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Naming conventions » Unidentified, but known vehicles
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Unidentified, but known vehicles
Published 07/11/2011 @ 04:45:45, By badlymad
I've noticed recently that there are a few vehicles in the unidentified section that users can positively identify, but only to an extent because they have badge engineered cousins (e.g the Chevrolet Blazer/GMC Jimmy, Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth Neon, K-Cars) and otherwise lack any distinguishable detail.

There is some precedent for naming vehicles under a generic name (GM C/K-Series for example), so this is just a thread to discuss what other vehicles could be called if we can't distinguish them from their twins.

Some recent examples:


Peugeot Partner/Citroen Jumper:

Latest Edition: 07/11/2011 @ 04:46:10
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Unidentified, but known vehicles
Published 07/11/2011 @ 10:27:37, By antp
In such case we pick a name randomly, if there isn't one more probable than the others.
For the 2nd link, it could be regrouped with

Latest Edition: 07/11/2011 @ 10:28:19
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