:15:17, By stronghold
I've asked antp at least twice, over the past couple of years ...but you're always busy :smile:
To me that's one of the more important searches and should be on the site.
Also, even if we don't know an exact year for a vehicle, surely there's a way of giving a general (rough idea) for the year range, be it 1930's, 40's, 50's etc...

Latest Edition: 23/11/2009 @ 17:19:16
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search by model year?
Published 23/11/2009 @ 18:00:33, By antp
I should simply add two year fields in the search form: from & to.
If you want an exact year fill both with same year, else just fill one of the two or both.
It is not hard to do, but the to do list if full of such things :grin:
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search by model year?
Published 23/11/2009 @ 18:06:50, By antp
As usual, if I do not do it immediately I never do it. So this time I did it immediately. It is done, there are new "from" and "to" fields on the search page (in advanced search) :grin:
I know, it is sad to make things wait when they can be done in 5 min...

Latest Edition: 23/11/2009 @ 18:07:30
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search by model year?
Published 23/11/2009 @ 21:45:16, By tv boy
Thank you very much!
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search by model year?
Published 24/11/2009 @ 21:34:52, By stronghold
Thanks from me also! :wink: :banan:
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