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Maintenance of 31 January
Published 05/02/2010 @ 11:59:03, By antp
When OVH tech support will stop sleeping...

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Maintenance of 31 January
Published 05/02/2010 @ 13:31:08, By wickey
Antoine, don't mean to bother you, but how about to swicht to other host or own server? In case you will need some money support for that I believe that there will be more people (including me of course), who will send you something. I have a friend that have a company that hosts domains etc (I am not an expert, so I hope you know what I mean :smile: ) and I think he will help us. Only problem is, that he is here in Slovakia. If you want, please send me some technical specs of what you want and I will ask him.
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Maintenance of 31 January
Published 05/02/2010 @ 13:32:23, By ingo
...I'm going some IMCDB's 'cold turkey' :sick125: :evilfuck:

Me, too...

Probably there is no hope, that it will work before this weekend. I've made the experience, that the week of these computer- and phone-maintenance-freaks always ends at Friday Noon...
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Maintenance of 31 January
Published 05/02/2010 @ 13:35:27, By antp
Money is not much a problem, it is rather time & knowledge: I can't run a dedicated server myself. That's why I use shared hosting, as I do not have to handle the maintenance and configuration of the server.
I wanted to switch to Swiss hosting "Infomaniak" but imcdb may have some legal issue with Swiss laws. I should find a good host in USA, with the "fair use" law it would probably be OK.

It is not possible that this server does not work: they have so many clients, it must be possible to get that working.
And anyway even if I wanted to move right now, I can't, except losing this week's changes: the database server has to be accessible if I want to get the data :grin:
Of course if once it is working again it fails once a day like what it was doing at the beginning of the week, it would be time to think to move the site elsewhere... (though that it is annoying to move just after having paid, but the most important is having a working site).

Wickey (or someone else), here are the current tech infos of the site:
Currently the site uses about 10 GB of disk space for pictures (current limit = 250 GB). Nothing special is needed, I think, just the usual Apache web server for url-rewrite, and PHP and GD module enabled for handling images resizing.
The database size is currently 200 MB (limit was 250 MB until December, then 1000 when I first moved the database, and with current server it should not be limited... and it should be working). It requires mysql 5 or higher.

Traffic is above 300 GB/month now (current limit = 2000 GB).
Hosting costs 10 € / month for the site itself + 10 € / month for the database (VAT excluded).

After having tried to contact the support by e-mail and forum, I created a "ticket" on their site (as "critical", yesterday evening, with a max-12h-reply delay as they say), it just passed from "new" to "waiting"... so maybe they'll reply still today? I hope.

Latest Edition: 05/02/2010 @ 14:07:04
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Maintenance of 31 January
Published 05/02/2010 @ 14:02:23, By ingo
But going to an US-server, cannot it cause some problems due different national laws?
I'm just thinking about pics, which sometimes are provided by sixcyl... :think: :grin:
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Maintenance of 31 January
Published 05/02/2010 @ 14:04:27, By ingo
Oh, I'm just recognizing the details! :wam:

@wickey: is your avatar-pic original or faked? :sol:
And could you please show a "making of"-pic? :bogoss:

Latest Edition: 05/02/2010 @ 15:00:36
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Maintenance of 31 January
Published 05/02/2010 @ 14:08:16, By antp
Indeed in US some sixcyl-pics may cause problems... :grin:
But at least all the other pics should be safe (cf fair use), as EU laws are not clear about that.
Maybe hosting in Eastern Europe would be good then? :whistle: (though that now Slovakia is in EU too)

Latest Edition: 05/02/2010 @ 14:09:21
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Maintenance of 31 January
Published 05/02/2010 @ 14:59:39, By ingo
I'm not an expert in this, but I would prefer not to be hosted by an US-server (and so by US-laws, too), not only because of sixcyl's pics. Rather for principled reasons.
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Maintenance of 31 January
Published 05/02/2010 @ 15:05:51, By chicomarx
You need a liberal Dutch server like LeaseWeb.

Don't know if the prices are competitive though.
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Maintenance of 31 January
Published 05/02/2010 @ 15:11:14, By antp
But they offer either limited hosting (current site does not fit in it) or decidated server (which I can't manage, as I said)

The site is back, btw. I do not know for how long, though :grin:
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Maintenance / Connection problems
Published 05/02/2010 @ 15:43:29, By chris40
:fete: :cancan: :roi02: :mercipano:
I was just about to go cold turkey too ...
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Maintenance / Connection problems
Published 05/02/2010 @ 15:45:51, By vilero
Click Hendel while in another tab you get the IMCDB pages working


Latest Edition: 05/02/2010 @ 16:02:56
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Maintenance / Connection problems
Published 05/02/2010 @ 16:24:10, By chris40
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Maintenance / Connection problems
Published 05/02/2010 @ 21:35:13, By G-MANN
Is it OK to update film pages now? There's no chance of work being lost if something goes wrong again?

Latest Edition: 05/02/2010 @ 22:10:12
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Maintenance / Connection problems
Published 05/02/2010 @ 22:17:35, By antp
Being lost, I do not think so. In this case infos were lost only if we abandoned the current database instead of waiting.
I'll try to make a full backup tomorrow afternoon anyway. So if the site works and you want to update things, better do it before that :wink:
I have no idea if it will be down again in the next hours/days or if the problem is really fixed.
It seems that they will try to find a solution to prevent such problem from happening, we'll see.

Latest Edition: 05/02/2010 @ 22:18:30
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Maintenance / Connection problems
Published 06/02/2010 @ 02:42:37, By wickey
Oh, I'm just recognizing the details! :wam:

@wickey: is your avatar-pic original or faked? :sol:
And could you please show a "making of"-pic? :bogoss:

the avatar pic is probably original, but unfortunately not mine :smile: I found it on web somewhere, but was quite good back then as I owned very similar 850 in same colour :smile:
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Maintenance / Connection problems
Published 06/02/2010 @ 03:11:01, By G-MANN
I've seen that picture before on some humour websites. It's been around for a while.

Latest Edition: 06/02/2010 @ 03:11:19
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Maintenance / Connection problems
Published 06/02/2010 @ 04:24:20, By typhlosion
down again............. i can't even get on the site now!!! only the forum works!!!
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Maintenance / Connection problems
Published 06/02/2010 @ 05:31:31, By Ddey65
I would've been able to stay on the site if we hadn't got hit by lightning this afternoon. Now I can only go into the forum, which sucks, because I read that typhlosion bragged about finally loading up images from Funny Car Summer. Unfortunatly, I can't see any of them, and I can't even see the title listed.
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Maintenance / Connection problems
Published 06/02/2010 @ 06:05:26, By ProwlerX
I see other titles that have been "updated", but I couldn't get any access due to how the site is till in the midst of problems. This has turned out to be a very curious week indeed.
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Maintenance / Connection problems
Published 06/02/2010 @ 07:06:32, By electra225
I agree with ProwlerX: this week has been unual and worst. Even before we had problems, but it never was out in this way...!!!
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