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1960s UK vehicles identification
Published 24/05/2013 @ 00:45:12, By robi

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1960s UK vehicles identification
Published 24/05/2013 @ 00:45:57, By robi
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1960s UK vehicles identification
Published 24/05/2013 @ 00:46:42, By robi
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1960s UK vehicles identification
Published 24/05/2013 @ 00:47:51, By robi

(No idea, although the front looks very unique)
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1960s UK vehicles identification
Published 24/05/2013 @ 00:48:39, By robi
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1960s UK vehicles identification
Published 24/05/2013 @ 00:48:49, By ingo

(No idea, although the front looks very unique)

Daf 600 or Daffodil
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1960s UK vehicles identification
Published 24/05/2013 @ 00:49:28, By robi
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1960s UK vehicles identification
Published 24/05/2013 @ 00:50:11, By robi
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1960s UK vehicles identification
Published 24/05/2013 @ 00:50:58, By robi
That's it, thanks to anyone who spends time on these pages, I hope you like the pics :wink:
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1960s UK vehicles identification
Published 24/05/2013 @ 01:15:29, By Sandie
Indeed, I enjoyed looking at these.

Ones that I can identify (I'll leave the ones that are already at the pages mentioned by dsl.)

Austin A110 Westminster


(Maybe some Rootes-product? Car in front seems to be a Ford Anglia)

Bedford HA.

Anglia based Thames van.

(I have seen this somewhere before, but I cannot remember...)

As above.

Early P5.

Rover P6, probably a 2000.

Cortina MK1/Consul Cortina Estate, I think.


Ford Consul Cortina.


P5, maybe Coupe.

2000 Estate.


Thames 10cwt:

yes Elan.

Another Herald.

Standard Eight

Another Triumph Herald, this time a Convertible.

Another Cortina MK1, I think.


Morris/Austin FG:


Most interesting for me is the Sports car seen near the start of the thread. Hopefully someone can tell us what it is (as I said, I think Jensen 541S but am not certain).
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1960s UK vehicles identification
Published 24/05/2013 @ 01:29:07, By dsl

Both are Daimler Majestic, though different examples.

Agree with Sandie's ID of Jensen 541S in another photo. I spotted it in one of the imcdb pages and queried it then, though was thinking Ferrari on what I could see at that quality.

These pics generally are better and more complete than the ones we have. Can those films be upgraded? And is there another film (or more) in these photos? There's some good Rootesgems which could be pulled out and quite a bit else.
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1960s UK vehicles identification
Published 24/05/2013 @ 14:03:26, By robi
I think the other film was a documentary about the great train robbery, but on youtube the only showed the traffic scenes.
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1960s UK vehicles identification
Published 24/05/2013 @ 15:17:56, By veturilo 60's cars,buses, lorries in G.B.(and 50's, 40's...)

Latest Edition: 24/05/2013 @ 15:39:49
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