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[done] Den Brother
Published 20/06/2011 @ 02:21:32, By mkiker2089
I added the movie and included the IMDB numer code but it seems to have been deleted. I even had a picture of the yellow car. Can someone add this movie or tell me why my picture was deleted?
File: car1.jpg ( 32.7 KB - 574 )

Latest Edition: 20/06/2011 @ 15:51:24
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Den Brother
Published 20/06/2011 @ 02:23:31, By mkiker2089
Here's another picture if it helps identify it. If someone adds the movie and can make it stick the car is a three star importance. The Bumblebee troop rebuilds it as part of the story.
File: car2.jpg ( 39.2 KB - 522 )
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Den Brother
Published 20/06/2011 @ 15:50:59, By walter.
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