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New cars without black B-pillars?
Published 03/06/2012 @ 07:10:19, By owlman
Are there any new cars that are sold with painted body-colored B-pillars? Seems like everyone only has black ones.

...just random vehicular pondering... :petrus:
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New cars without black B-pillars?
Published 03/06/2012 @ 15:57:52, By Neptune
Just cars? Or any new vehicle?

As far a cars go here in the U.S., the Ford Mustang still has all body-colored roof support pillars (although that could change with the next redesign).

Some pickups, SUVs, and passenger/commercial vans (like the Chevrolet Express), have body-colored roof support pillars.
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New cars without black B-pillars?
Published 03/06/2012 @ 16:06:15, By Sandie
Some Skodas (Octavia, Roomster, Yeti) have body coloured pillars.
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New cars without black B-pillars?
Published 03/06/2012 @ 16:47:25, By owlman
Cool. I was thinking about sedans, but I guess coupes and traditional wagons with colored B-pillars also seem rare. Well, some of the non-traditional wagon styles like Roomster, Yeti, or Nissan Cube have them.

Octavia and Mustang are good examples.
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