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wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 16/02/2010 @ 13:25:28, By ingo
Oh, I forgot this SIKU-toy. I've never owned it in my childhood...
I think, it's named wrong in the auction, because these later Mustangs weren't called T5 over here.
Yes, it's very expensive, but NOS-toys from the 70ies in undamaged blister-packs indeed have such prices.
Hmm, I must ask around for it. Do you want to have a NOS one or an used one?
I have some connections to that guy: http://www.automodelle-hoeing.de/sys-seitenid,13/langid,2/
He's living not far away and I've organized a time ago really rare stuff from Japan and China for him. Let's see, if I can arrange something.
Btw.: is actual Mustang-stuff interesting for you? Maybe I can ask the small Ford-dealer in our village: http://www.autohaus-boewing.de/
Until now I've seen only two US-Ford's here, two actual Mustang's, he's using as company car. Maybe he has some Mustang-related stuff.
But obviously no toys. I cann see a Mustang at "Ford Boutique". Anyways, it's always useful to ask around.
I also can ask the dealer in the next town: http://www.autohaus.ford.de/mohag/dorsten/
@wickey: MOHAG has also Volvo. Shall I look for Volvo-stuff? I think, it will not me much different from the stuff at you dealer, but you never know it before. Or are you only interested in older, classic Volvo's?
I think, it's named wrong in the auction, because these later Mustangs weren't called T5 over here.
Yes, it's very expensive, but NOS-toys from the 70ies in undamaged blister-packs indeed have such prices.
Hmm, I must ask around for it. Do you want to have a NOS one or an used one?
I have some connections to that guy: http://www.automodelle-hoeing.de/sys-seitenid,13/langid,2/
He's living not far away and I've organized a time ago really rare stuff from Japan and China for him. Let's see, if I can arrange something.
Btw.: is actual Mustang-stuff interesting for you? Maybe I can ask the small Ford-dealer in our village: http://www.autohaus-boewing.de/
Until now I've seen only two US-Ford's here, two actual Mustang's, he's using as company car. Maybe he has some Mustang-related stuff.
But obviously no toys. I cann see a Mustang at "Ford Boutique". Anyways, it's always useful to ask around.
I also can ask the dealer in the next town: http://www.autohaus.ford.de/mohag/dorsten/
@wickey: MOHAG has also Volvo. Shall I look for Volvo-stuff? I think, it will not me much different from the stuff at you dealer, but you never know it before. Or are you only interested in older, classic Volvo's?
wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 16/02/2010 @ 13:52:15, By ingo
P.S. about the question, what I want for trading, I must think about. My problem is, that Australia is a K 70-free country.
A few years ago I got a picture of a wreck in a garden (sorry, I forgot the town, I think it was in the South), that's all.
Maybe you are able to find old Aussie-car-magazines wth something about the K 70 inside. But maybe I'm still owning them. I have "Wheels" Jan 71, "Motor Manual" Feb 71 and "Motor Manual" May 1985. In all three articles they have used photos from Germany, no car was imported for that.
Do you had "Auto Quartet"'s in the 70ies? In Europe it was quite popular. Some quartet-games from the early 70ies are including K 70, so this would be interesting for me, too.
Anyways, I'm in no hurry. It took sometimes years, until I've found again something great.
@wickey: what kind of motor-magazines do you had in Czechoslovakia? Would you have the chance to check the issues from 1969 to 1975, if there is something included for me? Even if there was no real import, sometimes there were notices.
@Weasel, @Jale, @rapid130: Polish magazines would be great, too.

Maybe you are able to find old Aussie-car-magazines wth something about the K 70 inside. But maybe I'm still owning them. I have "Wheels" Jan 71, "Motor Manual" Feb 71 and "Motor Manual" May 1985. In all three articles they have used photos from Germany, no car was imported for that.
Do you had "Auto Quartet"'s in the 70ies? In Europe it was quite popular. Some quartet-games from the early 70ies are including K 70, so this would be interesting for me, too.
Anyways, I'm in no hurry. It took sometimes years, until I've found again something great.

@wickey: what kind of motor-magazines do you had in Czechoslovakia? Would you have the chance to check the issues from 1969 to 1975, if there is something included for me? Even if there was no real import, sometimes there were notices.
@Weasel, @Jale, @rapid130: Polish magazines would be great, too.

wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 16/02/2010 @ 19:44:29, By wickey
what is MOHAG? I am a bit lost here
basically in those years there was Svet Motoru (world of motors) and Stop I believe.
Unfortunately I do not own these old magazines. There are sometimes whole Years for sale, but personally I am not that much interested in such magazines.
Latest Edition: 16/02/2010 @ 19:45:53

basically in those years there was Svet Motoru (world of motors) and Stop I believe.
Unfortunately I do not own these old magazines. There are sometimes whole Years for sale, but personally I am not that much interested in such magazines.
Latest Edition: 16/02/2010 @ 19:45:53
wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 16/02/2010 @ 20:48:00, By ingo
Oh sorry, MOHAG is the Ford/Volvo/Mitsubishi-dealer in the next town (the third link in my posting.
wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 16/02/2010 @ 22:23:49, By wickey
thx, nah, those new things are not interesting + I can buy them directly anywhere. Most interesting things for me are still the badges and chassis plates

wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 17/02/2010 @ 06:43:29, By marioman3138
ingo-There is this place http://www.motorbookworld.com/ its about an hour away. Maybe one day when I have no homework, I can go there. I'll also drive there, to get more hours. Have a look what they have, I can pick stuff up for you.
And the model car-any, pefer NOS, but a used would be great to.
Latest Edition: 17/02/2010 @ 06:45:41
And the model car-any, pefer NOS, but a used would be great to.
Latest Edition: 17/02/2010 @ 06:45:41
wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 17/02/2010 @ 09:25:38, By stronghold
Oh, I forgot this SIKU-toy. I've never owned it in my childhood...
I think, it's named wrong in the auction, because these later Mustangs weren't called T5 over here.
Yes, it's very expensive, but NOS-toys from the 70ies in undamaged blister-packs indeed have such prices.
I think, it's named wrong in the auction, because these later Mustangs weren't called T5 over here.
Yes, it's very expensive, but NOS-toys from the 70ies in undamaged blister-packs indeed have such prices.
I believe this is the Siku (V330) Ford Mustang T5 ingo is referring to:-

Not in great condition, This is in my collection (Not for trade!) Just to show you what it looks like

wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 18/02/2010 @ 06:58:46, By marioman3138
That looks great! Do you have your website up and running? I want to see your collection. Also, I can keep my eye out (for anyone) for Aussie realeted/only realesed cars. Anything you want? I'll post my model collection on my flickr when I take a photo.
wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 21/02/2010 @ 10:37:07, By stronghold
I'm still building my collection & still trying to find a good website programme ...for a bargain price.!!
I've tried several over the past couple of years (many free off the internet ...which mostly include advertising and i've found, don't do what I want them to do.!) I've also bought a few cheap ready made sites, but again ...not as expected, takes too long to load anything, hasn't got scrolling pages or in some cases having no page links etc ... Just not up to scratch and would look pretty hopeless compared to some of the sites out there.! (I'm not a perfectionist, but I do want something which looks good & is easy enough to use & update)
All professionally made/ordered websites cost hundreds of pounds here in the UK, beyond my means ..especially with all my buying (I had been offline for almost half the year 2009, due first to No connection problems which couldn't be found January to March & offline again while I saved/bought a new pc (...offline from june/july till the end of september)
I have a 'proper' fibre-optic broadband connection now.
I've now got approx.7000 photos which are ready to add to a website (..and atleast another 6000 photos which need a bit of work before they're ready ...cropping, resizing, renaming etc...)
It's getting there, but still after all these years ..Not there yet.!
I'm always looking out for more cars.
My main collection is in the Matchbox, Hot Wheels, Majorette, Siku type scale ...which is generally called 1/64th or 3 inch (roughly 70mm to 80mm long)
Australian releases and related are pretty hard to come by (I only have one 'Biante' Holden in my collection and I also have a box set of 'HSV' cars off of E-bay) apart from that, I've only got the regular releases from Matchbox & Hot Wheels (Ie: Matchbox's 1970's Holden ute (aka- Ruff Trek), Their 1950's Holden van, 1990's Ford Falcon and both of Hot Wheels Holden Commodore's from the 1980's & 1990's.) ..also recently got a 1960's Holden ambulance by Fun Ho.
I've seen some nice 1970's Ford Falcon's by Biante and other brands on E-bay, but by the time you add postage to them, it's costing in the region of £15 to £20 each, which once again, I cannot afford!
If you get the chance to add photo's to flickr, i'd be interested to see them (and possibly trade, if you wish)
Latest Edition: 21/02/2010 @ 10:45:50
I've tried several over the past couple of years (many free off the internet ...which mostly include advertising and i've found, don't do what I want them to do.!) I've also bought a few cheap ready made sites, but again ...not as expected, takes too long to load anything, hasn't got scrolling pages or in some cases having no page links etc ... Just not up to scratch and would look pretty hopeless compared to some of the sites out there.! (I'm not a perfectionist, but I do want something which looks good & is easy enough to use & update)
All professionally made/ordered websites cost hundreds of pounds here in the UK, beyond my means ..especially with all my buying (I had been offline for almost half the year 2009, due first to No connection problems which couldn't be found January to March & offline again while I saved/bought a new pc (...offline from june/july till the end of september)
I have a 'proper' fibre-optic broadband connection now.
I've now got approx.7000 photos which are ready to add to a website (..and atleast another 6000 photos which need a bit of work before they're ready ...cropping, resizing, renaming etc...)
It's getting there, but still after all these years ..Not there yet.!
I'm always looking out for more cars.
My main collection is in the Matchbox, Hot Wheels, Majorette, Siku type scale ...which is generally called 1/64th or 3 inch (roughly 70mm to 80mm long)
Australian releases and related are pretty hard to come by (I only have one 'Biante' Holden in my collection and I also have a box set of 'HSV' cars off of E-bay) apart from that, I've only got the regular releases from Matchbox & Hot Wheels (Ie: Matchbox's 1970's Holden ute (aka- Ruff Trek), Their 1950's Holden van, 1990's Ford Falcon and both of Hot Wheels Holden Commodore's from the 1980's & 1990's.) ..also recently got a 1960's Holden ambulance by Fun Ho.
I've seen some nice 1970's Ford Falcon's by Biante and other brands on E-bay, but by the time you add postage to them, it's costing in the region of £15 to £20 each, which once again, I cannot afford!
If you get the chance to add photo's to flickr, i'd be interested to see them (and possibly trade, if you wish)
Latest Edition: 21/02/2010 @ 10:45:50
wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 23/02/2010 @ 06:17:28, By marioman3138
I'll try (when I have a break in homework) to upload some pics of my collection to flickr. Just have to take photos. I'll probaly do shelf by shelf (be around 15) plus I can do closeups if wanted.
wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 23/02/2010 @ 12:12:32, By ingo
@marioman & Antoine: yesterday I got the letter including the Swedish stamps. They are reserved for you.
For those, who are collectiing 1:43-scale-models, I have a special offer, too. I got from my Japanese friend a packet with some original NOS MÄRKLIN-Audi 100 Coupé S - from the original RAK-series, not the actual retro-made stuff! I'll sell them at eBay soon, but if anyone has a personal reservation, please let me know. I'll make photos in the next day, right now I've no time for it.
These MÄRKLIN-toys have a special story, too.
In the past I had some more of them, also a lot of VW K 70 from the RAK-series, all from Japan. Why from there, you may ask?
No kidding, it was a real "surprise-discovery" more than 10 years ago.
There were two guys in Tokyo in the early 70ies, who started to import West German made toy-models. But the business doesn't went well, so after a time they closed the shop. Many boxes with MÄRKLIN-RAK-toys were stored in a hidden room in the background. The following shop-owner has put a board before the door, so it was getting forgotten. Randomly it was found again in the late 90ies. Everything still NOS, just a few boxes were fallen down after an earthquake. My friend has picked them all up and sold in Japan and many of them in the USA.
The Audi 100 Coupé and the K 70 were left over - because the original cars weren't sold in the USA, so the Audi- and VW-freaks have preferred the other models, which they have known.
Otherwise: some of the previous Audi's, I've sold at eBay between 2001 and 2004, were bought from US-guys.

For those, who are collectiing 1:43-scale-models, I have a special offer, too. I got from my Japanese friend a packet with some original NOS MÄRKLIN-Audi 100 Coupé S - from the original RAK-series, not the actual retro-made stuff! I'll sell them at eBay soon, but if anyone has a personal reservation, please let me know. I'll make photos in the next day, right now I've no time for it.
These MÄRKLIN-toys have a special story, too.

No kidding, it was a real "surprise-discovery" more than 10 years ago.

The Audi 100 Coupé and the K 70 were left over - because the original cars weren't sold in the USA, so the Audi- and VW-freaks have preferred the other models, which they have known.
Otherwise: some of the previous Audi's, I've sold at eBay between 2001 and 2004, were bought from US-guys.
wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 23/02/2010 @ 20:13:33, By antp
Thanks for the stamps
About the Audi 100 Coupé, very nice car, but I have it from Minichamps, it is enough for me ( http://www.antp.be/pic/miniatures/00000456.jpg )

About the Audi 100 Coupé, very nice car, but I have it from Minichamps, it is enough for me ( http://www.antp.be/pic/miniatures/00000456.jpg )
wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 24/02/2010 @ 14:48:16, By ingo
My Japanese friend had made a business-trip to the Minichamps-factory. It's not really perfect there...

wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 25/02/2010 @ 13:12:02, By CarChasesFanatic
Will you make the pictures to those cars Ingo?

wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 25/02/2010 @ 19:26:52, By ingo
For sure. Probably on Saturday I'll have time for it.
wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 07/03/2010 @ 18:02:32, By ingo
This is the first auction:
http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=310205244226&ssPageName=STRK:M- ESELX:IT
It's one of the two damaged silvermetallic ones. Except them I have four more silvermetallic, three orange and three white ones.
http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=310205244226&ssPageName=STRK:M- ESELX:IT
It's one of the two damaged silvermetallic ones. Except them I have four more silvermetallic, three orange and three white ones.
wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 07/03/2010 @ 18:04:49, By CarChasesFanatic
What else do you have Ingo?
wickey & Volvo related stuff
Published 07/03/2010 @ 18:27:52, By ingo
Only these 12 Märklin-RAK Audi 100 Coupé S