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Nude pics vs Google
Published 11/11/2014 @ 13:50:05, By antp
I don't know

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Nude pics vs Google
Published 16/01/2015 @ 22:38:15, By Gamer
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 16/01/2015 @ 22:40:12, By antp
I hope it is OK :grin:
In Brooklyn Nine-Nine it was easier, these were already pre-pixelated by the TV channel:
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 01/03/2015 @ 15:19:10, By ingo
Let's wait, until Gamer becomes a bit older. Then he will be angry about himself, that he plays the Inquisition in the past and has destroyed a plenty of interesting motifs with that stupid manner.
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 01/03/2015 @ 21:11:58, By Gamer
*BANG* Nnnnobody expects the Inquisition in the past!
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 03/03/2015 @ 15:27:04, By night cub
New entry from Galloper. How did it get approved?
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 03/03/2015 @ 16:49:13, By antp
indeed... I pixelated it :grin:
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 03/03/2015 @ 17:02:58, By mike962
indeed... I pixelated it :grin:

and suspend the admins who validate it ? :tinostar:
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 26/03/2015 @ 15:27:56, By Gamer
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 05/04/2015 @ 18:30:23, By Gamer
This could take years....

From now on, I'll use the :69: to report a nude pic. OK?
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 10/04/2015 @ 17:17:51, By Gamer
I just noticed this upload of mine. Is it problematic?
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 10/04/2015 @ 18:06:43, By antp
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 06/05/2015 @ 15:36:14, By Gamer
I just logged on to IMCDb...and was redirected to an ad with a smiling girl showing her naked breasts and the words "Warning: The following content is not intended for people under 18!" I was wondering why the page in the background was not beige, so I thought "Hmm, still stuck at the Google results page?" So I clicked the window...and came face to face with the ad.
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 06/05/2015 @ 16:25:50, By antp
Weird, there must be a problem with an ad (or something on your computer).
If you can give the URL to which you were redirected, I can try to block it.
There was a thread about ad problems:
But weren't you blocking ads anyway?

Latest Edition: 06/05/2015 @ 16:26:53
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 06/05/2015 @ 16:38:25, By Gamer
Not anymore...
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 16/07/2015 @ 19:21:01, By Gamer
And here's another, Ralph's thumbnail:
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 15/08/2015 @ 19:11:40, By Gamer
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 15/08/2015 @ 19:56:59, By antp
nothing is visible
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 15/08/2015 @ 21:44:21, By eLMeR
Except the shocking ad :grin:
File: UnderclassmanComment.jpg ( 36.0 KB - 716 )
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 15/08/2015 @ 21:49:48, By antp
What's that now... imageshack putting ads instead of dead images? :ohwell:

There are a few in the comments of that movie, probably a lot a little everywhere.
I really should make a script to recover images from the backups I have - many imageshack pics could be recovered I think.
Better not start deleting too many comments pics even if there are these ugly ads.

Latest Edition: 15/08/2015 @ 21:51:36
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Nude pics vs Google
Published 23/08/2015 @ 04:39:19, By DidierF
C'est moche, ces publicités (mais plus moche encore la disparition des photos de commentaire).

Chaque fois que j'en verrai qui t'avaient pour origine, antp, je laisserai un petit mot, tu pourras voir si tu peux rétablir ton ancienne image puis tu supprimeras mon message.

(Sinon, à voir ce que dénonce vertueusement et inlassablement notre petit camarade un peu bizarre, je prédis que d'ici trois ans, il massacrera des femmes — juste après ou juste avant de leur taillader des croix gammées sur le ventre ! Prenez bonne note de ma prophétie, les gars.)
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