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A Thousand Clowns (1965)
Published 09/02/2010 @ 03:43:31, By Ddey65
I'm still debating whether I should add vehichles the 1965 movie A Thousand Clowns, starring Jason Robards Jr., Barry Gordon, Barbara Harris, Martin Balsam, etcetera. There are two things getting in my way; 1)It's not available on DVD, and 2)Every vehicle is a background vehicle. On the other hand, so does Doubt. I don't know how many of you are familiar with this movie, but for those who are, do you think I should add it?

Latest Edition: 09/02/2010 @ 03:44:11
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A Thousand Clowns (1965)
Published 09/02/2010 @ 10:48:08, By antp
if some vehicles are well visible, why not add them?
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A Thousand Clowns (1965)
Published 25/02/2010 @ 19:36:26, By Ddey65
Ehh, it's the issue of not being able to capture images from VHS or homemade DVR discs.

BTW, I just remembered there was a scene where Jason Robards Jr., and Barry Gordon actually step off of a GMC "New Look" bus, so that's the only vehicle that rates more than one star.
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A Thousand Clowns (1965)
Published 25/02/2010 @ 20:14:00, By antp
If you do not have pics, then do not add it indeed :tongue:
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A Thousand Clowns (1965)
Published 10/04/2011 @ 01:17:01, By Ddey65
Lucky me; I found out it may be available on DVD at the end of April 2011:

UPDATE: I just started it today:

Latest Edition: 06/11/2011 @ 16:12:59
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