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one of my stranger collections...
Published 21/03/2013 @ 21:36:37, By ingo
No. Not here. Look at the thread-title. It's about collections.

one of my stranger collections...
Published 21/03/2013 @ 21:39:26, By antp
I know, it is me who went off-topic, replying to you

one of my stranger collections...
Published 21/03/2013 @ 21:41:31, By Sandie
Ingo's emoticon:
Latest Edition: 21/03/2013 @ 21:41:53

Latest Edition: 21/03/2013 @ 21:41:53
one of my stranger collections...
Published 21/03/2013 @ 21:46:02, By ingo
It remembers me when at work we had to throw away lots of old archives: piles of papers taken out of binders.
In 1988 I was jobbing in the company, my father worked for. We had to clear off a storehouse, which was full with shelfs with old paper-files. Because they included privacy datas, we had put all into lockable, rollable aluminium-containers, and then roll them onto a 7.5-ton-truck.
The previous jobbers really managed it, to damage on of these truck. After they filled it completely with paper, the back axle cracked

one of my stranger collections...
Published 21/03/2013 @ 21:47:28, By ingo
I know, it is me who went off-topic, replying to you

You are still on-topic. Think about the problems of literature collectors. The weight is really a not unimportant point

one of my stranger collections...
Published 22/03/2013 @ 03:05:58, By rjluna2
Sandie's smiley icon really cracked me up

one of my stranger collections...
Published 22/03/2013 @ 05:15:15, By t0nkatracker
I still have mine. I should probably see what other ones I have to see if there are any that tonka wants.
yes I would be very grateful to see what you (or anyone else) have available and how much you want for them, as I only have 10 or so UK ones chances are you will have some that I don't although I only collect Haynes brand (and Bentley for VW)

one of my stranger collections...
Published 22/03/2013 @ 08:47:58, By ingo
as I only have 10 or so UK ones
Maybe a stupid question, but Haynes is an UK-publisher.

I'm not familiar with them, because there was never an issue for the K 70.
one of my stranger collections...
Published 22/03/2013 @ 10:03:50, By t0nkatracker
Maybe a stupid question, but Haynes is an UK-publisher.

I'm not familiar with them, because there was never an issue for the K 70.
yes Haynes was originally a UK publisher but now they have Publishers in USA, Australia and Sweden too. And the books sold in each country are only for cars sold in that market. For instance I can't buy a manual for a VW Polo here because they never sold the car in the USA. Even the manuals that are for the same cars are different. I have a USA Haynes Manual for the Golf/Jetta II and it is different from my manual for the UK Golf/Jetta II because of the different specifications in each country (just to give a quick example.) The newer manuals however are usually the same for all markets to save money, except a few added names and flipped images. I have one for a AUS market Toyota Camry and Holden Apollo and the image on the cover is the same as the US Corolla with the image reversed.
one of my stranger collections...
Published 22/03/2013 @ 12:24:33, By ingo
If I shall look for specific issues, let me know. Just make a short listing.
I like it to look for stuff for other people on those markets. For my car I already have all common collectibles, so with other orders the chance of having a successful day is much bigger
I like it to look for stuff for other people on those markets. For my car I already have all common collectibles, so with other orders the chance of having a successful day is much bigger

one of my stranger collections...
Published 22/03/2013 @ 12:54:52, By t0nkatracker
The main Haynes I am looking for are:
VW, Audi, Skoda, Seat
But only Haynes Manuals, the only European VW I have is Golf/Jetta II so I don't need that one but all others I am really looking for.
Latest Edition: 22/03/2013 @ 12:56:14
VW, Audi, Skoda, Seat

But only Haynes Manuals, the only European VW I have is Golf/Jetta II so I don't need that one but all others I am really looking for.
Latest Edition: 22/03/2013 @ 12:56:14
one of my stranger collections...
Published 22/03/2013 @ 20:38:53, By Sandie
The only VW one I have is one that covers MK1 Golfs, Jettas and Sciroccos, looking at it it also seems to cover US models so might not be too different from the American one:
I also have (and can immediately find):
Ford Sierra (4cyl petrol models)
Ford Fiesta (One book for MK1 and MK2 I think)
Bedford/Vauxhall Rascal/Suzuki Supercarry
Renault 20
Fiat 131 Mirafiori (In bad condition, probably due to necessary excessive use by previous owners)
Lada 1200, 1300, 1500 etc
Vauxhall Chevette
Vauxhall Astra/Belmont
Citroen 2CV (and various 2CV spin offs, beige so you can't read the writing on the side)
Yugo/Zastava (and various versions thereof)
I think I had more, but have either given them away or put them somewhere else I can't think of. Most of them have been sitting on a shelf for 10 years+.

I also have (and can immediately find):
Ford Sierra (4cyl petrol models)
Ford Fiesta (One book for MK1 and MK2 I think)
Bedford/Vauxhall Rascal/Suzuki Supercarry
Renault 20
Fiat 131 Mirafiori (In bad condition, probably due to necessary excessive use by previous owners)
Lada 1200, 1300, 1500 etc
Vauxhall Chevette
Vauxhall Astra/Belmont
Citroen 2CV (and various 2CV spin offs, beige so you can't read the writing on the side)
Yugo/Zastava (and various versions thereof)
I think I had more, but have either given them away or put them somewhere else I can't think of. Most of them have been sitting on a shelf for 10 years+.
one of my stranger collections...
Published 22/03/2013 @ 21:38:00, By t0nkatracker
hmmmmm out of that list the only ones I have are the Fiat 131 and the Yugo, so I would be interested in taking the others off of your hands
Just need to figure out what you want for them, and if you are willing to ship a box that big to the US (with me paying shipping of course)

one of my stranger collections...
Published 22/03/2013 @ 21:51:25, By Sandie
It'll be fine if you just cover the shipping and nothing more. I've had them for years and only paid something like 50p-£1 each for them when I bought them and can probably use the shelf space.
one of my stranger collections...
Published 23/03/2013 @ 12:57:51, By ingo
A propos repair manuals: are these known?
Right know randomly found in my newest eBay-purchase http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/201/img1292u.jpg/
Maybe I've not noticed them, because there was no K 70-issue. The only K 70-repair-manual in English, which I know, is the "Pocket Manual" from Peter Russek.

Right know randomly found in my newest eBay-purchase http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/201/img1292u.jpg/
Maybe I've not noticed them, because there was no K 70-issue. The only K 70-repair-manual in English, which I know, is the "Pocket Manual" from Peter Russek.
one of my stranger collections...
Published 03/07/2013 @ 13:38:59, By atom
one of my stranger collections...
Published 03/07/2013 @ 19:35:46, By ingo
one of my stranger collections...
Published 15/06/2015 @ 00:03:15, By ingo
As this thread is widely adequate for car-literature I'll show my random catch from yesterday here. Totally inconspicuous, but incredible interesting, when you had a look inside
It's a directory for the car-insurance, where all known as registrated car-, motorbike-, truck-, tractor- and bus-models in Germany are listed, from 1949 and 1951 (in the 1951-issued re special chapters for tracked vehicles and for vehicles, used by the Western Allied occupants
I've found listings of
every page offers surprises (incl. several misspelled names). Unbelievable, how interesing such a simple, nondescript list can be!
at trucks
is listed. And a plenty of curiosities more.
Latest Edition: 15/06/2015 @ 00:04:11

It's a directory for the car-insurance, where all known as registrated car-, motorbike-, truck-, tractor- and bus-models in Germany are listed, from 1949 and 1951 (in the 1951-issued re special chapters for tracked vehicles and for vehicles, used by the Western Allied occupants

I've found listings of
every page offers surprises (incl. several misspelled names). Unbelievable, how interesing such a simple, nondescript list can be!
at trucks
is listed. And a plenty of curiosities more.
Latest Edition: 15/06/2015 @ 00:04:11