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[Done] Cupcake Parade Float in Victorious; Episode 2.11
Published 01/11/2011 @ 22:17:10, By Ddey65
Just out of curiosity, what was so wrong with my attempt to upload a made-for-movie vehicle in a recent episode of Victorious(2010, TV-Series)? It was a three-star vehicle because it contained the entire main cast, plus a recurring one, got a flat tire, was shaken up by a gang of hoodlums who were chased away by confetti cannons, and had the flat repaired by people who just looked like hoodlums.

Here are a few shots;

Latest Edition: 03/11/2011 @ 10:21:50
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Cupcake Parade Float in Victorious; Episode 2.11
Published 01/11/2011 @ 22:18:12, By Ddey65
I also wanted this one for the exterior when it started off at approximatley 4 mph;
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Cupcake Parade Float in Victorious; Episode 2.11
Published 01/11/2011 @ 22:19:14, By Ddey65
But I decided on this one because it had some exhaust fumes.

So why was it rejected?
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Cupcake Parade Float in Victorious; Episode 2.11
Published 03/11/2011 @ 06:23:43, By APS221
I don't know why it wasn't posted. It seems like it meets all of the guidelines at the bottom of the FAQ page.
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